Dispensationalism vs. Christian Identity Theology - Part 3

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 19, 2023

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:11-12:

11) “Wherefore remember that ye [kingdoms of the ten-tribe House of Israel] being in time past Gentiles [kingdoms of the 10-tribe House of Israel] in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands [kingdom of the House of Judah];

12) That at that time [of more than seven centuries of being divorced] ye [kingdoms of the ten-tribe House of Israel] were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:”


Dispensationalism is a very popular and widespread way of studying the Bible. But it only originated in the late 1500s with the pen of one of the Catholic Jesuits.  It was picked up two-and-a-half centuries later in the teachings of John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brethren in the United Kingdom and Ireland.  Then the doctrine was spread through the channels of:

  • The writings and speeches of Darby and Americans James Inglis, James H. Brookes, Dwight L. Moody, Cyrus I. Scofield, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Harry A. Ironsides, Arno C. Gaebelein, J. R. Graves, Billy Graham, R. A. Torrey, Gary North, Pat Robertson, Renald Showers, D. J. Kennedy, R. C. Sproul, Arthur Pink, etc.
  • A series of major prophecy conferences in the 1880s,
  • The more than 100 Bible institutes founded in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century,
  • Publication of the Scofield Reference Bible which was published in 1909.

Scofield had many flaws in his life.  He took a false oath of office, accepted bribes, deserted his first wife, Leontine, and daughters Abigail and Marie-Helene and failed to provide for them, committed fraud and forgery, failed to pay notes, refused, even as a Christian minister, to make restitution to those he had defrauded, conferred a doctorate on himself. His first pastorate was at Dallas, Texas, where he built up one of the wealthiest and most aristocratic church organizations in the state, influenced by pastor James H. Brookes, who introduced Scofield and Moody to Darby when he visited St. Louis five times.  Scofield Reference Bible contains many of Darby’s notes as well as Arno C. Gaebelein, another person who was influenced by Brookes, who is responsible for the prophetic writings contained in Scofield’s version of the Bible, as well as J. R. Graves, and so on, and so on.  Later in his life, Scofield influenced Lewis Sperry Chafer, who founded Dallas Theological Seminary, which produced dispensational preachers who were graduates of that seminary—Chuck Swindoll, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, J. Vernon McGee, Hal Lindsey, John Hagee and Bruce Wilkinson. 

The modern teaching of a secret rapture of the church, a seven-year tribulation, and a literal thousand-year reign of Christ on earth are not found in the Bible.  It goes back to the falsification of the Bible by the Jesuits, which influenced centuries later, John N. Darby, Edward Irving, and a fifteen-year-old orphan, Margaret MacDonald, James H. Brookes, D. L. Moody, Cyrus I. Scofield, and today most of the fundamental Christian churches.

One of the Jesuit priests, Francisco Ribera, in 1585 AD, published a commentary on Babylon and the antichrist that taught that Daniel’s 70th week was in the future.  Ribera’s purpose was the one purpose of the Jesuits: to counter the Protestant Reformation and to set aside the Protestant teaching that the papacy was the antichrist.  He put the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation in the first century.  The rest of the book he put in the future, which included a three-and-one-half-year period at the end of time, a Jewish temple which would be rebuilt by an antichrist who would deny Christ, pretend to be God and conquer the world, and a thousand year reign of God on the earth.  All made up in the mind of one of the enemies of God.

Clarence Larkin, a famous dispensationalist, admitted that the material he got for his many prophetic charts came from the Jewish/Jesuit Francisco Ribera.  Thousands of sincere ministers have used these charts not dreaming where the facts presented came from or for what purpose they were intended.  The damage Ribera did to the Christian church with this concocted teaching is beyond calculation!  All the Protestant Reformers, such as Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wycliffe, Hus, Cranmer, Tyndale, and Knox did not believe any of these deliberate deceptive instructions.   

Most Dispensationalists teach seven dispensations:  They are:

  • Innocence: from the Creation to the Fall,
  • Conscience: from the Fall to Noah’s Flood,
  • Human Government: From the flood to Tower of Babel,
  • Promise: from Abraham to Moses,
  • Law: from Moses to Christ,
  • Grace; from Christ to the Rapture, and
  • Kingdom: from the return of Christ to the end of the Millennium.

