The Unholy Seed - Part 24


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 13, 2019

Scripture Readng:  Leviticus 23:21

With regret, the audio file was unusuable.

This introductory verse (Leviticus 23:21) was talking about the holy day of Pentecost. The original Pentecost (meaning 50 days) was 50 days after Israel left Egypt. This day was a yearly sabbath. But doesn’t this teach something that most sabbath-keepers have never understood or read? There is a 48-hour sabbath every year!

Look at what the The Dake Reference Bible says about what this verse teaches us:

“Pentecost was an extra sabbath added to the regular one. This made a 48-hour sabbath at which time the weekly sabbath was changed to a day later for the remainder of the year, and until the next Pentecost” [emphasis mine].

In addition to this statement, the Dake Bible adds on Page 111, the following:

“The 7th-day sabbaths of Israel were changing sabbaths, being observed on two different days each year because of an additional sabbath being observed at Pentecost. If we suppose, for instance, that the 15th of Abib (when Israel left Egypt) which was on the Sabbath, was Saturday, then the 7th-day sabbath would fall on Saturday for 7 weeks, or until 49 days had run their course. The 50th day, which would be Sunday, would be Pentecost.

The next 7th-day sabbath after Pentecost would fall on Sunday, and so it would be until Pentecost of the following year which would change the 7th-day sabbath again. This time it would fall on Monday until the next Pentecost which would be 50 days after the first 15 days of Abib, as stated, or on the 65th day of that particular new year. Thus, there was no such thing as the sabbath always being on Saturday throughout the year, or perpetually.”

This is significant.

The Unholy Seed - Part 23


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 6, 2019

Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:13-15

What was the religion of the Protestants that began and fueled the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were the two most famous reformers, but there were many more who did not reach the fame of these two. What did they teach?

Luther and Calvin were both writers as well as Catholic priests—who raised serious objections about the Roman Catholic Church. You can read what they believed four to five hundred years later. Luther was the author or co-author of the following books...

Israelite Migrations - Part 1

This is the newer Celtic Nations flag since the 7th and 8th nation (namely, Galicia and Asturias) no longer have a population that uses a Celtic language. THE CELTIC NATIONS

By Pastor Jim Jester

September 29, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 10:1-5

“Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these [men] were the isles of the Gentiles [nations] divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Currently, the adult Sunday School class of the Fellowship of God’s Covenant People is studying from Dr. Lawrence Blanchard’s “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”. This video training program is based upon his Covenant Heritage Series of books, one of which is Book Two, Identifying Biblical Israel Today.


This lesson will be the first of a series of sermons that will glean some of the information that Dr. Blanchard has provided in Book Two, Section One: “Tracing the Migrations of the Israelites.” In this way, many who follow us on the web site can receive some of the benefits of the “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”, at least in the form of a summary or abbreviated version of it. We certainly endorse brother Blanchard’s work; and recommend that as many as are able to take full advantage of the “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”.

Genesis chapter ten lists how the nations were divided by the descendants of Noah. Noah had three sons: Japheth, Ham, and Shem. We read in our Scripture the list of Japheth. Verse 6 begins the list from Ham, and verse 21 begins the list from Shem. After each of these lists, the Scripture repeats, “…after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations” (or a close variation). Our reading of verse 5 was no different, except for the mention of the “isles”; or, as some translations say, “coastlands”, “sea-lands”, or “coastal peoples”, which is also appropriate. In this lesson, I want to talk about some of these isles.

Lincoln's War

By Richard Kelly Hoskins

In early 1861, a whole flock of northern municipalities defaulted on their bonds. Schuler, Illinois; Genoa, New York; Sterling, New York; Waterloo, Wisconsin; Rochester, Wisconsin; Marshall County, Iowa; Pittsburg, Pennslvania; Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Before the year ended 6,993 businesses had failed.

William Henry Seward, Secretary of State, suggested a diversionary foreign war to reunite the country (Lincoln, Works, IV, pp. 316-318.) It was a good idea, but Lincoln, a former big-time railroad lawyer — president, had other plans.

This article lists all of Richard Hoskins' books that he is making available at a fraction of the cost that is offered on AMAZON. 

False Identity

by Richard Kelly Hoskins

A few months ago [1995] I received an advertisement from the new country of Israel about a ‘Revolutionary New Discovery.’ The discovery was that the people of northern Europe were descended from the ancient Israelites. I sent for the book and received The Tribes, The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples.1

This book was one more Jewish-authored book revealing ‘the amazing discovery that Saxons2 are Israel.’ It contained most of the same proofs that Bible students have long known. It came with maps of the migrations of the tribes of the early Israelite-Saxons, their final places of settlement, and the counties in which they settled — Naphtali to Norway; Asher and Gad to Britain, Germany, Scandinavia; Dan to Denmark, etc.

Ben Israel's Argument

The Jews have always known the truth about Saxon-Israel and have used the information, or not used it, as circumstances demanded. The entry of the Jews into Britain was a time when they needed to use it.

Israelite Migrations

by Pastor Jim Jester

A series of sermons that will glean some of the information that Dr. Blanchard has provided in Book Two, Section One: “Tracing the Migrations of the Israelites.” In this way, many who follow us on the web site can receive some of the benefits of the “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”, at least in the form of a summary or abbreviated version of it. We certainly endorse brother Blanchard’s work and recommend that as many as are able to take full advantage of the “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”.

