Who do we Preach to? Part 2
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
Sept 8, 2024
Annual Missouri Homecoming Conference 2024
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:13
“But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nighby the blood of Christ.”
Who are the “ye” that are being addressed in this passage? It isn’t everyone on the earth, for they were at one time“far off” and were made “near” by the blood of Christ. The Bible has a lot of pronouns. What noun(s) are they representing?
Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who is usually pretty good in his commentary of world events, proved to me that he is way off in his interpretation of one of the important themes of the Bible. He commented on an interview that Christian Zionist Pastor John MacArthur had with Antichrist Zionist Jew Ben Shapiro. He claimed that the interview promoted genocide in Gaza. The article was presented on July 11, 2024.
Pastor Baldwin’s article, in my opinion, was right on target, but his interpretation of the sources that back his arguments were also dead wrong. Chuck stated that the interview between MacArthur with Shapiro was almost totally void of the understanding of Christ’s New Covenant. But Chuck, a graduate of Liberty University, didn’t understand it either.
His article stated that it was against what all premillennial dispensationalists teach. And that was correct, but he then said that they were still living in the Old Testament and that the “…covenant was completely abolished by Christ’s death on the cross.” That was incorrect.
Pastor Chuck’s misunderstanding, and most of the Christians of today, is based on what the two words, commonly found in the Bible, mean. The two words are:
- “Jews”, and
- “Gentiles.”
Let’s look at what Chuck Baldwin says to prove John MacArthur and Ben Shapiro wrong. [Words in brackets and extra emphasis added by me]:
“Ephesians 2:13 – 18: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off (Gentiles) [all non-Jews], are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both (Jews and Gentiles) [Jews and non-Jews], one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of (Jewish) commandments contained in (Jewish) ordinances; for to make in himself of twain (Jews and Gentiles) [Jews and non-Jews], one new man (the Body of Christ; the Church), so making peace; And that he might reconcile both (Jews and Gentiles) [Jews and non-Jews], unto God in one body (the Church) by the cross, having slain the enmity (the 0.law of Jewish commandments and ordinances)thereby: And came and preached peace to you which were afar off (Gentiles) [non-Jews], and to them that were nigh (Jews). For through him (Christ) we both (Jews and Gentiles) [Jews and non-Jews] have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
The two words, “Jews” and “Gentiles,” are what are contrasted in these few verses. Baldwin says that the word “Jews” means the descendants of the Abrahamic Covenant and that the word “Gentiles” means all people who are not descendants of that covenant or are not Jews. He, along with most of Christendom, has misidentified what these two pronouns mean in these six verses.
This is what the Judeo-Christians and most of the other Christians don’t understand. The nation of Israel was split into two separate and different kingdoms:
- The House of Israel, which consisted of ten tribes, plus many of the other three, and the
- The House of Judah consisted of three tribes: Judah, Benjamin and Levi.
They were two separate nations for about 200 years until the northern kingdom, along with all the cities, except for Jerusalem, in the Southern Kingdom, were completely taken away into captivity by the nations of Syria and later Assyria. The house of Israel ceased from being a nation. They were divorced by their husband, the LORD God, because of their breaking their marriage covenant and later having other husbands.
It was very similar to what happened in the United States. Its civil war wasn’t really a civil war. It was a war between two nations: the Northern States of the Union and the Confederate States of America. The Confederate States of America had eleven states and three border states that were formed for eight years, with a constitution, senate, president, house of representatives, supreme court, currency, etc., until they were defeated by the Northern troops.
But there was no war between the two Israelite kingdoms after they split. The House of Judah was getting ready to attack the House of Israel but was stopped by our LORD God. The southern kingdom of Judah lasted for about 350 years until they were taken into captivity by Babylon. A small number of Israelites of the kingdom of Judah returned to Jerusalem after seventy years of captivity. But the northern kingdom, with part of the other three tribes of the southern kingdom, migrated over the Caucasus Mountains into Europe and other areas.
What does all this mean? It means that most of Israel, over 95%, were not in Palestine when Jesus was ministering and when He was crucified, and when He was risen, and when He ascended to be on the right hand of God the Father.
Jesus, Himself, didn’t live in Judea, but lived in Galilee which was north of Samaria. So, how could God reconcile Jew and Gentile (meaning all non-Jews), when they were never joined as one in the first place. In fact they, Jew and Gentile, in the Bible, are opposites and perpetual enemies.
Does today’s Christendom really believe that the Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Nigerians, Zulus, Egyptians, Iraqis, English, German, Irish, Scots, Incas, New Guinea savages, Indians, Brazilians, Costa Ricans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and all the rest of the people of the world were all joined as one group with the Jews, then separated into two groups, and then are to be rejoined as one group once again?