Most Dispensationalists teach seven dispensations: Innocence. Conscience, Human Government, Promise, Law, Grace and Kingdom.Dispensationalists say that at the end of Dispensation five (Law), Christ came to earth and offered to restore the kingdom of heaven to the Jews, an earthly reign predicted in Old Testament prophecy. The Jews, however, failed the test of faith in the Messiah and were judged by being dispersed among the nations. Christ postponed the kingdom restoration of the Jews until the Millennium (Dispensation seven, Kingdom) and has proceeded in the meantime to establish the Christian church among the Gentiles (Dispensation six, Grace).

Near the end of history, however, the Gentile [non-Jewish] church will be taken to heaven in the secret Rapture.  This will be followed by a seven-year tribulation on earth during which a mass conversion of Jews will take place. Then Christ will return to Jerusalem with His saints to rule the world for a thousand years with the Jews at the head of the nations. At the end of the millennium there will be one final satanic revolt, Christ and his forces will crush the enemy [what enemy?], and God will usher in the new heaven and earth.  Both redeemed Jews and Gentiles will populate the new universe, but the Jews will never lose their distinct identity and status.

Ribera, who along with most of the Jesuits in the beginning of their organization, were Jews or crypto-Jews.  He taught that what had happened to one group of people, he explained it away, and instead said that it took place with another.  He mis-identified the different people of the Bible and placed certain events into the future.  It took over two centuries for his false beliefs to catch on, but now it is believed by millions of individuals who are in the churches today.  The Jesuits won their war:  The Protestant Reformation has been eradicated.

And even the dispensationalists disagree among themselves, for there are differences of opinion on how many dispensations there are and what they should be called.   While belief in seven dispensations is held by many, others say there are anywhere from four to eight dispensations.  

Although dispensationalism is best known for its eschatological doctrines, at its heart is the distinction between the Jews and the church. Every other distinctively dispensationalist doctrine rests on this idea.

What does every dispensational doctrine rest on—it is the distinction between the Jews and the church!   What do the dispensationalists say about these two different groups who they identify as being the two peoples of God?  The one is prominent in the Old Testament (Covenant) and the other is the focus in the New Testament (Covenant).  What this distinction means for dispensationalists is that there are two different peoples of God whose salvation is achieved in different ways.

  • First are the Jews (they are associated in the dispensationalist’s mind with being the same as Israel); the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  The dispensationalists don’t distinguish between Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hassidic, Ethiopian, Mizrahi, reformed, orthodox, or conservative Jews, etc.   They just say that they are the people of God of the Old Testament.  They ignore the in-fighting between the different types of Jews.  Their origin is unknown to the dispensationalists.  They are silent on their “holy” books of the Talmud and Kabbalah.  Their salvation is based on obedience to the Mosaic Law.
  • The church (Jew and Gentile) is the other. It consists of all those of anybody of the earth who are saved between the Day of Pentecost (50 days after the resurrection of Jesus) and the Rapture (sometime in the future). They don’t distinguish between Eastern and Western Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Mennonite, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Arminian, Calvinistic, dispensationalists, futurists, historicist, or idealist Christian, etc. They ignore that there are different churches that teach opposing and contradictory doctrines.  This is the people of God of the New Testament.  Their salvation is based on faith, alone.  Is it really the multi-racial church?

The dispensationalists say that part of the reason for the pre-tribulation Rapture is to remove the church from the earth so that God can begin dealing with the Jews again.  Dispensationalists prove this new thesis by considering that the olive tree, in Romans 11, is an analogy of all true believers in God the Father.   In this passage, they say that Paul is addressing Gentile [non-Jewish] believers and urging them not to be arrogant toward Jewish believers. 

Dispensationalists say that the olive tree represents the believing Jews.  Unbelieving Jewish branches (the Pharisees, Priests, Sadducees, etc.) have been broken off this tree by God, leaving only good branches (believing remnant Jews).  Believing Gentiles [non-Jews] have been grafted into this one tree so that it now consists of believing Jews and Gentiles

Paul says to Gentile (or non-Jewish) believers in Ephesians 2:11-22 that they used to be: “separated from Christalienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world” (v. 12).

If that’s what they used to be, the implication is that the opposite of each is true of these Gentile believers now. They are now part of the commonwealth of Israel and partakers of the covenants precisely because they’ve been grafted into the one tree representing the one people of God. Paul goes on to say explicitly in verses 19 and following that these Gentiles are “no longer strangers and aliens, but you [Gentiles] are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).


Christian-Identity theology says that it is the formerly divorced House of Israel that had been separated from the covenant for almost seven centuries, that are now, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, able to be part of the covenant blessings that they once enjoyed with the House of Judah.  Israel is rejoined once again by both Houses.

