A Good Witness

by Brian Jones

October 16, 2022

Scripture Reading: I John 5:10-13

Be of good witness.  Be courteous; be kind.  If you do so, you will hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant"

Available in audio only.  Scriptures discussed:

R U Woke? Part 16


Sermon by Jim Jester

October 9, 2022


The book of Esther is the last of the twelve historical books. The author’s name is not mentioned, and neither is the name of God, which has led many to believe it is a spurious book, not belonging within the canon of Scripture. The so-called feast of Purim (named after the city of Pur) has its origin in this book, not the Pentateuch. The hero and heroine of the book bear the names of the chief Babylonian god and goddess: Marduk (Mordecai) and Ishtar (Esther… or Easter). Another point that seems inconsistent, if the book of Esther is genuine, is that Esther, the niece of Mordecai, became the queen of King Ahasuerus because of her great beauty. Though we are not told, it may be assumed that Esther fulfilled the duties of a wife with the Persian King. If this is true, then the mating with a foreign king was gross sin (unless, of course, he was Adamic). No part of Esther was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Many scholars simply consider the book a novel.


Who Do the Calvinists Say Receives the Promises of the Covenant? 

Taken from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 2, 2022

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:24

Replacement Theology is common in Western churches. It teaches that since the Jews were scattered amongst the nations due to their rejection of God’s way, then the Christian church has replaced national Israel regarding the plan, purpose, and promises of God.  I am going to examine part of two articles of two of Calvinist’s great modern-day theologians, R.C. Sproul and Loraine Boettner.

When did America Change to a Democracy?

By Pastor Don Elmore

After the war between the two nations, the Union versus the Confederate States of America (1861-1865), the United States was in so much debt that it became bankrupt and as a result became a corporation in 1871.  `It is well settled that the “UNITED STATES” has been a corporation, since it was incorporated on February 21, 1871 under the name “District of Columbia.”  It was reorganized June 11, 1878 as a bankrupt organization and on June 5, 1933, as a de facto government; originally the ten miles square tract ceded by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington District of Columbia, plus the possessions, territories, forts, and arsenals. The United States was NOT founded as a democracy.

The Bible is so Easy to Read

By Pastor Don Elmore

Presented at the September 2022 Annual Homecoming Conference. Audio/video will be added once it's made available.

Scripture Reading:  MATTHEW 13:36

Have you ever wondered why the LORD Jesus spoke in parables?  One example would be the parable of the “tares of the field.”  After speaking this parable, the crowd left and Jesus went into the house.  His disciples shortly joined Him and asked for an explanation of the parable.   Jesus only gave the interpretation of the parable to His disciples.  Why?  Because the crowd was not there; they had been sent away.

One of the questions that was asked by His closest followers, was why He spoke in parables.  His answer would be astounding and very confusing to the modern-day Judeo-Christian.  It would be hard for them to understand.  For the Messiah said that it was only His disciples that were granted to know about the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to the crowd it was not granted.  What?  Jesus said that the multitudes were not given the opportunity to know about the mysteries of the kingdom of God.


The Art of Dealing with Loaded Words

by Walter Giddings

September 25, 2022

Scripture Reading Job 10:16

Are the words “sex”, “sexual”, and “sexuality” loaded words that are best avoided in polite company?!   How many of you here are ready, right now, to avoid these loaded words?There is so much occurring in American social intercourse that constitutes perverse “in your face” provocation, it resembles assault by legion! 

R U Woke? Part 15

Ezra - Nehemiah

Sermon notes by Jim Jester

September 18, 2020


Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, 2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. 3 Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel (he is God), which is in Jerusalem.


At this time in history, two events have occurred that have been obscured or deliberately hidden. These events are crucial to two purposes of the book of Ezra: 1) to identify the Israelites throughout their history, and 2) to negate the claim that the jews, as we know them today, have any relationship with Israelites.

The ten northern tribes of Israel had been captured by the Assyrians, never to return to their land. Judah as well was captured and spent 70 years in Babylon, at the end of which time, they were permitted to return to rebuild the temple.

There seems to be silence and mystery surrounding the fate of the “lost ten tribes” of Israel. According to the teaching of most churches, this horde seems to have just vanished into the landscape, never to be heard of again.

God's Law - Part 1


By Garry Maddux

September 11, 2022

Opening Scripture Deuteronomy 30:15-16

As we begin our journey into why study the law, we start with what Paul says, “Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Romans 7:12”

The Law is good and it defines sin. Our desire as believers is to avoid sin and to serve God.

R U Woke? Part 14


Sermon notes by Jim Jester

September 4, 2022


The Chronicles are a continuation of the books of the Kings. Israel had asked Samuel for a king rather than have God as their King (q.v., I Sam. 8:1-9). This would prove to be a disaster, for nearly all the kings of Israel and Judah turned out to be very wicked. Of course, if they had a good and honorable king, one that feared God and ruled by His Law, then things went well for Israel. This same principle follows through today. No matter what form of government of men we have, it can always be perverted and corrupted by a deep state that is almost impossible to defuse. So why need we be sentimental about a particular form of government we have had for a length of time? Our particular constitution even says “the people have the right to alter or abolish it and institute new government” as they see fit “for their future security.”

When did America Change to a Democracy?

by Pastor Don Elmore

September 4, 2022

The following is a paragraph from my first sermon for the upcoming conference:

“After the war between the two nations, the Union versus the Confederate States of America (1861-1865), the United States was in so much debt that it became bankrupt and as a result became a corporation in 1871.  `It is well settled that the ‘UNITED STATES’ has been a corporation, since it was:

  • Incorporated on February 21, 1871 under the name “District of Columbia.”  
  • Reorganized June 11, 1878 as a bankrupt organization, and on
  • June 5, 1933, as a de facto government; originally the ten square mile tract ceded by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington District of Columbia, plus the possessions, territories, forts, and arsenals.