In Old Testament times, Israel's wickedness had gone too far and to a point of no return. We are in that position again and we are in a state of extreme judgment. We must prepare for ongoing judgment.
Greetings Kindred and fellow Sheep. Is Sin blinding? Are People who practice Idolatry convinced that they do no such thing?Is our world in America today levels of both deception and extortion? Has this world of Malice ever been a friend to Jesus?
Can we hear our kindred now from Churchianity? “That word’s for Israel; it is not for us. All that is old stuff; it’s done away!”
Jeremiah 10:2 “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.”
“Learn not the way of the heathen.” Should Christians today learn the way of the heathen? Does that even sound good? Or should we learn “the way” of Jesus?
Many people have wondered why the Bible includes genealogical records. They have the impression that the Bible is a universal book for everyone; therefore, the question in the judeo-Christian mind is, “Why are these here? It doesn’t matter who you are.” Thus, they skip over these records as insignificant to the biblical revelation. But yet, these genealogies stand, in both the Old and New Testaments, staring us in the face, testifying to the racial context of the Bible.
The response most pastors give regarding genealogy is, “God cares about everybody and knows us by name.” That may sound sweet and caring, but that is not a serious response from a theological perspective. The serious Bible student knows that all Scripture must fit together as a harmonious and unified whole. This task is not always easy to do, and is why we end up with various different opinions and doctrinal positions among churches.
But first: In the News
Only PUREBLOODS will survive the vaccine / spike proteins cause genetic DISINTEGRATION — Natural News, Nov. 19, 2021
"Today’s podcast is a bombshell that needs to be understood by anyone hoping to survive the vaccine holocaust, because it’s really a “genetic bomb” against humanity."
When the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, it was a call for the right of statehood rather than individual liberties. Many scores of years later many Americans began reading the affirmation that “all men are created equal” in different ways than the framers intended. When the Continental Congress adopted the historic text drafted by Thomas Jefferson, they did not intend it to mean individual equality. Rather, what they declared was that American colonists, as a people, had the same rights to self-government as other nations. Because they possessed this fundamental right, they could establish new governments within each of the states and collectively assume their “separate and equal station” with other nations. It was only in the decades after the American Revolutionary War that the phrase acquired its compelling reputation as a statement of individual equality.
There are those who would reduce Blood River to secular history, but the Holy Spirit will not permit me to ignore the divine ramifications and the miraculous destiny that our Lord has planned for His people, Israel. This is the extraordinary story of God delivering the Boers of South Africa in a one day battle against the fierce and unrelenting Zulu's in 1838.
Greetings Fellow Sheep, Kindred, and Neighbours. My name is Walter. We meet to share Resources in order to change what will happen tomorrow. Our desire to change what will happen tomorrow is the basis of our Unity. In a previous Lesson, The Birth of America, we asked:How do we discern between what works and what does not work to change what will happen tomorrow? What was Our Answer ? Understanding The History of We the People reveals what works and what will not work.
We discovered in our Lesson, The Birth of America, the “Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776,” was not the fruit of Rebellion. Has anyone of the 27 charges against King George the III ever been disproven? Did we see The Evidence in our 1st Lesson, The Birth of America, that King George breached The Charters of all 13 Colonies and persuaded Parliament to treat them as Enemies? Did we see from The Evidence that The King of the British Empire violated all 13 Contracts of Government? Is Breach of Contract a serious charge in any Court?
We have no idea how long Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden before Satan appeared. It may have been a hundred years; it may have been a very short time. In any case, it was not until after the “forbidden fruit” episode that children were born to Eve. This is further evidence to support the sexual meaning of their disobedience to God’s command in the garden not to eat of the other “trees.”
In Eden, Satan spoke to Eve; and Eve spoke to Satan. God spoke to Adam and Eve; Adam and Eve spoke to God. Adam and Eve “heard the sound of God walking in the garden” (Gen. 3:8). They both hid from God. God made garments of skin for Adam and Eve. Satan beguiled Eve. These are all physical acts that we usually do not associate with purely spiritual beings. It is obvious that some “spiritual beings” have the capability of manifesting themselves in a physical way. Therefore, we believe that Satan had the physical ability to seduce and take Eve in a sexual way.
Who was Abraham Lincoln’s, father? Abraham's mother, Nancy Hanks, came to North Carolina as a young girl with her mother and sister from Virginia. They lived in Bostic, North Carolina near Puzzle Creek. When financial problems plagued the family, Nancy’s mother bound her out as a servant to Abraham Enloe’s family. Abraham Enloe was a well-known figure in the community. The master of the house took “advantage” of his servant girl and she became pregnant.