In Galatians 3:16, dispensationalists say that the Apostle Paul explains that “the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring.” They then explicitly identify the offspring as Jesus Christ.

Galatian 3:16 “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made.  He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, AND TO THY SEED, which is Christ [anointed].

But note what they then add a few sentences later in verse 29:

Galatians 3:29 “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.”

The Dispensationalists say that Paul defines Abraham’s seed in terms of Jesus Christ. Christ is a literal physical descendant of Abraham. However, because believers, whether Jew or Gentile, are united to Christ, everyone are Abraham’s offspring (either physical or spiritual) if they belong to Christ.

The election of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the story of the chosen people were understood in the generation of Christ, in whom all lineage distinctions cease.  The Jesuits say (in the book, The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews; Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus; by Robert Aleksander Maryks, pages 8, 9),

That: “Christ saved both Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews], for they are united as one people by the virtue of regenerative baptism, as St. Paul already stressed: ‘For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ have become clothed with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither servant nor free; there is neither male nor female.  For you are all one in Christ Jesus: (Galatians 3:27-29).’” 

Christian-Identity disagrees with what the Dispensationalists/Jesuits say about Galatians 3:16 and 3:29. The Apostle Paul is teaching that the promises were made between Abraham and his seed (singular), not seeds (plural).  Abraham had three different seed lines with three different women:

(1) Hagar

(2) Sarah, and

(3) Keturah

He had one son with Hagar, one son with Sarah; and after Sarah died, he had six more sons with Keturah.  The Apostle Paul was saying that the promises go only with the son that was the offspring of Abraham and Sarah, i.e. Isaac, not the other seven. 

The Apostle is saying that the promises were not made with Abraham and Jesus Christ; but with Abraham and Isaac.  Practically all translations mistranslate the word “Christos” as Jesus Christ instead of “anointed.”  Jesus Christ, when translated correctly, is Jesus the anointed One. 

The verse should be translated as:

Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham the promises have been spoken, and to his offspring.  It does not say ‘and to offsprings’, as of many; but as of one: ‘and to your offspring,’ which are anointed” [Christogenea New Testament.]

The word christos means “anointed one” and can refer to someone who has been especially chosen by God to fulfill a function or complete a specific task such as a king, priest or prophet.    Isaac was anointed to be the seed that inherited the promises of his father, Abraham.

Second, Galatians 3:29 no way teaches that anyone who is of any one of the different races in the world, can be a believer of the true gospel.  The dispensationalists say that they are part of the “spiritual” heirs of the promises of Abraham—which is totally incorrect.  This is one main reason that they fail to teach the “gospel of the kingdom.”

Christian-Identity theology believes that one must be the pure physical offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be a believer.  Everyone else is not part of the promise that was given to Abraham.  The seed line of the Jews, who are descendants of Cain, Canaan, Esau, Idumeans are the poisonous seed line of the devil.  They are not one of the peoples of God, but a deceitful enemy whose goal is to annihilate the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

1)  When did dispensationalism begin?

It was around 1830 that belief in this interpretation began in earnest.  What else was happening in the world shortly before or after this time in history? 

  • United States negotiates the Louisiana Purchase from France for $15 million.  United States doubles its territory.
  • Haiti becomes independent of French rule; becomes the first black nation to gain its freedom from European colonial rule.
  • United States fights a war with Great Britain over the closing of the 20-year charter of the First National Bank of the United States (Jewish usury bank).  The war ends in a tie and the Second National Bank is chartered for another 20 years because the United States ran up so much debt in fighting the War.
  • The process is repeated with the non-renewal of the Second National Bank’s 20-year charter.  This time the bank is closed for over 70 years.
  • The Napoleon War was over in Europe and the Jews had gained their complete control over both the Stock Market and the Bank of England.
  • Napoleon had declared emancipation of the Jews in France for the first time in European history.  This gave the Jews an equal status to the current citizens and gave them the right to not only vote but to hold office and gain certain prodigious jobs.
  • Joseph Smith got his vision to start his restoration church as did the Christian Church and Church of Christ denominations.
  • Karl Marx and Friederichs Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto.
  • “Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860” —Encyclopedia Judaica, 1971, Vol., 10:23. 
  • The Jesuits were formally suppressed as a religious order by Pope Clement XVI in 1773. They were fully restored in 1814 by Pope Pius VII.
  • Dispensationalism, written by a Jesuit, began to be exploited into Christianity.

