Paul's Missionary Journeys - Part 3

First Missionary Journey

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 9, 2025

Scripture Reading:  Galatians 3:27, 28:

27) “For as many of you [members of the churches of Galatia] as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

28) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye[Judean nor Greek speaking members of the churches of Galatia] are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Where did the Kenites, Canaanites, and Edomites dwell? The Kenites (Cain’s offspring) originally were in what is known as India (land of Nod) today. They spread over the land nearby and many of them intermarried with the Canaanites, who began in the “promised land of Israel." In fact, it was called the Land of Canaan before Israel went there. The Canaanites, through the Hittites, alsohad, an Empire in what is now the modern country of Turkey and other lands that surrounded the nation of Israel, like Lebanon and Syria.

Esau (twin brother of Jacob) was the father of the Edomites (descendants of Esau), who intermarried with the Canaanites. They eventually settled in the land south of the Kingdom of Judah, in the Mt. Seir area. They eventually were defeated and taken into the land of Judah as co-equals (around 120 BC) and quickly took control of it  –  politically, economically, and religiously. They spread all over the world when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Roman army.

The Hittite/Edomite Empire was in Asia Minor for many years before the Israelites were even a kingdom. They were still there, in the first century, when Judeans arrived from the house of Judah in the centuries before. They were also joined with immigrants from the Assyrian captivity – the larger divorced descendants of Israel.

      The Canaanites included the Hivites, Girgashites, Jebusites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Anakites, and Philistines. Many of these tribes of the Canaanites had large groups of “giants” that so terrified the investigative spies that only two of them (out of 12) remained faithful to God’s promise that they could defeat them. The giants existed both before and after Noah’s flood. Who were their fathers?

possible routes to Canaan

Map of who Ancient Israel was to Conquer

When Israel rested in punishment for disbelieving that they could have victory, after 40 years in the wilderness outside the Jordan River, they committed genocide against the Amorites (which included some giants) on the eastern side of the Jordan River. Then Moses died. 

Under their new leader, Joshua, Israel almost destroyed all the Canaanites west of the Jordan River but left part of them and they had to live with them as they divided out the land. God said that since they did not completely destroy all the Canaanites as they were told, the remaining Canaanites would be a test for them. Israel passed the test until Joshua’s generation died, then the Israelites failed the test.

Judges 3:5-8a:

5) “And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites:

6) And they [Israel] took their [Canaanite] daughters to be their [Israelite] wives, and gave their[Israelite] daughters to their[Canaanite] sons, and served their gods.

7) And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgat the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the groves.

8a) Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel…”

Israel betrayed their God, intermarrying with these depraved nations, which was forbidden by God. It was the same sin that Esau had committed years previous. So, there were many hybrid Israelite/Canaanites/Edomites in the promised land and in the land of Asia Minor.


It took about 11 years, from the time of Paul’s conversion, to when he went on his first missionary journey. After he miraculously experienced the bright light on his way to Damascus (Syria) to capture some more people of “The Way,” he was immediately blinded. He was led by the men who were with him to a home in Damascus. He was then instructed to wait until a man of God arrived to help him.

That man was named Ananias. He was told in a vision to go to the house where Saul was staying. After three days of being blind and not eating or drinking anything, Ananias put his hands on Saul, and he received his sight. 

Before he arrived to help Saul, Ananiashad made a complaint to the LORD against him. He said that he had heard of how much evil this man had done to the followers of Jesus at Jerusalem. God’s reply is answered in Acts 9:15:

Acts 9:15-16:

15) “But the Lord said unto him[Ananias], Go thy way: for he [Saul] is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:

16) For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for My name’s sake.”

The LORD told Ananias that Paul was a chosen vessel who would bear His name before the “Gentiles.”  There’s that word again. What does it mean? Who are the people known as the “Gentiles”

This is where Christendom has gotten off track and derailed. They believe that “Gentiles” means everyone who is not a Jew. Is that everyone who is not a Kenite Jew, or is it a Canaanite Jew, or is it an Edomite Jew, or is it an Ashkenazim Jew, or is it who is a product of an interracial marriage with the Jews, or is it all the above?

