To the Michigan Department of Corrections


by Pastor James Jester

Re: James Fox v Heidi Washington et al; United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

The above case was heard on the 4th of December, 2019 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The issue before the court is whether or not to allow Christian Identity to be approved as an officially recognized religion by the Michigan Department of Corrections so inmates can be allowed to meet for public worship.

Most Christians could well accept Christian Identity since Identity adherents believe in most of basic historic doctrines of the Christian faith, such as: man’s fall into sin and depravity, the atonement of Christ, divine judgment, grace, forgiveness, justification and sanctification, etc. However, what really sets other people off about C. I. is their racial views (the “identity” part). They find their racial doctrine of Separatism offensive and even “racist” (a term that needs definition).

Properly understood, racism is not a bad word. Racism and its sister doctrine Separatism actually helps the various races to remain as distinct species; and aids in the preservation of an orderly society.

Bible Biology - Part 4


By Walt Giddings

December 15, 2019

Scripture Reading: Romans 1:20

In Lesson three we asked ourselves some questions. Is one of the marks of a Christian his ability to see the invisible? If we understand “the things that are made”, our bodies, the houses for our spirits and souls, are we understanding the invisible things of Him?

In Lesson 3 we asked, Does the Bible mention Nerves, the cells of the body’s master communication system? Believing Romans 1:20 we trusted we could see the invisible by understanding the things that are made: nerve cells. We asked, How is nerve tissue structured to time messages out to all parts of the body and back again in a cycle?

Bearing His Reproach

by Pastor Everett Ramsey, DD

December 8, 2019

Scripture Reading:  I Timothy 4:10

Testimony of the Power of Prayer

  • Prayer request for Pastor McCurry, who is reportedly now in hospice.  Samples of Pastor McCurry's newsletters are on our website:  Wake Up Herald
  • Brief discussion of imprecatory prayer
  • Several examples given of the power of prayer

Our people are in mortal danger

Many people hate God and His people. There were peoples here before Adam. There has been a battle between pre-Adamites and Adamites since God created Adam and that battle continues today, because they know and are resistant to our dominion mandate.  God's people are White and bright, in His image.  We have a body, soul and spirit.

Israelite Migrations - Part 4


By Jim Jester

December 1, 2019

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 49:8-21


In the Scripture reading, Israel is in foreign and desolate lands, yet Yahweh is leading her and using mountain valleys as highways as they continue to migrate to the west and into Europe. “They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them” (v. 9-10). God said He would not forget Israel – He provided for them a large enough place to live. “Give ear to the word of the Lord, O you nations, and give news of it in the sea-lands far away, and say, He who has sent Israel wandering will get him together and will keep him as a keeper does his flock” (Jer. 31:10, BBE).

Looking back, we have covered the early migrations of Israelites, then migrations after the divided kingdom: first Israel, then the final blow to Judah – the destruction and captivity of Jerusalem. This is the last lesson of the series tracing further significant migrations of Israel (now not known by that name) throughout Europe and Asia Minor (500-64 B.C.).

The Unholy Seed - Part 27


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 24, 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:10, 11

These are two very interesting verses. The LORD’s disciples asked Jesus a question: “Why do You speak to them in parables?”

The understanding of His answer is practically unknown in Christendom today. For the reason He gave, was because the mysteries (secrets) of the kingdom of heaven would be given unto you (His disciples) and not to them (the unholy seed). There was a big difference. Jesus said that He spoke in parables to reveal secrets to one group of people and to conceal them from another group. Why didn’t He want the unholy seed to understand what He was saying?

The mysteries are secrets previously hidden. Jesus revealed to His people secrets that were unknown to them at that time. They had been hidden since before the foundation of the earth. Wow! What secrets were these?

Bible Biology - Part 3

by Walt Giddings

November 17, 2019

Scripture Reading:  I Corinthians 4:15

Greetings kindred. We are on a first name basis here. My name is Walter. The Holy Spirit is our real Teacher. If Jesus Christ is our Real Teacher, what, then, is my role in His Classroom today?