Part 1: "The Celtic Nations" The origin of the Celts. A list of the earliest migrations of Israelites from history and the Bible. Includes portions from Dr. Lawrence Blanchard’s “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”. Many pictures.

Part 2"The Diaspora of Israel"  The migrations and captivity of the House of Israel from 841 to 700 BC. Contains portions from Dr. Lawrence Blanchard’s Book Two of the Covenant Heritage Series and the “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”. Origin of the Scythians by William Finck.

Part 3:  "The Diaspora of Judah" The captivity of the House of Judah and the migrations of the Scythians from 653 to 525 B.C. Contains portions from Dr. Lawrence Blanchard’s “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”. Royal Seedline and the Hill of Tara.

Part 4"Anglo-Saxon Israel"  Israelite migrations throughout Europe and Asia Minor from 500 to 64 B.C.; connecting Israel with European tribes. Contains portions from Dr. Lawrence Blanchard’s “Bible Mastery Boot Camp”. The importance of the Behistun Rock. The Tribe of Dan in Europe. Last of the series.

Follow up sermon recommendation  Of Fishers and Hunters

The Unholy Seed - Part 22


by Pastor Don Elmore

September 22, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Malachi 2:11

Today, I will be a history teacher. The purpose of this sermon is to let everyone know why I believe that Judah “married a daughter of a strange god.” It is not to change anyone’s mind, for that is up to God. It is not to have a sermon for and a sermon against. It is a sermon that says: We agree to disagree on this situation. I want everyone to know why I believe that Judah married a Canaanite. If you believe this or don’t, well just let it go.

Genesis is the beginning. It tells of the covenant that God unconditionally made with one man. This covenant, the Bible tells us, was passed on to who was considered the firstborn. Who was Abram’s firstborn? It was Ishmael.

Now who does the Bible tell us who the covenant is confirmed to: Ishmael or Isaac?

Abram loved Ishmael his firstborn son. The Bible promises that Ishmael will be blessed of God, and will be fruitful, and will beget twelve princes, and will be a great nation, but God’s covenant will not be established with him.

Genesis 17:21“But My covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.”

The Bible tells us that the covenant would be with the son of Abram whose name was change to Abraham, and Sarai whose name was changed to Sarah, not the son of Abram and Hagar. The Bible then continues in the story of who would be the next heir. Isaac had twin boys. Which one was the firstborn? When Isaac was 60 years-old, his wife, Rebekah, gave birth to Esau and Jacob. Which one did Isaac love? Or did he love them both equally?

Christian Identity Basics - Part 12


By James N. Jester

September 15, 2019

Scripture Reading: Psalm 105:6-10

The Bible – A Last Will and Testament

An example of the importance of one’s identity is found in a Will or Trust. This is exactly the point of the Holy Scriptures! The Bible is divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. A Testament is a Will that names certain beneficiaries. This point is never brought up in Bible colleges, yet this should be the context of any serious Bible lesson. No one seems to take seriously the proper nouns and pronouns used in the Scriptures, nor the names of the beneficiaries. Is this not crazy? This should be the first question to ask when interpreting Scripture – what is the context and to whom is the Bible written? The Bible is a Testament or Covenant so we should see it as a Last Will and Testament from God to His covenant people.

Our Scripture reading contains much we could talk about...

The Unholy Seed - Part 21


By Pastor Don Elmore

September 8, 2019

Scripture Reading Judges 1:28

Israel (not the Jews) had been slaves less than a half-century previously in Egypt. Their God had led them out of Egypt in a very dramatic fashion by performing many miracles. He led them like a shepherd leading the sheep from Goshen (Egypt) to the Promised Land (Canaan Land).

But Israel failed to believe that they could conquer the giants who had intermingled into the family of the Canaanites living in the Promised Land. Because they believed this lie, they were made to wander till forty years had expired. Therefore, only two of the men of the 12 spies older than 20 years old, could enter the land west of the Jordan River. They were the only two men, Joshua and Caleb, who spoke for the Israelites to fight against the Canaanites. So much for democracy. Democracy failed. That was one reason that ancient Israel never had one—they were a theocracy and then a monarchy. Moses then died, being 120 years old, and Joshua became the next commander of Israel.

Joshua led Israel in conquering the Canaanites in the Promised Land. But even though the Israelites were strong, they failed to drive out all the Canaanites. Chapter one of the book of Judges tells us what happened after Joshua died. It first tells of the victories of Judah, the first tribe of Israel who fought against the Canaanites. The latter part of the chapter tells of Isreal’s failures: it names the tribes that were strong and didn’t have the courage to drive out all the Canaanites. If they had, they would have been a separate nation. But they weren’t. What happened next?

Christian Identity Basics - Part 11


by James N. Jester

September 1, 2019

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 54:5-8, BBE


Our Scripture reading is a summation of God’s love story: Yahweh God is the Husband and Israel is the bride. There is a lot of Scripture in this lesson; but I felt it necessary, for the judeo-Christian world does not seem to be aware that such verses exist; and if they do, they are ignored.

If you were to ask the typical judeo-Christian to complete the phrase, “God is a God of ________,” nine times out of ten they would complete it with the word “love.” In this story, Yahweh is cast as the God of love. God’s love has been so often talked about in Christian circles that they really have a lopsided view of God’s character; and they do not know the love of God as well as they think they do. The purpose of this story is to reveal the true, one and only, object of God’s love. Only then, can one truly appreciate the love of God and how it is shown in your life.

The Apostle Paul spoke of the love of God...