They also believe that Paul was a Jew. In fact, Judeo-Christians believe that Abraham was a Jew, Jesus Christ was a Jew, His apostles were Jews, the early church were all Jews. But how do they rectify this when it was the Jews who were the ones who were plotting the murder of Jesus Christ (Judah), Paul (Benjamin), His apostles(Benjamin), and deacons (various tribes) of the early church, i.e. who they say are fellow Jews?

The Judeo-Christians totally ignore most of the rest of the people who were Israelites (the ten tribes). In fact, most of them believe that these ten tribes were annihilated or assimilated. That is because it is difficult to prove that they were Jews too, because they were gone into captivity for many centuries before the Edomites arrived in Judah a little more than a century before the birth of Jesus Christ. They just solve their problem by saying that the ten tribes don’t exist anymore. They just ignore the prophet Hosea who says differently. That is one of their many mistakes.

This verse (Acts 9:15), is better translated in several other translations. For example, instead of “…before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” in the KJV, other versions translated it that Paul would bear His name “…before both the Nations and kings of the sons of Israel(CNT). For there is where the apostle Paul went. He went to his own race of people who were dwelling in the following locations:

  • Syria,
  • Arabia,
  • The island of Cyprus,
  • Asia Minor,
  • Macedonia,
  • Achaia,
  • The island of Crete,
  • The island of Malta,
  • Italy,
  • Spain, and
  • The British Isles. 

Saul was born in Tarsus, Asia Minor. He didn’t go to China, India, Australia, the continent of Asia, North, Central or South America, or most of Africa or Europe. He spent very little time in the former Canaan Land. In fact, most of the places and disciples in the New Testament, are people of Syria, Cyprus, Crete, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Achaia, Cyrene, Italy, Alexandria, etc., but not Palestine!


Even the people who were in the Promised Land, most of them left the area in the next few decades after the death and resurrection of Jesus, because of Jewish hatred towards them. The Jerusalem church fled to Pella at the outbreak of the Roman War (70 A.D.) against Jerusalem. 

For example, Lazarus (who Jesus raised from the dead on the third day), traveled to France with his two sisters, Martha, and Mary, and preached the Gospel. Lazarus became the first bishop of Marseille, France and that is where they are buried. Joseph of Arimathea took the mother of Jesus, Mary, to England. Etc.

The LORD God also told Ananias that Saul would suffer great things for His name. He would be stoned (to death), three times beaten with rods, expelled from many cities, put in prison unlawfully and illegally, would be contradicted, taken to court, three times shipwrecked, thought to be the pagan god Mercury because he was used to heal a cripple, would be mocked, blasphemed, in danger of pirates, in danger of false brethren. Jews would wait for him to come to kill him, and he would be bitten by a poisonous snake and live, etc. His life would be unique.

He was an Israelite who was a Pharisee of the Pharisees, who went after people who believed in Jesus Christ, putting them in prison and even compelling many of them to be killed…and then, he became the opposite. He was a person who knew what the Pharisees believed, and he stood against them. And that made the Jews so furious that they wanted to kill him. He knew what they believed, and he exposed it.

At the stoning of Stephen, the witnesses had laid their clothes at Saul’s feet. Saul wrecked the church, entering the houses of men and women who were Christians and committing them to prison. As a result, the Israelite Judeans fled Jerusalem and were scattered abroad to the nations in Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, Syria, Arabia, and northern Africa.

Acts 8:3, 4:

3) “As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house and haling men and women committed them to prison.

4) Therefore they [who is this?] that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.”

After Saul’s conversion, he spent most of his time (over ten years) in Damascus, Syria, Arabia, and Tarsus in southern Asia Minor with a little more than two weeks in Jerusalem. When Saul was in Damascus, the Jews took counsel to kill him. The Talmudists were watching the gates of the city day and night waiting for him to show up so they could murder him. But their plan became known to the disciples, and they let him down over the wall of the city in a basket at night and helped him escape.