1800s is way too late for any new doctrine of Christianity to be true.  It was unknown to Christians for the first 1800 years of its existence.  Any modern-day Jew who claims to believe the Old Testament and yet rejects Christ Jesus as LORD and God, rejects the Old Testament also.  But these antichrists believe in the Talmud and the Kabbalah, not the Old Testament!

Because the dispensational structuring of history was unknown to the Church prior to 1830, the dispensationalists’ claim to be “righty dividing the Word of Truth” by structuring history that way implies that no one until then had “rightly divided” God’s Word.   That means that every Christian pastor, evangelists and teacher did not divide the Word of God correctly until the Dispensationalists divided it in 1830.

2) The dispensationalists distinguish wrongly between the Jew and the Gentile. 

The dispensationalists consider that they are one of the two peoples of God separated by the two covenants or Testaments.  But this is their big mistake.  There are not two peoples of God; one of the Old Testament and the other of the New Testament.  The true people of God, i.e. Israel, are the one people of God of both Testaments/Covenants.  The dispensationalists have misidentified the two eternal enemies and called them both the people of God.

They have been enemies since the Garden and are in a fight to the death.  Jew and Israel are not synonyms of each other, but they should be distinguished as being from different seed lines and having great enmity in their hearts one towards the other (Genesis 3:15).

The dispensationalists don’t distinguish between the different types of Jews or the different types of Christian Churches.  The Jews themselves, say that they are descended from the tribe and/or the kingdom of Judah; not from the kingdom of Israel (ten-tribe Israel).

From jewfaq.org, Who is a Jew?

“The word ‘Jew’ (in Hebrew, ‘Yehudi’) is derived from the name Judah, which was the name of one of Jacob’s twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel, which was named after him. Likewise, the word Judaism literally means ‘Judah-ism,’ that is, the religion of the Yehudim.”

All the many different types of Jews are never said to be descended from the Kingdom of Israel (ten-tribe Israel; the northern kingdom).   That’s because the kingdom of Israel was no longer living in the land of Palestine, when the Idumeans entered it. 

So how is “Jew” supposed to represent Israel when the Jews themselves say that they are only descended from 1/6 of all of Israel, and that is untrue too?  The world wrongly teaches that the people who were the kingdom of the house of Israel no longer exist.  That’s one reason why the Jews claim to be descended from Judah.  Another reason is that David of the House of Judah was granted by His LORD to be the “king over the House of Israel.”  It gives the Jew its falsified political power among Bible believers.

The Edom/Idumeans (later Jews) were dwelling in the Kingdom of Judah, along with the true tribes of Judah; Judah, Levi and Benjamin, when the Kingdom of Israel had been dispersed from the area north of where they were living (Judea) over 700 years previously.  The Jews were descended from Esau known as the Idumeans.  The first time the word “Jews” is mentioned in the Bible; it does not refer to Jews but to Judeans.  It is not until:

2 Kings 16:6: “At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews [Judeans] from Elath:  and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.”

Syria and Israel [house of Israel] besieged Ahaz, king of Judah, at Jerusalem.  During this war, Syria conquered Elath and drove the Jews [Judeans], from Elath. 

Since the words “Jew” or “Jews” are not mentioned in the Bible until 2 Kings, none of the following were ever called “Jew” in the Bible; because they weren’t:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Reuben, Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh, Naphtali, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Levi, Simeon, Dan, Judah, Gad, Moses, David, Nathan, Elijah, Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Joshua, Aaron, Daniel, Hosea, Ezekiel, Isaiah, in fact, the whole congregation of the children of Israel who were slaves in Egypt, who were assembled before Mt. Sinai, who were assembled at Shiloh and who set up the tabernacle in Jerusalem, etc.  They were known as either Hebrews or Israelites.

3)  Dispensationalism’s core claim is that the Jews and the Church must be carefully distinguished.  

The followers of Ribera claim that God has two different peoples with similar destinies—one, the Jew, remarries the God the Father, the other, the church, marries the God the Son.  These marriages both occur in the future, but at different times; one in the tribulation period, the other in the millennial.  Their entire theory rests on the precarious position that the Church is a (parenthesis) in the history of redemption. 

But if the dispensationalists say that the Jews are descended from the kingdom of Judah and the Gentiles are everyone else who is not a Jew, then who are the ten-tribes of Israel (Simeon, Reuben, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim and Manasseh) descended from?   They were a part of the Kingdom of Israel until they split into two separate kingdoms during the days of Solomon’s son.  Since they were the birthright kingdom, wouldn’t they still be in existence?  Are they of Israel or are they non-Israelites?

