Great Britain's Chaos - Part 3


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 17, 2022

Scripture Reading: Colossians 2:8

Are many Americans spoiled by philosophy, psychology and other subjects which use vain deceit?  If they are, who is spoiling them?  Is it philosophers who teach after the tradition of men; is it after the rudiments of the world?  So, we can conclude from this verse that such topics are evil teachings; for they are set in opposition to the doctrines of the Bible.

The Apostle Paul sent this warning to the Christians in Colossae, Turkey.  James Moffatt renders the same verse as, “Beware of anyone getting hold of you by means of a theosophy [a branch of philosophy] which is specious make believe, on the lines of human tradition.”

Georgia Guidestones Blown Up

A lot of this story was taken from the writing by Tony Mobilifonitis

The Guidestones were partially destroyed by an explosion.Georgia police are investigating a suspected bombing of the controversial Guidestones monument to globalism and population control.  A large part of the monument was shattered by an explosion in the early hours of July 6, (Wednesday, 2022) Eastern US standard time.

R U Woke? Part 11


Sermon notes by Jim Jester

July 10, 2022

SCRIPTURE TEXT: Judges 21:25

When Moses died, Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. The book of Joshua is the account of the family of God crossing over the Jordan River on dry ground and possessing all the land that God had given to them. Jehovah had fought for Israel; and the people who had lived in the land were either driven out or killed. The land was divided up among the tribes of Israel, just as God had promised.

The Secret

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 3, 2022

Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:16-19

Daniel was taken by his Assyrians captors to their country, but they choose this "seed of David" to be a ruler of Babylon. He lived a flawless life and the only sin his co-rulers could find was that he served his LORD God flawlessly.  Pastor Elmore contrasts his life with someone else.

Introduction to Luther's Quotes

by Pastor V. S. Herrell

History records that Martin Luther did not become fully aware of the character and threat of the atheistic Zionist Jew until relatively late in his reforming ministry.  Nevertheless, Luther did identify the Talmudic, atheistic Jew as the formidable anti-Christ and organized enemy of Christianity.  For this reason, the Zionist Jews would later declare that the road to world domination by the Jews had to go through Germany.  That was true for two reasons:

Who Returned to the Ukraine?

by Pastor Don Elmore

June 26, 2022

Matthew 23:33  “Ye serpents, ye generation [race or nation] of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell.”

“The people we today call ‘Jews’ are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, ‘that old serpent, the devil.’”  The above is a quote from an American preacher.  I will tell you who it was at the end of this short message as I have other quotes from him in the remainder of the article.


by Garry Maddox

June 26, 2022

Opening Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:14-22

  • Today, I will talk about idolatry and what it is.
  • I love studying+ the laws and commandants of God
  • Preview
  • First, I will explain idolatry
  • Second, I will talk about the laws in the bible against idolatry.
  • Thirdly, I will tell share how to break free from the sin of idolatry.
  • After the lesson, quiz and open discussion

2000 Mules

Promotion on the movie 2000 Mules

Have you seen the movie 2000 Mules?  If you live in a swing state, you really need to see this.

This is the Dinesh D'Souza production the media (including FOX and NEWSMAX) will not tell you about. This evidence of massive vote fraud he exposes in the 2020 election is quite shocking.  A well done movie, 2000 Mules (ballot carrier-stuffers) explains some technical subjects in a very clear, straightforward manner.

Based on the great work of the True the Vote organization headed by Catherine Engelbrecht, 2000 Mules shows two types of evidence which intertwine.  One is from the actual government surveillance videos of the mail-in ballot drop boxes. The second is geotracking, following the movements of the paid "mules", which is quite stunning. You will learn things you did not know before.  What you will find is proof that thousands of paid ballot stuffers were used across the country, particularly in the large liberal controlled cities of the key swing states.

The subjects covered here are still only a subset of the many ways that fraud was used in 2020. Yet, the movie concludes that the fraud exposed here in this manner alone was enough to swing the election.

The media infatuation with January 6 is just a distraction from the real election crimes the media are too scared to expose.

Our nation must not allow this to happen next time. We must be attentive to the voting, particularly in the swing states. Getting rid of the fraud ridden mail-in ballots would also surely help.


by Pastor Don Elmore

June 19, 2022

When I accepted my school position this summer, I was informed that there would be two holidays in the summer that there would be no school.  I wasn’t told what they were…I was just given the dates.  One was Monday, July 4th which I immediately recognized as a holiday.  The other one was Monday, June 20th.  I had no idea what holiday this was, but I knew that we had that day off.

Reading the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper after church last Sunday (6/12), I came upon an article entitled, “What to know about Juneteenth.”



by Walter Giddings

June 19, 2022

The Partaker Doctrine is not often preached.  It is quite near non-existent in Churchianity!  Would that make our children believe it is not in The Bible? The English translation “partakers” from the Koine Greek, appears 22 times; “partaker”, in the singular appears 8 times. 

This is a followup to the message "Koinonia" given on March 20, 2022.  In today's message, Walter discusses that while the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine, symbols of the Lord's Supper. have no intrinsic power of themselves, it is his belief that there is power generated by our choice to show Christ’s death through the observance of the Lord's Supper. Walter also admonishes that we should be careful in what and who we partake with.