Saul then went to Jerusalem to meet with the disciples. But they were afraid of Saul and didn’t think that he was a disciple. They knew of him when he was a Pharisee and all the trouble he caused when he rounded up the followers of Jesus and put them in prison. But Barnabas testified to the disciples about the 180 degree change that Saul had made. 

Barnabas, who was born on the island of Cyprus, sold a piece of land and “…brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet”(Acts 4:37). And to avoid burdening the churches by asking them for support, he worked to support himself while in the ministry. Barnabas told them of the miraculous conversion that Saul had experienced and how he had preached boldly at Damascus. As a result, the Jews tried to kill the newly transformed enemy. The disciples at Jerusalem were convinced by Barnabas’ testimony.

But shortly after Saul was in Jerusalem, after he had been preaching for a short while, the Grecian Jews became angered at what he was teaching and began plotting his murder. When the brethren learned about this situation, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him home on a ship to Tarsus, Asia Minor.

Acts 9:29, 30:

29) “And he [Saul] spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians[Greek speaking Jews],but they went about to slay him.

30) Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus.”

Saul preached in the area around Tarsus for about five years. So, what about the prophecy that the LORD God had given Ananias that he would be preaching to…now, who was it? 

Acts 9:15a:

15a) “But the Lord said unto him [Ananias], Go thy way: for he [Saul] is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles…”(KJV).

Now, who were the “Gentiles”? Other translations, like CNT, tell us that Saul would be a chosen vessel to…:

Acts 9:15b:

15b) “…bear His name both to the Nations and kings of the children of Israel.”

Hmm. That doesn’t sound like who the Judeo-Christian say the Gentiles supposedly are.

And then Ananias said that the LORD would show him great things that he would suffer for His name’s sake. There had been several attempts on Saul’s life so far, but there would be many more hardships that he would face in the future.

After the awakening of the belief that after seven hundred years, the unclean Israelites, not the unclean animals, were now clean, there were a series of miracles, instant healings, and even resurrections that occurred. It was shown when:

  • Philip converted many Judeans who were now living in Samaria (Acts 8:5, 6),
  • Peter and John encountered Simon Magus and refused his bribe to give him the same power that the apostles had when they laid their hands on the people and they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:18-23),
  • Philip was sent by the angel of the Lord to Gaza where he met an Israelite eunuch from Ethiopia who heard the word from Philip and was baptized (Acts 8:26-38),
  • Philip then was caught up by the Spirit of the Lord and was found in Azotus and he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea (Acts 8:40),
  • Peter healed a man, through the power of Jesus Christ, who was sick of the palsy for eight years, and then got up out of his bed and arose (Acts 9:33,34),
  • Peter then brought back to life, through the power of Jesus Christ, a disciple by the name of Tabitha, by prayer and by turning her body over and saying to her, “Arise” (Acts 9:40),
  • Peter not only went to men who were uncircumcised but ate with them right before they had received the Holy Spirit the same thing that had happened to the Judeans at Pentecost, and then he baptized them(Acts 10:44, 45),
  • The apostles and brethren in Judaea heard that the uncircumcised had also received the word of God and contended with Peter because he also ate with them, which was against God’s Law (Acts 11:1-3),
  • After Peter gave his testimony as to what happened, that they had received the Holy Spirit in the same manner that they had on Pentecost, the men of Judaea praised God for granting repentance unto the former divorced sheep of the house of Israel (Acts 10:35),
  • Galatians, chapter two, tells of when Paul blamed Peter publicly because he first ate in Antioch with the former divorced uncircumcised Israelites who were now clean, but when circumcised Judeans arrived at dinner, he feared them and withdrew from eating with the newly cleansed Israelites and ate only with the Judeans. Barnabas also followed Peter (Galatians 2:11-13).
  • The Israelite Saul, who was the worse tyrant in rounding-up followers of Jesus, became miraculously converted(Acts 9:1-18),
  • Herod, the Edomite Jewish king, killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews; he took Peter prisoner. But Peter was released from jail by the angel of the Lord and went to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark and sister to Barnabas (Acts 12:1-12).
  • Etc.

