Apartheid America
by Pastor Don Elmore
January 12, 2014
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 17:15
I will spend a few minutes before I begin my sermon on the 9-11 hoax. I do not want to let this one get away from us as it has changed the world. The official story:
“Terrorist, while living in deep caves, with laptops and satellite phones penetrated the most heavily defended air space in the world, flying wildly off course for over an hour, hitting 75% of their targets, and not a single fighter was scrambled to intercept.
They were led by Osama bin Laden who was a leader who had liver problems and required dialysis twice a week who was living in caves and dwellings in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It must have been a long extension cord! He lived until he was assassinated after ten years.
NORAD and all military agencies, and all government assistance and defense, non-existent until well after the attacks had taken place. Oh! Sorry victim families & fellow citizens! We failed to mention, I mean, forgot to mention WTC-7 in the final official report.”
I have put up on the wall the 19 accused Arab terrorists who were the people the FBI accused as the hi-jackers who died in the four airplanes that crashed on September 11. Notice that none of these nineteen men were from either Iraq or Afghanistan; but that’s not the real issue—nine of them were found to be alive and well.
After this huge mistake was found out; the FBI did not add any other faces to replacing the ones who were still living. So that means that flight #11 that supposedly crashed into North Tower had only one Arab hi-jacker on it: Satam Suqami; and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania had only two hi-jackers on it with box cutters. What a fantastic lie.
And don’t forget the building #7 that the 9-11 Commission forgot to mention; fell in less than seven seconds. Which story do you believe or do you not believe any of them? Does it make any difference to you which one is the correct story?
The same is true in the religious area. Do you know which church is telling you the truth or which one is lying to you? Does it make any difference to you if you celebrate Christ’s Mass of if you don’t? Who are the Gentiles? Are they non-Jews or are they the House of Israel?
Tracking the 19 Hijackers: What are they up to now?
At least 9 of them survived 9/11
A former high-level intelligence official told me, "Whatever trail was left
--for the F.B.I. to chase." New Yorker 10/1/01 by Seymour Hersh
American Airlines #11 Boeing 767 7:45 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles 8:45 a.m. Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center | ||||
Satam Suqami |
Waleed Alshehri |
Wail Alshehri |
Mohamed Atta |
Abdulaziz Alomari |
Used Firearm | Still Alive3 | Still alive10 BL Video12 | Still Alive9 U.S. Military1 | Still Alive4 U.S. Military1 |
American Airlines #77 - Boeing 757 8:10 a.m. Departed Dulles for Los Angeles 9:39 a.m. Crashed into Pentagon | ||||
Khalid Almihdhar | Majed Moqed | Nawaf Alhazmi |
Salem Alhazmi |
Hani Hanjour |
Still Alive2 Lived w/FBI20 | Lived w/FBI20 | Still Alive6 BL Video12 | Lacked alleged flying ability19 |
United Airlines #175 - Boeing 767 7:58 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles 9:05 a.m. Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center | ||||
Marwan Al-Shehhi |
Fayez Rashid | Ahmed Alghamdi | Hamza Alghamdi | Mohand Alshehri |
Still Alive11 Alleged Pilot | U.S. Military1 | Fabrications18 U.S. Military1 |
United Airlines #93 - Boeing 757 10:03 a.m. Crashed in Stony Creek Township | |||
Saeed Alghamdi | Ahmad Haznawi | Ahmed Alnami | Ziad Samir Jarrah |
Still Alive5 U.S. Military1 | Still Alive7 U.S. Military1 | Fabrications16 Alleged Pilot |
The FBI still says these are the terrorists.14 But when they are found alive, the FBI says their identity was stolen, and its not the terrorist.15
Remember that suspicious bin Laden "confession" video?
- How could he praise uninvolved living people12 for the 9/11 hijackings?
- If they stole identities, how did the FBI identify those passengers as terrorists?
Not by flight calls, which contradict the FBI13 information!