The King James English word “instructers” is translated from the Greek word “paidagogos”{paheedag-ogos], from which we obtain our English word “pedagogue”. May I read you the explanation for this Greek word “paidagogos”?

A servant whose office it was to take the children to school. By implication [figuratively] a tutor. Strong’s Greek Dictionary. Is my role in the Master’s classroom to lead you to The Real Teacher?

How many here attended both Bible Biology Lessons I and II? How many here attended neither? Those of you who attended either one or both know I bring an interesting background. Seven years after graduation from chiropractic college, I chose to reexamine all four years of four thousand six hundred twenty hours of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, lab analysis, diagnosis, and clinical work using The Bible as my road map, template, and “light unto my path”. These lessons are the result of that ongoing choice.

Israelite Migrations - Part 3


By Pastor Jim Jester

November 10, 2019

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:1-4

Scripture Exposition

What a picture Isaiah gives in these last two verses of our reading! “O nation full of sin: a people weighted down with crime; a generation of evil-doers; children that deal corruptly; have forsaken Yahweh, and give no thought to God.” [my paraphrase]

Isaiah was one of the prophets to the southern kingdom of Judah. In chapter two, he further elaborates on the sinful condition of God’s people (the topic of the first five chapters):

O family of Jacob, come, and let us go in the light of the Lord [The prophet calls them to repentance – A return to Yahweh]. For you, O Lord, have given up your people, the family of Jacob, because they are full of the evil ways of the east, and make use of secret arts like the Philistines, and are friends with the children of strange countries. And their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their stores; their land is full of horses, and there is no end to their carriages. Their land is full of images; they give worship to the work of their hands, even to that which their fingers have made.” – Isaiah 2:5-8, BBE

Perhaps we should take note of these things listed, many of which sounds exactly like America or any other modern country:

The Unholy Seed - Part 26


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 3, 2019

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 7:3, 4

It seems to me that our LORD God totally disagrees with interracial marriages. There is no such thing as a Canaanite being a child of God. That is why there were no missionaries sent to try to convert any of them. The reason is that it is impossible to do. The LORD God said that He would be the God of the seed of the fathers who He loved and made an everlasting covenant with. Any person who marries into the unholy seed will serve other gods. This is what the LORD God said and that is what I believe.

The Unholy Seed - Part 25


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 27, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Romans 15:8

Agents of the racial reconciliation movement have been willing tools of the non-Adamites as they rage against the Lord and His anointed people. By means of a twisted and perverted “gospel” they work to bring about the practices of integration and miscegenation for the purpose of destroying the holy nation of Israel.

However, God promised us that He will deliver Israel from the hand of her enemies and He will remember the everlasting covenant that He made with Abraham, confirmed with his son, Isaac, and his grandson, Jacob and his seed.

Remember what John the Baptist’s father said after nine months of being deaf...

Israelite Migrations - Part 2


By Pastor Jim Jester

October 20, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 28:10-16


Most of the judeo-Christian world has heard very little about the captivities of ancient Israel. Most of their pastors are aware of the split of the kingdom of Israel resulting in the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. They are also aware of the captivity of each of these kingdoms. However, since little is known, much is left to speculation and assumption. Few of them, and likewise their followers, are aware of the magnitude of the captivities and migrations of Israel and Judah. They assume [My response in brackets]:

  • The population of Israel was relatively small, maybe in the thousands. [Actually, Israel was in the millions. According to I Chronicles 21:5, King David (about 1010 B.C.) could field over a million and a half men! This number did not include women, children, elderly or the maimed. We can only imagine how massive the total population was at the time.]

  • Since Israel and Judah were in “captivity”, the impression is that they were penned up somewhere as if in a jail. [Actually, they were “captive” i.e., “in bondage to” another king.]

  • Since they were “captive”, certainly they could not have gone anywhere unless set free. [There is no concept of a migration.]

  • That most of the Israelites simply died off. [A violation of God’s promise to Abraham. “They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.” – Ps. 72:5, etc.]