The Unholy Seed - Part 34


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 5, 2020

Scripture Reading: Exodus 23:32, 33


  1. When did the Jews immigrate to Britain for the first time?

  2. What city did they migrate from?

There is no record of Jews in Britain in Roman times. There had been none of them who ever lived there for a thousand years after the birth of Jesus the Christ. There were Jews in Spain, France and Germany; but none in Britain. And that was the way that it was. The Saxons in England retained their freedoms from the Roman Catholic feudal system and its tax system.

So, when and how did the Jews come to live in Britain? Was it by war? Was it by immigration? Was it by invitation? And in what city did they used to live before they came to Britain?

Bible Biology - Part 7


By Walt Giddings

March 29, 2020

Scripture Reaading:  2 Corinthians 4:10  Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

What does “always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus” mean? How do we do that? What Scriptures witness to us how to always bear about in the body “the dying of the Lord Jesus?” Did Paul explain it to the Corinthians earlier?

What was Paul’s fixed purpose? 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

What Scriptures mention the Lord’s death? 1 Corinthians 11:26: For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

How easy is it to “shew the Lord’s death” if we are ignorant concerning “bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus”? What if we are ignorant of the manner of His Death?

Wrong or Reich? - Part 1

Three Men in History Falsely Accused

by Jim Jester

March 22, 2020

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:10-12


What a title: “Jesus, Trump and Hitler” – three men in history falsely accused. In making this comparison, let me say at the outset, that in no way am I saying that any man can be an object of worship or sinless as our Lord Jesus Christ. It is obvious that men are not perfect; but we should give credit where credit is due.

The idea that Trump or Hitler might be in heaven may be offensive to some, but “if the shoe fits we should put it on.” If it can be sufficiently shown that these men have been persecuted for the sake of what is right, then the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.

Most of us here are familiar with many conspiracy theories as dubbed by establishment government and media. Most of us know the truth surrounding the War of 1861 in America; i.e., it was not about slavery exclusively, but rather was for political and economic reasons; and ultimately was plotted by the Rothschild banking family. We are aware of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and how it enslaves our people economically, through usury, inflation and tax collecting agencies. There are other events: the assassination of Vicki Weaver, Waco, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building, the 911 attacks, etc. But, there is one official story in recent history that is very difficult for Americans to question: and that is the truth about Adolph Hitler and World War II. Of course, when it comes to a conspiracy theory, the key word is “theory”, and we must keep in mind that the more evidence we gather, the theory becomes weaker and weaker until it is overcome by the truth. Furthermore, we must understand that “fake news” did not just start with president Trump, but has been around for a long, long time.

My purpose here is to vindicate those who have been wrongly accused of some sort of crime, offense, misconduct, sin, evil, or atrocity; when in reality, they were doing the right thing. Sooner or later, the truth will come out. I believe all truth is important, no matter how uncomfortable it may be; and truth will play an important role in manifesting the kingdom of God.

Wrong or Reich?

by Jim Jester

World War II series.  The purpose of this series is to educate our people to be better equipped with the truth.

Part 1:  "Jesus, Trump and Hitler, three men in history falsely accused" The purpose of this series is to educate our people to be better equipped with the truth. The official story of WW II is a narrative that needs to be broken in order for Christians to manifest the kingdom of God. This contains a timeline of events before the war turned hot and a brief on National Socialism.

Part 2: Personality, philosophy, and faith of Hitler and his plea for peace. The early part of the war, 1939-40 (French Invasion and Dunkirk).

Part 3:  Life in Pre-WWII Germany. The Confession of Faith of the German Christians. German military and peace efforts. The German soldier’s ten commandments. British and Jewish propaganda.

Part 4: The firebombing (Holocaust) of Dresden and other atrocities by the Allies. What is a just war? History of the “6 million” figure and the cost of the war. Death toll of WWII.

Part 5: More atrocities by the Allies. Microsoft and the chip. ‘D’ Day and the “liberation” of France. The sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff. Baseless claims made about Hitler. Positive Christianity and the Daughter of Zion.

Part 6:  Aftermath of World War II. The war may have been officially over, but the killing continued. Eisenhower’s death camps. Jewish revenge and the extreme racial hatred they have toward Whites.

Part 7:  Aftermath of World War II. Lend-Lease, the Morgenthau Plan, and Jewish revenge.

Part 8:  Aftermath of World War II. The Nuremburg Trials. The jewish dream of extinction of the German nation. Genocide for Whites. Inheriting the Kingdom of God.

Part 9:  Review of the key points of the series. The Teutonic knights and the Wewelsburg Castle. The lost kingdom and a challenge for New Covenant churches.

The Unholy Seed - Part 33


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 15, 2020

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 23:2

There are wolves in the United States Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court and White House. There are wolves that are CEOs, ball players, music stars, television anchors, journalists, “Christian” leaders, actors, doctors, bankers, etc. The wolves are having a feast eating the sheep. They won’t stop until all the sheep are gone. The wolves are getting very obese.