They were never called “Jews”, but they were for many centuries called “Israelites” and “Hebrews.”  In fact, they were known as the House of Israel until that kingdom ceased to exist when they were taken into captivity by the Syrians, Edomites and mainly the Assyrians.  

When we read verses like Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:  for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew [Judean; House of Judah] first, and also to the Greek [House of Israel].” Do you agree with the Dispensationalists/Jesuits that the Jews are the Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Hassidic, Ethiopian, Mizrahi Jews and the Greeks are everyone else in the world?   And to them (Jews) came one plan of salvation and to the other (Gentiles) came another different plan?  The word “Greeks” does not say that they were Greeks by race or that they were non-Israelites.  The Concordances suggest that they were “Greek speaking.”  There is no explanation ever presented to support the view that “Greeks” means all the “non-Jewish” races.  For example, are the Incas non-Greeks and non-Jewish?  So how does the term “Greeks” mean all non-Jews?

Or is the Apostle Paul saying that “Jew” [Judean] and “Greek” refer to the physical descendants of Jacob, i.e. the House of Judah and the House of Israel?  They both are physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

4)  The Dispensationalists say that the people of God of the Old Testament (the Jews), even though the word was not used in Scripture, were saved as a reward for their obedience, their works, their good conformance to the laws of the Old Testament. 

Dispensationalists assert that the Jews are saved by obedience to the Mosaic Law.  But God eventually decided that a new approach was needed, primarily because the ancient Israelite nation could not maintain their obligations. As a group, they were simply unfaithful to God.  Thus, God decided that He would forge a new pathway for salvation through His Son Jesus Christ

Dispensationalists are content to concede that under the old plan, salvation was only possible if one were a Jew.  But now, any one from any race of humankind can become a “spiritual Israelite” if they simply believe that Jesus is the Son of God.  That is something new.

But what about the so-called lost 10 tribes of Israel?  Are they saved under the Law or under faith only?  What did the Apostle Paul mean when he defended himself before king Agrippa?

Acts 26:7: “Unto which promise our twelve [not three] tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come.  For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews [wicked seed Judeans].


In Hosea, chapter one, is the story of Hosea, the prophet of God and Gomer, his wife.  They were living in the days of Jeroboam II, king of Israel and they had three children together.

  • A son, named Jezreel:  for the house of Israel would cease to be a kingdom.
  • A daughter, named Loruhamah: for God would have no more mercy upon the House of Israel.  But then He says the opposite to the House of Judah—He will have mercy upon that House.
  • A son, named Loammi: for the House of Israel will not be My people and I will not be their God.

When did all of this happen to the House of Israel?  They ceased to be a kingdom when the LORD showed no more mercy on them.  When did God show no more mercy to the House of Israel but showed mercy to the House of Judah?

God showed no more mercy to the House of Israel when he brought the Syrians and later the Assyrian Empire to defeat and lead the House of Israel captive.  After they were led captive, the House of Israel was no more a nation.  They were separated from their God.  They had no hope.  They were given divorce papers by Almighty God.

But God did have mercy on the House of Judah.  Assyria took captive all the House of Judah except for the city of Jerusalem.  Many from the countryside escaped capture and fled to the capital city of Jerusalem for safety.  Then the Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem and simply waited for the Israelites to starve to death. 

At this time the Assyrians were the most powerful army in the world.  The House of Israel was no more; the House of Judah was about to be destroyed too.  But God had mercy on the House of Judah (Hosea 1:7). 

How did God have mercy on the House of Judah?  The LORD God did not give to the House of Judah the same punishment He gave to the House of Israel; for He spared the House of Judah from complete destruction and captivity. 

At this time of their impending doom, King Hezekiah didn’t know what to do.  The king rent his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went to the house of the LORD.  He also sent for God’s prophet, Isaiah, and asked him for help.

The King of Assyria sent a letter to King Hezekiah which said that their LORD God could not deliver them.  He might as well surrender. 

King Hezekiah received the letter and read it.  He then went directly up to the house of the LORD and spread the letter before Him.  Then Hezekiah prayed unto the LORD, saying, that He was the only true God on the earth…save us from the hand of the wicked Assyrians. 

The LORD of Israel answered the king and said that He would defend Jerusalem and save it for “Mine own sake, and for My servant David’s sake”

Then the angel of the LORD went forth and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand (185,000).  And when the Israelites rose early in the morning, behold, the enemy army were practically all dead corpses.  So, Sennacherib, king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.  The LORD had mercy on the House of Judah.