Many of the Israelite Judeans had left Jerusalem and Judaea and had fled to Cyprus, Cyrene (a city in modern-day Libya), Phoenicia, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Achaia, and Antioch in Syria. Antioch (Syria) had become one of the major churches at this time in all the world. There were many of the former divorced Israelites who were in that area too. And for the first time, the Judeans began to preach to the former divorced Israelites.

The church in Jerusalem heard about what was occurring in Antioch (Syria) and sent Barnabas to the church. He discovered that things were going as they heard and that for the first time in seven hundred years, both houses of Israel were believing the gospel of the kingdom that was preached. 

Then Barnabas departed almost ninety miles to Tarsus (in Asia Minor)to find Saul. When he found him, he brought him back to the church in Antioch, Syria. And they both taught, along with others, the people of the church for a year. (What did they teach them?) It was in this church that the disciples, which would include Paul, were first called “Christians.”

Acts 11:25, 26:

25) “Then departed Barnabas [from Antioch] to Tarsus[about 90 miles], for to seek Saul:

26) And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch [Syria].”

While they were in Antioch, there came prophets from Jerusalem. One of these prophets was a man named Agabus who revealed that there would be a great famine throughout most of the Roman world. The church at Antioch decided to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea. It was sent to the elders of the church of Jerusalem by Barnabas and Saul.

Soon after Barnabas and Saul returned to the church at Antioch in Syria, with John Mark. The prophets and teachers who ministered to the Lord:

  1. Fasted,
  2. Prayed,
  3. Laid their hands on them, and
  4. Sent them away on their first missionary journey. 

They sailed to Cyprus, then Perga, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe, all in Asia Minor. Then they just reversed where they had gone: Derbe to Lystra to Iconium to Antioch, to Perga to Attalia to Seleucia to Antioch of Syria. It took a little bit more than a year.


Galatians 1:1, 2:

1) “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead;)

2) And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:”

Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia, which were in the cities of:

  1. Antioch,
  2. Iconium,
  3. Lystra, and
  4. Derbe.

Galatia was one of the provinces of Asia Minor, which was very close to where he was born, in Tarsus in the province of Cilicia. One of the most important themes that Paul wrote about to the churches of Galatia, after his first missionary journey, was that they had been bewitched (Galatians 3:1). It must have been very discouraging for Paul to hear this, because: 

  1. Paul had been expelled from the city of Antioch in Galatia by the Jews,
  2. Half of the city of Iconium in Galatia believed the Jews and half believed Paul and the other apostles. As a result, he was chased out of town by the Jews,
  3. Paul was wrongly perceived to be a pagan god -- Mercury after he healed a cripple man from birth, in Lystra in Galatia,
  4. Paul had been stoned by the Jews, who had come from Antioch and Iconium, and left for dead outside of Lystra in Galatia, and
  5. After the Jews left, the disciples gathered around Paul, and he immediately got up and preached the gospel of the kingdom and either helped or confirmed and established churches in all these main cities in Galatia.

But shortly after Paul returned from his first missionary journey, he received a report that Galatia had fallen on hard times. A group of Judaizers had convinced the Galatian churches that they had to be living under the Mosaic Law. Thus, he wrote the letter to the Galatians.

  • Why the Galatians fell away so quickly from the “gospel of the kingdom” that Paul had preached to them is quite amazing, but they also made their disloyalty to Paul’s authority by denying his Apostleship. Even today, there are many in Christendom (some in Christian Identity) who believe the same thing that the ancient Israelites in Galatia did -- that the Apostle Paul was a false prophet and a heretic. It is known as Paul-bashing. So, there is “…nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9b).
  • If a person believes that Paul was a false Apostle, then all of Paul’s epistles to the Christian churches and fellow laborers in Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy are distorted or fictitious and should be eliminated from the Bible.
  • The Bible also says that Paul had something happen to him that no false prophet ever had before:  Acts 13:9: “Then Saul (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit), set his eyes on him[the child of the devil, Elymas, the sorcerer].”
  • He was attacked many times by the Jews to either kill or jail him (in Damascus, Jerusalem, Antioch Asia Minor, Lystra, Philippi, Ephesus, Athens, Rome, etc.).
  • Paul also had many fellow laborers, such as Timothy, Luke, Titus, Barnabas, Mark, Apollos, Apphia, Phoebe, Tertius, Priscilla and Aquila, Persis, Rufus, Archippus, and Silas, for example. Are all these false prophets too?
  • Paul is made out by the Jews, to be an exposer of Jewish plots, like Adolph Hitler, Martin Luther, King Louis IX, and Jesus Christ, and true Christianity.
  • Paul was a member, teacher, and missionary in the church that its disciples were first called “Christian” (Acts 11:26).
  • The consensus among biblical scholars identifies the following books of the Bible were authored by Paul. 