The Unholy Seed - Part 32


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 8, 2020

Scripture Reading: Acts 1:3

What did Jesus the Christ speak about to His believers during the forty days between His resurrection and His ascension? Wouldn’t the topic be one of great importance? What did our Savior discuss with select Israelites for forty days before He went to be with His Father? The Bible tells us the answer. This verse says that after His resurrection, He spoke about things that were pertaining to the kingdom of God.” He didn’t talk about Roman oppression of Judea.

Almost every church in the world today says very little about the kingdom of God. It is missing from their services. What they have substituted is the preaching of “salvation” to each lost person in the earth. They are off the tracks. They are teaching that which is missing in the Bible texts.

The United States, as it is now, is not the kingdom of God. First, it doesn’t have a king. Every KINGdom must have a king, or it is not a kingdom. It is something else.

Glory and Faith and Double Mindedness

by Alan Breitenstein

March 1, 2020

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 17:20

In the last message I left the question as to us being gods over whom or what and gave as a possibility of us being gods to the trillions of cells in our body.

Strong's gave the definition of god as "being as a magistrate" 

Magistrate: A civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones. So, as a god we can deal with the minor and less serious matters but not the major ones. We need help with the major ones.

This message is like all the messages heard in this gathering, it is hypnotic and meant to plant a seed so when certain events occur, or certain words are said you will remember what was illustrated here.

To make something perfectly clear, if this message offends you in any way I am just the messenger and likewise,if this message brings joy to you in any way, I am just the messenger.

The reading for the day has always baffled me. Faith as a grain of mustard seed. Can anyone in this congregation say that their faith is bigger than a mustard seed We certainly like to think so. Can anyone say that their faith has moved mountains? If we think of a mountain as being a high hill or high rocky terrain, then the answer would be no. What if that mountain was considered to be an incurable disease, sin that we think is unforgivable? What if that mountain was people whom we are trying to awake? Why is it that we know that God is with us but the minute we try to move a mountain, doubt creeps in? Did God make us that way so that we would not be successful ever or is God challenging us to do better?

Are the Sacraments Necessary? - Part 2


By James Jester 

February 23, 2020

Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:26-29


Are the Sacraments necessary for our spiritual growth or ultimately for our final salvation? Many churches believe they are. That is certainly their business and I would not condemn them for their beliefs. But the point here is, do the sacraments have Biblical support for what these churches claim? The Protestants have narrowed the Sacraments down to two: Baptism and Communion; but even these lack a full and unquestionable support from the Scriptures (in my opinion).

If you were to ask me, what is my favorite sacrament of the two, I would have to say Communion (I’ve never been fond of water). Likewise, Communion is very meaningful to many sincere Christians; and I do not intend to offend anyone with this study.

Baptism and Communion are not necessary to our salvation for that is already accomplished by the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ. The Sacraments should not be looked upon as a “law” although many churches imply this meaning. If they consider the Sacraments as such, I should remind them that my main premise to refute this idea is that the Old Covenant law was “abolished” (Eph. 2:15), as Paul declared. This I documented thoroughly in the last sermon. Since the law is gone in regard to our covenant relationship to God, there is no need for a substitute law, as the Sacraments are sometimes considered. Instead, the Sacraments should be referred to as rites or ceremonies.

The Unholy Seed - Part 31


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 16, 2020

Scripture Reading:  Mark 16:15


The Stuart Kings of England were terrible. They were horrible. King James I; his son, Charles I; his son, Charles II; and Charles II’s brother, James II were the lowest of the low. James I was the first king of the Stuarts, who was not just king over three countries, but ruled with two different parliaments in three different nations which had three different prominent religions:

  1. Scotland had just turned Presbyterian,

  2. England was Pope-less Catholic; called Episcopalian in the United States; the Church of England or Anglican in England, and

  3. Ireland was predominately Catholic.

Presbyterian was from the bottom up; the people chose the clergy. The Church of England was from the top down; the clergy was appointed by the king. Catholicism was from the top down; the clergy was appointed by the Pope’s staff.

A notable event happened in the early days of King James I’s reign. On November 5, 1605, a group of English Catholics attempted to assassinate the king and destroy Parliament in the Palace of Westminster. However, the Gunpowder Plot was exposed and prevented, and the convicted plotters were hanged, drawn, and quartered.

Bible Biology - Part 6


by Walt Giddings

February 9, 2020

Greetings kindred and fellow sheep. You are my classmates in God’s Classroom. Shall we hearken to and heed the Real Teacher, The Master, Jesus Christ?

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:6  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again, and rend you.

What does rend mean? Who or what are the Dogs? Swine?

Is Wisdom the issue here? What action is the wisest to take? Should we hearken to and heed the Master? What is the name of the Book of Wisdom? What constitutes Wisdom?

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.