But the LORD God could reconcile the two separate kingdoms of Israel to themselves and to God. He could, because they were at one time a United Kingdom with Himself as king, and then later under kings Saul, David, and Solomon. Immediately after the reign of Solomon’s son, they quickly split into two separate, different kingdoms. Why don’t the preachers teach that this is what Ephesians, chapter two means?
Baldwin continues in his article:
“Furthermore, Benjamin Netanyahu has no Abrahamic blood flowing through his veins. In truth, the Palestinians can trace their ties to the land for up to one thousand years. Only a few Sephardic Jews could even do that. Netanyahu’s roots trace back to the Khazars in Europe (Ukraine). He is an Ashkenazi (European) ‘Jew.’ The ‘Jews’ in Palestine are mostly atheistic in belief, and none of them can prove an intact Hebrew bloodline. Not one!”
Most Judeo-Christians are unaware of what Chuck Baldwin just said. There are many kinds of Jews: Sephardic, Hassidic, Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, orthodox, reformed, conservative, etc. The Ashkenazi Jews, which are the majority of Jews, over 90%, weren’t Jews until the 700s A.D.
The Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Turks and the son of Noah, Japheth. Notice, they are not descended from Shem, therefore anything said about them is incorrectly called “anti semitic”! If any of them married a Kenite/Canaanite/Edomite a few of them would have a slight, not a full, relationship with Abraham. But the Arabs, as Baldwin pointed out, have a more direct relationship with Abraham than the Jews do. For they are descended from Ishmael who was the son of Abram (Abraham) and Hager.
Baldwin then goes on and says:
“All of this talk about modern ‘Jews’ being ‘God’s Chosen People’ by bloodline is complete balderdash! There is not a ‘Jew’ on earth that can trace their bloodline to Abraham. The only ‘Israel of God’ (Galatians 6:16) under Christ’s New Covenant are the spiritual children of Abraham (Romans 2:28, 29), who, regardless of race, have come to faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26, 29).”
Baldwin’s first sentence destroys Judeo-Christianity entirely. The modern “Jews” are not “God’s Chosen People.” How could the antichristian people be the chosen people of Almighty God?
There are few Jews who can trace their bloodline to Abraham, but those that can, have only a part-Abraham bloodline. For the bloodline of these Jews goes from Esau to Isaac to Abraham, while Israel’s bloodline goes from Jacob/Israel to Isaac to Abraham.
But Baldwin misses the point in the last part of the above paragraph. He said that only Israel under Christ’s New Covenant are the spiritual children of Abraham, who, regardless of race, have come to faith in Jesus Christ. That means that everyone has an opportunity for salvation. This means that no one has a pure bloodline to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is incorrect, for that is universalism.
I believe in the exclusiveness of Israel only. The persons of both the Old Testament and the New Testament are the same people—the people of the kingdom of Israel. The Old and New Covenants were made with the same people:
The capitalized words are a quote from Jeremiah 31:31. But how could the New Covenant be made with the two separate nations of Israel if they were both destroyed as Baldwin states in the next paragraph:
“MacArthur butchers the meaning of ‘all Israel shall be saved’ in Romans chapter eleven (as do all Premillennial Dispensationalists), applying it, again, to the physical, literal twelve tribes of Israel, of which the ten northern tribes were forever destroyed by the Assyrians around 722 BC and the two remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin were forever destroyed when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.”
How could the Apostle James preach to all twelve tribes, (the book of James) written about 45 A.D., if 10 tribes were destroyed almost 800 years before? And it wasn’t the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi who were destroyed in 70 A. D., but it was the Edomite Jews, who had been guilty of the murder of Jesus, that lost over one million of their own people in the invasion.
James 1:1: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”
The pure seed Israelites of Judah, Benjamin and Levi escaped to the mountains before the attack of the Romans. But there were more of them that were still in Babylon or had immigrated to different areas of the world. But they were never destroyed, for that would make God a liar.
Israel was His wife, whom He divorced, and He died and was resurrected from the dead so he could remarry her again. The only way He could do that, according to His law, remarry His divorced wife who had other husbands, was to die and be resurrected and then He could remarry her in His risen state. It fulfilled His law.
Baldwin continues:
“Premillennial Dispensationalists (aka Christian Zionists, Scofield Futurists, etc.) actually believe that the great overriding plan of God for mankind is that Old Testament Israel (the original twelve tribes) be given an earthly kingdom—a resurrected earthly Davidic kingdom.”
The message of the premillennial dispensationalists is that the “plan of God for mankind is that Old Testament Israel (the original twelve tribes) be given an earthly kingdom” is true if the right interpretation is given. But, of course, he gives the wrong interpretation. He equates Israel with Jews. He uses the two words interchangeably.