First to the churches:

  1. Romans [church of Rome, Italy]

    2&3 1 & 2 Corinthians [church(es) of Corinth, Achaia]

    4. Galatians [churches in Galatia, Asia Minor]

  1. Ephesians [church(es) in Ephesus, AsiaMinor]
  2. Philippians [church(es) in Philippi, Macedonia]
  3. Colossians [church(es) in Colosse, Asia Minor]

    (8, 9) 1 & 2 Thessalonians [church(es) in Thessalonica, Macedonia]

And to his co-workers:

  10 & 11  1 & 2 Timothy (born in Galatia, Asia Minor),

  1. Titus (probably born in Antioch, Syria),
  2. Philemon (probably born in Colossae, Asia Minor),

and possibly the book of Hebrews. There is disagreement of who wrote this book with many saying that it was authored by God Himself. So, about half of the New Testament books (13 or 14 out of 27) would no longer be in the Bible if the charges against Paul were true.

This is what the Galatian churches were saying in Paul’s day…that he was a false apostle. Therefore, Paul began the letter to the Galatians by spending the first two chapters defending that very issue. Only in chapter three did he begin to get to the heart of their error. 

Paul goes into his history but first tells them that they are now removed into another gospel than what was preached by him to them. He then tells them:

Galatians 1:8, 9:

  1. 8) “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

    9) As we said before, so say I now again, If any man [or any angel from heaven] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

Do you think that preaching the wrong gospel is important? Are there preachers today preaching the incorrect gospel? Are they accursed? What kind of angel from heaven would be preaching a false gospel? Are there angels from heaven preaching the wrong gospel today? 

Paul goes on and says that the gospel that he preached (the gospel of the kingdom) was not after man, neither received it of man, neither was he taught it by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. If he received it by the revelation of Jesus Christ, why would he be a false preacher?


So, what did Paul mean when he wrote verse 28 of Galatians 3?

Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”(KJV)

Or should it be as it says in another translation:

Galatians 3:28: “There is not one Judaean or Greek, there is not one bondman or freeman, there is not one male and female; for all you are one in Christ Yashua.” (CNT)

Do you remember what verse 27 says:

Galatians 3:27:

27) “For as many of you [members of the churches of Galatia] as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Paul was writing to the churches of Galatia, and he told them about what they had inherited. It is to the members of the churches of Galatia that there is no longer an Judaean (house of Judah) or a Greek (Greek speaking member of the house of Israel)for they are now one, no longer two kingdoms. For Paul is telling the Galatians that there is no longer any division among them. There is no split between the House of Israel and the House of Judah. After seven centuries, the divorce and separation/captivity are over. 

Even if a person says that the KJV is correct, it can’t mean what the Judeo-Christian says it does. They apply “Jew and Greek” as meaning everyone alive in the earth today — all eight billion people. Plus, they also mean all the people who were alive from the time of Jesus’ resurrection till now – estimated to be around 108 billion people.

Today’s Christianity says that the words “neither Jew nor Greek” means that everyone now has the opportunity to be saved. But that is not correct, because “Jew” means Judean and “Greek” means those that speak Greek. That is not everyone in the world, in fact, it is a minority of those in the world. Paul was writing to the Israelites in the churches of Galatia, which was in Asia Minor (Turkey).He was not writing to everyone who was alive in the world!