 Romans 9:24-25:

24) “Even us [Judeans], whom He hath called, not of the Jews [House of Judah] only, but also of the Gentiles [House of Israel]?

25)  As He saith also in Osee [Hosea], I will call them My people, which were not My people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

Who did Hosea call as being not My people?  So when Paul quoted Hosea’s writing, who do you think that he was referring to:  the same or different people?

The Jews and all the non-Jews in the world as the dispensationalists believe and instruct.  This is the error that the dispensationalists teach.  Notice how the switch is made from the House of Israel to Jews to the Gentiles by famous   dispensationalist John Gill in his Bible commentary on Romans 9:25:

As he also saith in Osee,.... Hosea 2:23, so ‘Hosea’ is called ‘Osee’, as here, in the Septuagint in Nehemiah 10:23. That is, as God says in the prophecy of Hosea, which was given by divine inspiration; and speaks of the calling of the Gentiles, as the spiritual Israel, after God had wrote a ‘lo-ammi’, Hosea 1:9, and a ‘loruhamah’, Hosea 1:6, upon the people of the Jews;”

[What?  God told Hosea to name these two children of his upon the people of Edom instead of the people of the House of Israel?  John Gill is wrong!]

“…and shows, that he had appointed some from among the Gentiles [non-Jew],”

[What?!  Hosea was writing about the non-Israelites?]

“…to obtain salvation by Jesus Christ; since he foretells their calling, long before they were in being; which could have no other foundation than his own eternal sovereign will and pleasure:….”

[Notice how he says that in Hosea the names of two of their children were not representative of “the House of Israel” but represented the people of the Jews” and then he teaches that He “had appointed some from among the Gentiles”?  This is an inexcusable deceptive antic which Christian-Identity cries out against!]

The House of Israel, who was divorced, and the House of Judah, who was saved by His mercy?

That is who Hosea was writing about, and that is what the Apostle Paul was copying from the writings of prophet of God.  Hosea did not call the people of the Jews, as John Gill said, but rather the House of Israel, “Loammi” and Loruhamah”.  The Jews are not in the context of the prophet Hosea. The House of Israel would once again, after seven centuries, be the people of the LORD. 


John Nelson Darby was a Calvinist who promoted Dispensationalism.  He lived in the 1800s, but the original material was written by a Jesuit in the late 1500s.  This was the time when the Israelite nations of the world were beginning to be deceived and were being placed under the control of the international, globalist Jew.  This process began when the Israelite nations began to accept usury loans and fiat money by the Jewish usury banks and culminated when the Jew was finally emancipated in Europe during the time of Napoleon and the French Revolution. 

The Jews had been kept away from Christians for about a thousand years.  Now with the proclamation of the Jewish emancipation, the Jew was free to go out and deceive the nations with his cries for liberty, equality and fraternity.  He has convinced the goat nations who are threatening the very existence of the White Christian race.

The Dispensationalists say that it is only the Jews who were saved in the Old Testament and now it’s the Gentiles (non-Jews) in the New.  In the future, they say, that God will rapture out the Gentiles and return once again to the Jews.

What about all the people who were not saved in the Old Testament?  If you were a dispensationalist, what would you say to a non-Jew who was living in 90 BC; they couldn’t be saved until Pentecost after the crucifixion and resurrection, and that was true only if they had faith. 

Dispensationalists teach bigamy of Almighty God.  For they either have one God who marries two different women, or they have the erroneous position of two separate Gods who marry two different women at two different times.  And who are the two women that they say are the brides?  Is one of them the church and the other the Jews?  Could they be wrong on both accounts?  Christian-Identity believes that the Jews will not be remarried, in fact, they were never married, or that the multi-racial church will be married in the future.  More on this in an upcoming sermon on this series.

Dispensationalists say that God changed His plan of salvation.  And they fail to identify the greatest enemy of Christians today—the antichrists.  Who are the Kenites, Canaanites, Edomites, Idumeans and Jews of today?  They deny the divine nature of the Messiah.  Instead, the dispensationalist’s churches give to the enemy of God equal status with the followers of God:

“No greater mischief can happen to a Christian people than to have God’s word taken from them or falsified, so that they no longer have it pure and clear.  God grant that we and our descendants be not witnesses of such a calamity” (Martin Luther, Table Talk.)

May God have mercy on our souls.

To be continued.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.