Israel is the pure-blooded descendants of Jacob/Israel, while one sect of Jews are the mixed blood descendants of Esau/Edom while another sect are the mixed seed blood descendants of Japheth. But the main plan of God is for the original twelve tribes of Israel to be given an earthly kingdom—but it is not for the Jews. The Jews are the “tares” whose destination their “unholy book”, the Talmud, says is where they say our Savior now is—in hell.
Baldwin then says:
“I can still remember one of my Bible professors saying, ‘The Church Age is merely a parenthesis of time until God finishes giving Israel its earthly kingdom.’ In other words, Old Covenant Israel is God’s eternal Plan A. The salvation of Gentiles during the Church Age is merely a secondary plan, inferior to the Great Plan of an earthly Israelite kingdom.”
Baldwin points out the main point of dispensationalism—the Jew is the main plan of God, not the church. But dispensationalism was started by the Jesuits, whose main purpose was to eliminate the Protestant Reformation. They wanted to change the opinion that the Pope was the antichrist, and they change him into a future being who came on the scene when all the Christians were raptured out.
And the church, both Protestant and Catholic, has been changed by the Jews. They corrupted most of the seminaries first and as a result have created a new religion which is called “Judeo-Christianity.” It makes the Christians to be pro-Jewish and friends with them.
For all of Christianity’s history, the Jews were their enemy. They were kicked out of over one hundred nations, states, and cities. But due to a violation of God’s law against usury, the Jew has now become the head and not the tail. The notion that they are Israel’s 6000-year genetic enemy is forgotten. The Jews are the enemy of Christianity, not its greatest friend!
Matthew 7:6: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”
Who are the dogs and swine? They represent someone who is living on the earth. So, we can’t preach to everyone on the earth. And what happens when you preach what is holy to these dogs and hogs.It says that they will trample you under their feet and rend or tear apart, split or divide: Racial tension is tearing our nation apart.
So, we can imply that “dogs” and “swine” are non-Adamic nations. Is there a flood of them flowing into our nation daily by the tens of thousands? The Judeo-Christian says that the gospel of personal salvation message is to be preached to everyone who is on the earth, including the “dogs” and “swine”.
Executive Branch
President Biden is “Catholic” who has a son who is married to an anti-christian Jew. His son Hunter, a drug user, economic solicitor for his father in foreign nations and a womanizer, had sexual relations with the widow of his dead brother for several years while he was married. After Hunter was caught, his wife divorced him. His former sister-in-law widow then dumped him after he was caught having sexual relations with a stripper. Later, he met an anti-christian Jewish woman on one day and married her on the next day.
Biden’s vice president is now the Democratic candidate for president, Kamala Harris, who says that she is black. But she is a mixed breed with an Indian immigrant mother from India and an Irish and Indian (from India) immigrant Jamaican father. The family of Kamala Harris' father owned black slaves, who worked on their large plantations in his home island of Jamaica. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was from Chennai, India. Her father, Donald Harris, was from Jamaica who became a Marxist (Communist) economic professor at Stanford University. Kamala Harris' parents met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley. Many Americans are ignorant of the fact that close to one million Irish people were made slaves and sent to the Caribbean islands, including Jamaica. So, she is not black and comes from a family who owned black slaves! So, I guess that makes her disqualified for any reparations too .But one of my grandfathers was an Irish Catholic, so I guess I am qualified.
After the divorce of her parents, she grew up in Oakland attending predominantly Black churches. When she was five years old her parents had a nasty divorce and custodian fight. After their divorce, Kamala went to Canada to live with her mother until she went to college.
For ten years Kamala was a mistress to San Francisco democratic mayor, the Negro Willie Brown, who was over 30 years older than she. Willie was married at the time but said that he was separated from his wife. Is this type of behavior permitted in Black Baptist Church or Hindu Temples? They had a sexual relationship until they broke up in 1995. Harris and Brown’s relationship was not secret, and they made public appearances as a couple.
She then dated Montel Williams, TV host. Then Harris met her anti-christian Jewish husband, Los Angeles lawyer Douglas Emhoff, on a blind date in San Francisco. They married in 2014 at a Jewish wedding. Emhoff, at the time worked as an attorney in Los Angeles.
As the first Jewish spouse of a vice president, Emhoff emerged as one of the Biden administration’s most prominent faces in the fight against “antisemitism”, although the Ashkenazi Jews, including himself, are not Semitic! Arabs are more Semitic than the Jews are!
Barack Obama was a Jewish president, although the press will never say this. He was born to a Jewish Communist mother and a black father. The Jews say that any person born to a Jewish mother is Jewish. So, why isn’t Obama Jewish?