Do you really think that he was writing to the Maya’s in Mexico? The Chinese in Asia? The New Guinea savages? The Eskimo’s in Alaska? The Jews, who are from Esau (Edomites) whom He hates? (Romans 9:13)?


Look at what one website [Gateway Center for Israel] says. It is written by Pastor David Blease who is in a church which is for the pro-antichristian people, like John Hagee represents, rather than being against them. The website says: 

“Galatians 3:27-28 states that ‘…all who have been united with Messiah in baptism have put on Messiah, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile…’

‘There is no longer Jew or Gentileno longer slave or free, no longer male and female. For you are all one in Messiah Jesus.’”

He, along with many others, sees no distinction between “Greek” and Gentile”. In fact, he substituted Gentilein place of the word “Greek” in this verse! Check this verse in the KJV

Galatians 3:28a:

28a) “There is neither Jew nor Greek…” (KJV).

And he also substitutes the word “Messiah” for “Christ”in verse 28. Messianic Jews refer to Jesus as being their Messiah. 

They then give a brief review of their church’s history on their website. Here is part of it:

“In 1975, a local Dallas-Fort Worth pastor had a direct encounter with God’s love for the Jewish people. This pastor was the spiritual father of many influential future pastors and leaders. Out of this one pastor’s encounter with God, grew a relationship with local and global Jewish believers in Jesus. These Jewish leaders have helped (and continue to help) influence ourtheology and understanding of the Bible as a whole, and in particular God’s plan for redeeming the world. Thus the entire text of Romans 1:16.”

Romans 1:16:

16) “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

“– including the last words ‘to the Jew first’ – became a foundational value for Gateway Church.”

[There are those two words once again: Jew and Greek. Greek means Greek speaking, which is not close to being everyone in the world. Jew is not the correct translation either. Is it Kenite Jew, or Canaanite Jew, or Edomite Jew, or Sephardic Jew, or Hassidic Jew, or Ashkenazim Jew? They don’t know or believe that the correct translation of this verse should be, “…to the Judean(house of Judah) first, and then to the Greek (house of Israel)].

      “David Blease is an American pastor, Christian influencer, and podcast host. He is the Teaching Pastor at ‘Gateway Center for Israel’ and a host for the ‘Covenant & Conflict’ podcast series. David graduated from the King’s University in 2016 with a degree in Christian Studies.

      In 2012, David attended the Gateway Conference, where he learned the Jewish context of scripture which significantly reshaped his understanding of the Bible. This newfound understanding helped deepen David’s relationship with God, his passion for Israel [the Jews], and his love for the Jewish people. He now dedicates much of his time to teaching the Church [Gateway Center for Israel] how to develop and foster a sincere love for Israel and the Jewish People.” 

Isn’t this the wrong gospel? He teaches his church to foster a sincere love for the enemies, that is, the people who murdered and who tried to murder many of the apostles and followers of Christ. Do you see how the KJV and other Bibles have misled hundreds of Christian pastors? Do you think this false church could even exist if they read Acts, chapters 9-15 with the correct translation?

“Greek”is not the same as “Gentile.” There are billions of people who are living on the earth who are neither Jewish nor do they speak the Greek language. The Incas, Mayas, practically most of the people of South and Central America, North America, most of Africa and Asia and most of western Europe fit this category. “Greek” does not mean everyone in the world except the Jews. So, Judeo-Christianity’s belief that neither Jew nor Greek, means either a person is Jewish or non-Jewish, for he is now one in Christ Jesus is foolish and completely wrong. In fact, the way Judeo-Christians interpret this verse, I am not in any way a part of it – for I am not a Jew, and I am not a Greek!

Paul wrote to the churches at Galatia…now who were the churches at Galatia: 

  • Antioch,
  • Iconium,
  • Lystra, and
  • Derbe. 

It had two different groups of Israelites — people from the house of Israel and people from the house of Judah. They are now one seed in the church of Jesus Christ.     

The very next verse also proves who Paul was writing to:

Galatians 3:29:

29) For if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Paul begins this verse, “For if ye; who is the ye that he is addressing? That would be the “Gentiles” according to Mr. Blease. But Paul is not addressing the Chinese or the Zulus, or the Koreans, or the Kenites, or the Canaanites, or the Edomites, or the Ashkenazim, or the savages of New Guinea, because the yeare the members of the Galatian churches. 