These aren't the first mistakes. FBI quickly had amended the original list8, as the original "suicide hijackers" came forward!
Flight paths of the four hijacked planes used in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001:
- 7:59 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, departs Logan Airport bound for Los Angeles with 81 passengers and crew of 11.
- 8:14 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767, also departs Boston for Los Angeles with 56 passengers and crew of nine.
- 8:20 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, departs Washington's Dulles Airport for Los Angeles with 58 passengers and crew of six.
- 8:42 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, leaves Newark for San Francisco with 37 passengers and crew of seven.
- 8:46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
- 9:03 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 slams into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
- 9:37 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon. Hijacked from Dulles, Flight 77 slams into the West side of the Pentagon.
- 9:59 a.m. The South Tower collapses.
- 10:03 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
- 10:28 a.m. The North Tower collapses.
The American way of life under the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution, during America’s first ninety-three years of existence, had laws and traditions that, in today’s liberal culture, seem to be very strange. In fact, most present-day Americans would be totally repulsed to live in such a politically incorrect society: but it was a Christian-based society. If today’s Christians lived in those beginning days, they would feel very comfortable about how things were. But now, they would think it very strange, because that is not as it is now. It is now just the opposite of what it was back then. Now what would you think about a nation in which only White men, over twenty-one years old, who were landowners and paid taxes, were the only ones who were:
- Allowed to vote
- Hold office
- Be on the jury
- Be in the militia
Some political offices, like the President, had to be filled by a White man who was over the age of thirty-five. But it was still true that no women of any race could vote or hold any office until there was a feminist movement which resulted in a Constitutional Amendment that was passed in 1920! And no non-Whites could vote: that means no Blacks, no Mexicans, no Asians, no Filipinos, no Mulattos, no Native Americans, and no atheistic White could vote, hold office be on a jury or be in the militia until after the War Between the States had been concluded.
So the United States of America has had this voting law:
- No one except White men could vote and hold office for the first 93 years of its history (1869 – 1776);
- Certain Blacks could vote after 1869 and they have voted for 145 years (2014 – 1869);
- Asian Pacific Americans were considered “aliens ineligible for citizenship” since 1790 and did not vote in large numbers until after 1965 which was 49 years ago (2014 -1965);
- Compared to only 94 years of allowing women of all races the right to vote (2014 – 1920).
What a difference this law would have made in the last two Presidential elections if the laws of the nation had not changed from its first 93 years of existence. Women of all races supported Obama with a high voting percentage, but Barack Obama would not have been the winner anyway. He would not even have been allowed to run. He would first have to produce a valid birth certificate. But then he wouldn’t be allowed to hold the office of a Senator or a President for Barack Obama was a mulatto; a child of a White and a Black parent.
And he wasn’t a natural born citizen either. Both Mitt Romney and Obama couldn’t vie for the coveted office, as they were both disqualified from holding the office of President of the United States. They both were not born in the territory of America and thereby, could not run for the President. And John McCain also was not a natural born citizen, so he wasn’t qualified under the United States Constitution to be President either. So both the Republican and Democratic Parties have not had a qualified candidate for President in the last two elections. With over three hundred million people to choose from, neither political party could find a person who qualified to be President? What a disgrace!
Who could be a juror? Only certain citizens, Christian White men, were allowed to be on the jury: there was only one exception. Before the War Between the States, only one State – Massachusetts, allowed non-Whites to be a part of their jury system. No women were allowed of any race to be on the jury until after 1865. No non-White men were allowed: No Blacks, no Mexicans, no Asians, no Filipinos, no Native Americans, no atheistic Whites, no mulattos etc. were allowed to be a juror.
