The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Part 2

by Pastor Don Elmore

Shift of Christianity in America

The Pilgrims and Puritans of New England were the builders of the strongest Christian colonies of all the original thirteen colonies. With leaders such as John Winthrop, they built towns that were both church-centered and that were governed according to the laws of God. Only white male Christian church members could hold either ecclesiastical or civil office, as well as vote.

Dating vs. Courting

This is an article by a pastor who does not know all of the truth--but does a good job on a very serious problem with our people--they don't know that dating is wrong. He wrote this article and put it on his website!--Editor

Dating Verses Courting

By Tom Brown

Joshua Harris wrote a book with a provocative title, "I’ve kissed dating goodbye." You need to kiss dating goodbye. I believe that dating is the world’s way to find a spouse. Many might be wondering, If I don’t date, how am I going to find a spouse?You should find a spouse through courting. Courtship is more of a scriptural way to meet a prospective spouse than dating. What is the difference between dating and courting? Let me say first of all: Don’t get hung up on terms. It is possible to use the word date but not necessarily have the same understanding as my definition. I am giving you my definition of dating. If you say you date but don’t do what I define dating as being, then I feel you are practicing courting, although you might still use the term dating. My definition of dating is that it is a modern game where intimacy is practiced before commitment. It often involves romantic talk, holding hands, kissing, making out, and oftentimes sex. Commitment never proceeds intimacy. The word date comes from the word mate. It doesn’t sound good to tell someone you are mating with Mr. X. You prefer to use the word dating. It sounds so much better, but in reality, dating and mating are sometimes the same. I looked up the word date in my encyclopedia and it said, "see Sex and Teenage." Even my encyclopedia agrees with my definition.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Part 1

By Pastor Don Elmore

About 1856 William Steffe wrote a Methodist camp-meeting song with the traditional "Glory Hallelujah" refrain; it started with the words, "Say, brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore?" The tune had such an infectious swing that it became widely known. Early in the war between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, a regiment stationed in Boston included a soldier named John Brown.

Honoring Veterans

By Leonard Robert Schmidt

PERFIDY: n. deliberate violation of trust; treachery.

TREASON: n. to betray; abandon or surrender fidelity.

Mother gave birth to me November 11, 1944 at 11:41 A.M.  Dad was at war in the South Pacific during my second and third trimester.  Mother listened intently to every radio broadcast about the war she could.

In November of 1967 I began an all expenses paid, one year "vacation" to beautiful, tropical Southeast Asia.  I was there for "Tet", returning with a drug and alcohol predilection.  This took an additional seven years of my life.  Rehabilitation and re-education began in earnest January 1, 1976.  I have not stopped.  

I share this personal information that you may know I have a burden for those who war.  

There Is No Political Solution

By William Finck

There are many apparently well-intentioned Christians today who are promoting certain forms of political activism, wishing to reform the government of this once-great republic, and to turn it back to the interests of its natural-born citizens. For this reason we see and hear of demonstrations, “tea parties”, appeals to the original Constitution of the nation, and even state secessions, civil war and armed insurrection. Yet none of this is Scriptural, and indeed, the parasite-infested carcass that was once our body of government certainly cannot ever be reformed.