The letter is addressed to the Galatian churches who were “…heirs according to the promise” of Abraham’s everlasting covenant. Most of the people of the earth are not descendants of Abraham nor are they “heirs according to the promise.”

Judeo-Christians have a problem. They say that in verse 28, “Jew and Gentile” mean everyone living on the earth. But the very next verse, everyone on the earth is somehow Abraham’s seed. Well, that is not true. Most of the people of the earth are not from Abraham’s seed. So, they come up with theory that they are the “spiritual seed” of Abraham. But where is the verse(s) that teaches this?

Paul was writing to people who he preached to on his missionary journeys. They were mostly Israelites in dispersion, called hiddenly in the various translations as: 

  • “Gentiles,”
  • “Greeks,”
  • “Uncircumcised,”
  • “People with no hope,”
  • “People who had no mercy,”
  • “Christians,”
  • “Heathen,”
  • “Israelites,” Etc.

To paraphrase this verse 29, one could say:

Galatians 3:29:  “For ye, O house of Israel and Judah, are one through faith in Christ, and Abraham’s seed ye are, and according to the promise given to Abraham, ye are both heirs of the promise.”

Only the nation of Israel can be “…heirs of the promise” given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promises belong to no other people. And only the two houses of Israel and Judah can become one new man in Christ Jesus. This is the main theme of Scripture and again, this promise to be “heirs of the promise” was given to the nation of Israel and no other people. And the “gospel of the kingdom” was what was preached to them.

Judeo-Christians say Jew and Gentile are the two that become one man. That is dangerous. For that leads to the destruction of our people, for the Jews are the enemy, the antichrist of our people. They teach that Jew and Christian are one!

How do Judeo-Christians say that the Bible teaches that salvation is open to all races and cultures of the world – do you think that it is by translating the wrong words? Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, who was to give “light” to Judah and then the rest of Israel. He was given the message that reconciled the two kingdoms of Israel into one, as well as it reconciled them back to their God. 

Paul did not ever preach that Jesus Christ redeemed everyone who ever lived. He never said that Jesus Christ redeemed everyone alive on the planet earth, including the wicked seed line who hates the redeemer of Israel with everything they can muster. 


There are a few preachers who are very conservative but still teach the universality of all. What a shame. They say that Zionism is wrong and then they teach part of what Zionism and their religion’s holy book, the Talmud, teaches. Are these men accused of preaching the wrong gospel?

For example, this famous or infamous pastor, former Presidential and Vice-President candidate of the United States, leader of the moral majority in Florida, and pastor of Liberty Fellowship Church in Montana, said the following:

“For the most part, Zionists control America’s television news networks, America’s major newspapers, the Federal Reserve and most of America’s major banking interests – as well as America’s entertainment and educational institutions – and even our legal institutions” (Kill the Infidels”, December 17, 2015.)

That was very true, but he also said in response to a local newspaper article that accused him of being a “racist”:

“This photo [below] does not include the folks of minority races in Liberty Fellowship who were absent when the picture was taken. The various minority races in Liberty Fellowship number around 20% of the congregation. This is in an area of the country where combined minority races number around 3%. Plus, there are several mixed-race marriages in Liberty Fellowship. Anyone who suggests that Chuck Baldwin and Liberty Fellowship are racist is just flat lying.

A group of people posing for a photo

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Well, I say if you are not racist, you don’t believe what the Bible teaches. What good is conservatism if they teach what our enemies want. They have made the word “racist” a negative term. Does Chuck Baldwin realize that if the Judaizers are successful in their promotion of mixed-raced marriages that that would mean the end of the white race; for the Jews have been mixed-raced from their beginning. He, along with most of Judeo-Christianity, doesn’t realize that Christianity, like the kingdom of Israel, is racial. Chuck Balwin is preaching an accursed gospel.

The war between the two seed lines is about over. Which seed line does the Bible say will win?

To be continued.


      Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.