Judges had to be Christian White men, for what law were they judging? They were judging some of God’s Laws and there was a need to know and understand it. But later Jewish kabbalah philosophy, disguised as the science of psychology, came into being in the late 1800’s. This false tenet became very popular, very quickly. It soon was instructing a person of how he could live his life without God. It had crept into every area of American society; including almost every church. These unbiblical psychology courses are also now taught in almost all so-called Christian schools and universities as well as preached from many of its pulpits.
The Supreme Court is the third branch of the American government. It is part of the checks and balances that was derived from the Constitutional Convention. This is the last place that you can take a case and get a final decision. Originally it was composed of all-White Christian men, all Protestants. But now we have 5 Caucasians, 2 Jews, 1 Puerto Rican and 1 Black; that is 6 Roman Catholics, 3 Jews, and 0 Protestants. And the United States began as a Protestant Nation! And now we have lost the highest court of the land into the hands of our enemies.
White men were the ones who ran most companies and corporations after attending post-high school teachings in a college or university. There were very few White women who were there; except in the colleges of Education and Nursing. It was expected that the White women would be the ones whose job it were to give birth to children and to biblically guide the home and rear the children. There were very few non-whites in institutions of higher learning. Whites had their businesses and Blacks had theirs. They were basically living separate lives.
The immigration of the United States drastically changed from being mostly Christian White men and White women with their White children coming from Europe to a very different third world non-Christian, uneducated strangers in the last century and a half. Roman Catholics and Jews, thought to be antichrists, were forbidden to vote and hold office in most of the non-Catholic States, but were allowed to do both on the federal level. This was because this was a Protestant nation and most of the inhabitants of the land remembered the times of persecution suffered at the hand of the Roman Catholic Church. And many of them read the many Bible verses that taught them to beware of those who hated Jesus Christ. But our Constitution gave the people that our first settlers were fleeing from in Europe the opportunity that they could opening rejoice over.
In the late 1800’s there was a large majority of both of these two groups of religious people who immigrated to the United States. The Roman Catholics soon became a major influence in America as well as the Ashkenazi/Sephardic Jew, who has influence a change to the worse for America’s Protestant culture.
Notice that Vice-President Joe Biden offered praise for the Jewish community that raised some eyebrows and seems to have delighted anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists. At the Democratic National Convention event for Jewish American Heritage Month last month, after noting Jewish Americans’ disproportionate representation in Congress, impressive share of Nobel Prizes, and role in the civil-rights and womens’-rights movements, Biden then praised their work in behalf of gay marriage via their control of the media.
“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,” he explained, “. . . Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”
Vice-President Biden also cited one of his favorite explanations for the success of gay marriage —
“it wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was Will and Grace, it was the social media. Literally. That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes. That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would embrace and rapidly embrace” the measure.
In those developments, Biden explained, “the influence [of Jewish people] is immense. The influence is immense.”
They both (Roman Catholic and Jewish) have put Protestant America in a very bad position in regards to their serving their God. The original Protestant America has traded in their holy days for their holidays; they have traded their gospel for the message of a false hope; they have traded their modest apparel for the modern short skirts and low-cut blouses; they have traded their traditional marriages for the concept of same-sex marriages; and the same is true in feminism, birth control, aborticide, Sabbath keeping, the change in popular music, drug culture, sodomy, bank usury, miscegenation, change in immigration and many other issues.
Now we have so many third world people immigrating, legally and illegally, to the United States that the Caucasian race has lost its majority in two States already: New Mexico and California. By the year 2025 it is projected that the United States will be no longer inhabited by a majority of the White race; it will be a Brown America!
Interracial marriage was illegal and unlawful in the nation and it was considered to be such a horrible sin that it was forbidden by all of the States, the nation and the churches. The penalty for those who were guilty of interracial marriage was either jail time or execution. The Bible has a partially different punishment for the crime, but it refers to it as being an abomination to God. Approval of interracial marriages among non-Christians in America began when the marriage licenses came into being in the late 1800’s.
