R U Woke? Part 10


Sermon notes by Jim Jester

June 12, 2022

SCRIPTURE READING: Deuteronomy 7:7-8


The theme of the book of Deuteronomy, racial identity, begins in chapter two:

Ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of Esau, which dwell in Seir; and they shall be afraid of you. (Deut. 2:4)

Esau was the twin brother of Jacob who became Israel. This account is found in Genesis 25:21-34. Esau married an Ishmaelite woman whose descendants had come from Abraham and Hagar. Hagar was the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, wife of Abraham, who was given to Abraham to conceive a child because of Sarah’s old age (q.v., Gen. 16). When Sarah finally had a son, Isaac, Hagar and her son, Ishmael, were forced to leave. It was from the Ishmaelites that Esau first took a wife. It is clear then, why the Lord referred to “your brothers, the children of Esau,” for all had come from Abraham, though some were tarnished by the Egyptian blood of Hagar.

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 2

Presbyterianism vs Episcopacy 


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 5, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

This is part 2 of the four-part series on the conditions of Great Britain while America was a colony.  If you think that things are bad in America today, they will have to get a lot worse, and I think that they will, to surpass what happened in Great Britain.  Great Britain had:

  • Three civil wars in ten years;
  • Wars between the Church of England and the Presbyterians of Scotland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Catholics of Ireland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Protestant/Catholic Royalty; and
  • The Jews were readmitted back into their country; after being absent for almost 400 years, and started issuing usury loan debt to the kings, nation and citizens.

America hasn't Learned from Great Britain's Chaos

A short lesson by Pastor Don Elmore

May 29, 2022

In the Sunday Cincinnati Enquirer of May 22, 2022, there was a one-half page article entitled, “Jewish group criticizes [Some one’s] vote [in the House of Representatives].”  The vote was 420 to 1.  The vote was a week-and-a-half ago on Wednesday May 18th.  There were eight other members of the House that abstained from voting on this bill. 

What bill was this?  Who voted against it? 

R U Woke? Part 9


Sermon notes by Pastor Jim Jester

May 29, 2022



The book of Numbers is not concerned so much with narrating the history of the Hebrew people, but rather to emphasize the faithfulness of the God of their fathers. Despite the failures of everyone, from the least of the people to Moses himself, God was faithful to His original promise to Abraham and his descendants. This does not mean that individuals do not experience the consequences of their sin. But it does mean that God’s redemptive purposes cannot be thwarted.

Therefore, the events of the forty years of Israel’s wandering were not important to the book’s purpose. All that the people needed to know in order to obey God and enter the land had already been given to them. The only issue was whether the new generation would believe, after their fathers had not. Israel was going to war.



By Walter Giddings

May 22, 2022

“The Church of Jesus Christ Militant”. Is that some kind of military organization? What is the need for that? Have “the weapons of our warfare” become “carnal”?  The first problem we encounter with this Lesson is the word “militant”. It does not appear in the King James English of 1611. What word or words can we find in The Scriptures that have a meaning similar to “militant”? We better put our “Thinking Caps” on. Should we first establish the meaning of militant?

MIL’ITANT, a. [L. militans, milito, to fight.]

1. Fighting; combating; serving as a soldier.

2. The church militant is the christian church on earth, which is supposed to be engaged in a constant warfare against its enemies; thus distinguished from the church triumphant, or in heaven.

MIL’ITARY, n. The whole body of soldiers; soldiery; militia; an army.

U. States. Mitford.1828 Webster. Vol II. page 15

Great Britain's Chaos

by Pastor Don Elmore

This will be a four-part history lesson.  It will tell of the chaos that occurred in Great Britain during the hundred years of the Stuart dynasty.  I hope that you will find it as fascinating as I did researching for these sermons. 

Part 1The Covenanters  Most Christians are aware that it was James I of England who had the Kings James Version of the Bible translated.  But few are aware of what he tried to do to the Presbyterians in Scotland and the Puritan Parliament in his own country.  And very few are aware of what that meant for the English colonies in the America.

Part 2Presbyterianism vs Episcopacy While the US was a colony of Great Britain, Great Britain was in complete chaos.   Protestant/Catholic royalty was against Protestant Presbyterians, Puritan Protestants were against Roman Catholics.  Protestant/Catholic Royalty thought that they had the "divine right of kings", there were three civil wars in ten years, there were wars among the countries of Great Britain.  The US had refugees and slaves from Great Britain...what do you think that they thought of when they were under Great Britain as they lived in the colonies?

Part 3: What about the Enlightenment? What did all of the chaos in Great Britain have to do with the Enlightenment thinkers that came on the scene during this time. Did it affect other countries and colonies?

Part 4: The Pathway to Democracy  Great Britain was in complete chaos.  It was a monarchy for a time, then a Commonwealth for 11 years then back to a monarchy.  But who was to be king or queen.  Was it a Catholic or a Protestant?

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 1

The Covenanters  Most Christians are aware that it was James I of England who had the Kings James Version of the Bible translated.  But few are aware of what he tried to do to the Presbyterians in Scotland and the Puritan Parliament in his own country.  And very few are aware of what that meant for the English colonies in the America.


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 15, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

Oliver Cromwell was a Protestant Puritan Calvinist, but the crimes which he committed were many.  A few of his major atrocities were:

  • He replaced Parliament with his own people


  • He confiscated the lands of his one-time friends, then declared them his enemies, and gave their lands to his close followers.
  • He killed thousands of non-Puritan Christians who surrendered to his armies.
  • His armies looted cities, killed his opponents and their wives and children.
  • Ships were loaded with tens of thousands of Catholic captives from Ireland to be sold into slavery in Virginia and elsewhere in the Caribbean.
  • In the 1650’s, against public outcry, he opened England’s gates to international Jewish bankers, thereby infecting England with usury for the first time in almost 400 years.

This last crime committed by Cromwell is not well known to the world.  It is left out of many history books.  But it is written in enough books that it is well-known among true historians.


By Alan Breitenstein

May 8, 2022

Scripture Reading:  John 18:37-38

What is truth?  There are 224 verses in Scripture with the mention of truth. Jim had 119 in the New Testament. Search these verses out and you will find that you can replace the word truth with Yahweh, the words of Yahweh and the works of Yahweh.

Trouble and suffering often trickles down to the grassroots level — the people. And, it is often left to the people to remedy such situations. But how can the people act unless they truly know what is happening in their nation? This is the main reason for the church, to keep their people informed with the truth. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) Further, the church is not just the source of theological truth, but of all truth. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth.” (John 16:13) The word truth appears 119 times in the New Testament alone. We instinctively know the importance of truth. We also have the most powerful weapon in the world — prayer. But if we do not know the truth, then how can we direct our prayers and exploits to the source? We must know the truth and we must know our enemy. Duty is ours — the results are up to God.

R U Woke? Part 8


Sermon notes by Jim Jester

May 1, 2022

SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 15:11-13 & 17-18


Of all the books in the Bible, the book of Exodus ought to be the simplest book to recognize the racial implications contained therein. The message of identity is obvious in the language of Scripture, even though the judeo-Christian world refuses to acknowledge it. All we can say is “come now, let us reason together.”

In the “burning bush” experience, Moses meets the God of his fathers; and God says to him; “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.” (Ex. 3:10)

The Israelites had been in Egypt 215 years (most say over 400 years); the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel had long passed on. Now the Israelites were a multitudinous number, feared by the Egyptians, and made slaves to Pharaoh. God spoke to Moses with the promise of deliverance for His people, the progeny of Israel. The deliverance (the salvation), was not for the Egyptians, but for the covenant people of God. “My people” denotes possession.