Most of the partners of mixed-marriages were married by a Justice of the Peace, rather than a Christian church clergy as the vast majority of the churches did not marry racially-mixed couples. But today the church has changed from being the “most segregated place in America on Sunday morning” to an integrated, apostate church that marries just about anybody. They even marry sodomites. Many of the clergy are now sodomites themselves!
Many States had laws against interracial marriages until the Supreme Court ruled against them in 1967. It ruled that interracial marriages were now unconstitutional. So for 178 years of our nation being under the American Constitution it was constitutional. But for the last 47 years it has been considered unconstitutional! How nonsensical can you get?
For Christians it is even a bigger issue. Is race-mixing a sin? Is miscegenation an abomination against our God? For the majority of time of our nation the churches said that it was a sin and that God hated it. The rules are now turned around; evil for good. And race-mixing isn’t the only change: There is feminism, birth control, aborticide, same-sex marriages, sodomy, bank usury, Sabbath keeping, and many more that the church taught were sins but now there is agreement or toleration with these sins.
Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Quakers, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Unitarians, and Congregationalists were some of the major denominations in America in the beginning. Almost all of these were all-White churches with all-Black churches existing independently. The Black churches would usually be pastored by a White man until the church could call a qualified Black man to be their pastor. And then he would leave.
There were also a large number of Mennonites and Amish who came to this country in the 1700’s and 1800’s. They were true Christians who refused to trade the new inventions which would make their lives more convenient for a few of Satan’s wiles. Many followed a man who was a former Roman Catholic priests who had never read his Bible; Menno Simons. When he began to read it, he was shocked at the things that he found out. He discovered that the Roman Catholic Church was the antichrist Church. He quit the Church as a priest, and became the leader of the Mennonites. They were an all-White church that came from Europe.
But there were new restoration churches that sprang into being in the 1800’s: The Christian Church, Church of Christ, Disciples Church, Church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah Witnesses, etc. were a few of these restoration churches which admitted different races and added false doctrines. These churches considered the present main-line churches to be apostate and taught that there was a need for a new church. So they replaced the former churches of Christianity.
And today, we have a host of new “Christian” churches, mega-churches: The Vineyard; Cornerstone; Crossroads; Saddleback Church of Lake Front, California; Southeast Christian Church of Louisville, Kentucky; Willow Creek Community Church of Winter Springs, Florida; etc.; Lakewood Church of Houston, Texas; College Park Church in Indianapolis, Indiana; etc.; churches with multi-cultural congregations with a Judeo-Christian theme. Most, if not all of them, have rock and roll bands for the worship service. This music, which came from the beat of the African drums of the slaves from Africa, prompted the entrance of demonic influence in our nation.
Slavery was legal and lawful in many States and was protected by the Constitution and the Bible. Shortly before the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) there were movements to pay the slave-holders for their slaves and ship them back to Africa. Marcus Garvey was a Black leader who was transporting Blacks back to Liberia, Africa. He was very successful. Slavery was economically impossible to maintain. But the jewish-influenced abolitionists saw the opportunity to exploit the situation and do what no other society had ever done—free the slaves with no monetary pay-back given to the slave-holder. The Jewish Black Boule was formed in order to stop the influence of Marcus Garvey and his movement.
Apartheid was basically the law of the nation. “Separate but equal” were the words used to describe America during this time. Many elementary, middle and high schools, as well as most colleges and universities were racially segregated. There were separate drinking fountains and toilets, mainly in the South, in many public facilities. Many went to their own segregated schools. The Whites lived in one area of town, the Blacks in another; they did not live in the same neighborhood.
The public schools were targeted after the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954. Massive resistance was staged as the Arkansas National Guard unit blocked the admission of nine Black students to the Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. This nearly month-long confrontation ended with President Eisenhower sent in United States troops to protect these students. Thus, the integration of the public schools was soon to begin.
The Armed Forces; Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and National Guard were White and didn’t become integrated to any degree into after World War II. There were a few non-Whites who fought in the previous wars, but true integration didn’t occur, without difficulty, until the last 60 years. Now we have the situation where women are allowed to fight in the front lines of the military! There is also the problem of sexual harassment there has become a great epidemic.
The college and university ball teams and the major and minor professional leagues soon ended their segregation too. Major league baseball became integrated in 1947 when Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. The National Football League became integrated when four players signed a contract in 1946. They were Bill Willis and Marion Motley of the Cleveland Browns and Kerry Washington and Woody Strode of the Los Angeles Rams.9 Chuck Cooper was the first black player drafted in the National Basketball Association. He was drafted in the second round by the Boston Celtics. There were four other blacks who were drafted in that year.10 Now Blacks have the major number of player on each team, with a token number of Whites and Asians. That started the integration of the other professional sports.
Now we have practically everything integrated by law—public schools, the Armed Forces, Major and Minor League Ball Teams, businesses, public transportation, neighborhoods, golf country clubs, government offices, juries, and most former “Christian” churches. The percentage of people who voted for the approval of interracial marriages has shifted drastically in the last 55 years. Whites in the late 1950’s had a disapproval rate that was over 90% while today the approval rating is over 80%. Black’s approval of Black-White marriages was 96% which is now nearly universal. In the United States the approval rate was 87% vs. only 4% in 1958. Wow, what has caused this dramatic change in such a short time?11
America started out as a White nation; discovered by White people, settled and colonized by White people, governed by White people, with few of any other race or culture living in the land that was given to Joseph. It was established as a Christian republic nation. It is no longer; it has been dead for a long time.
How did this all change in the over 200 years of the nation’s existence? What caused the change in race relations? What changed it to a multi-cultural democratic country? It was the Roman Catholic Church and the Talmudic and Kabbalistic Jew with all their front organizations, such as: Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Roundtable Group, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, The Golden Dawn, B’nai B’rith, Jesuits, etc.
Exodus 12:43: “And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the Passover: There shall no stranger eat of it.”
This verse instructs the Israelites that the Passover meal is not universal; but is limited to only members of their race. No Blacks, no Asians, no Filipinos, no Asians, no Native Americas, no Mexicans, no mulattos, no stranger shall eat of the Passover meal. Are we not being consistent to the Holy Scripture if we say that same thing about Communion?
There is the popular and main doctrine of most Christian churches in the present time—
“God is the father of each and every person on the earth and all men are brothers; there is only one race—the human race.” The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man are foundational teachings of Freemasonry. Those phrases are often carved in the stonework of Masonic temples. Almost every town in America and in almost every country of the world you will find a Freemasonic Temple. Think that is a problem?
The covenant doctrine of the Holy Bible is very seldom even understood by the vast number of so-called Christians. Why? Because most Christians do not read and study their Bibles; and the ones that do; read new translations that are full of mistranslations and interpretations. Christians are so full of chemicals and Pharmacia that these additives no doubt affect the reasoning and apathy of the people.
America went from the Calvinistic position to the Arminian position—with very few ever even hearing of the covenant position. The Calvinistic position held that Jesus Christ did not die for all peoples. They teach that He only died for the elect.
The enemy struck down the main Christian doctrines. Christianity was being put to sleep. There can be little doubt that America was established according to prophecy to be the homeland of God’s re-gathered Israel. We became the “city on a hill,” the light that shone around the world, the mountain of God’s holiness.
We also became the number one target for the enemies of God. God blessed us with a table in the sight and presence of our enemies and in spite of what they did, they could not take away our joy, our prosperity and our blessing. The debauched our money, they put us in wars, and they busted our paper fiancés. They got us to serve other gods thereby making our God punish us.
We have been deceived. We are under a curse for serving other gods. Christians in the past have suffered worse things than what we have suffered. They kept the faith even till their martyrdom. May our God give us the faith that will keep us serving the God that brought our kinsmen out of slavery in Egypt.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.