Former President Trump has a daughter who has turned to the Talmudic religion of the Jews and is married to an anti-christian Jew in a very important Zionist family. One son, Donald Trump Jr., is engaged to the ex-wife of Gavin Newsom of California, Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle. Newsom had an affair while he was married to her which caused their split. Kimberly’s mother is Puerto Rican, and her father was born in Ireland and immigrated to the United States in 1957 at the age of 20. She worked at Fox News and co-hosted The Five on the network. She was fired from Fox when she was accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant. Tiffany, Trump’s youngest daughter, is married to a billionaire Arab.

Trump’s Vice President, J. D. Vance, is from Ohio who is married to a Hindu Indian, from immigrants from India, whose maiden name was Usha Chilukuri. The couple got married in an interfaith ceremony in a separate Hindu wedding in Kentucky. Usha is credited in helping J.D. discover the Catholic faith that he now embraces. Usha Vance is a highly accomplished attorney, and she and her husband bring youth and diversity to the Trump ticket.
A Hindu believes that theirs is the only true religion. This belief affects every part of their life including how they spend their time, what they eat, and even the types of friends they choose. They are also motivated to share their ‘faith’ with others because they firmly believe Hinduism is the only true path to peace. Hindus believe all people are trapped in a cycle of reincarnation and karma, which means when one dies, they are born again as a plant, animal, or person depending on how good or evil they were in their previous life.
To those who feel that America has hope that their party, whether Democrat or Republican, will be their savior:
- 67 Baptists
- 31 Methodists
- 22 Anglican/Episcopal
- 25 Presbyterian
- 22 Lutheran
- 3 Congregationist
- 15 Non-denominational Protestant
- 2 Pentecostal
- 4 Restorationist
- 2 Adventist
- 2 Reformed
- 1 Pietist
- 107 Unspecified/Other
- 148 Catholic
- 9 Mormon
- 8 Orthodox Christian
- 1 Messianic Jewish (antichristian)
- 23 Jewish (antichristian)
- 2 Buddhist
- 3 Muslim
- 2 Hindu
- 3 Unitarian/Universalist
- 1 Humanist
- 1 Unaffiliated
- 20 Don’t know/refused
- 27 Catholics
- 11 Presbyterians
- 10 Baptists
- 6 Methodists
- 6 Lutherans
- 5 Episcopalians
- 5 Nondenominational Evangelicals
- 3 Restorationists
- 2 Congregationalists
- 2 Pentecostals
- 1 Wesleyan-Holiness Evangelicals
- 1 Quakers
- 3 Unspecified Protestants
- 3 Latter-day Saints
- 8 Jewish (antichristian)
- 1 Buddhist
- 5 Unknown or refused to specify
- 1 Unaffiliated
Supreme Court
- 7 Catholics
- 1 Black Protestant (Judeo-Christian)
- 1 Jewish (antichristian)
Catholics have more members of any single religion in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency. Do you think the members of all three houses believe and follow God’s law about His people? But if everyone, then does what J. D. Vance did, what Hunter Biden did, what Donald Trump Jr. did, what Tiffany Trump did, and what Ivanka Trump did, will we have any of our covenant people left in several generations? For if they marry another race (illegal in most states in the Union until 1967), then all their offspring will not be people of the covenant—they will be mixed breeds.
Isn’t this part of the Communist (Jewish) plan? They desire to make all of God’s children to be“tares”like they are.
Luke 18:8b: “…when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?”
On July 17th of this year, I received in the mail a small pamphlet entitled, Love the Jewish People which was a cartoon tract published by Chick Publications. It was the only thing in the envelope--no note, no comments, nothing.
On one page there is a cartoon of Queen Victoria with the sentiment that God blessed England because the queen was a God fearing ruler who read her Bible for guidance, but on the next page is another cartoon that states that Great Britain lost God's blessings because they forgot to 'bless Israel'. Subsequent cartoons in this tract show how people can pray the sinner's prayer and gives next steps on their new Christian lives.
The cartoonist, like most Judeo-Christians, connects Israel with the Jews. They are unaware of what happened in 1665 and 1666. For after the Jews were allowed, after almost 400 years of being forbidden to live in England, they were permitted once again to enter and control both their money supply and begin to implement usury banking upon their state and citizens. There was first the bubonic plague (1655) and then the Great Fire of London (1666) that struck as God’s judgments.
Why does this pamphlet equate Genesis 12:3 as meaning Israel or the Jews which it is impossible to mean, when it was referring to Abram or Abraham? Neither one of them, Israel or the Jews,were in existence at this time. Jacob/Israel whose pure-blooded descendants became Israel and Esau who descendants were the offspring of the Hittites eventually became the Jews, weren’t even born yet. Jacob and Esau were grandchildren of Abraham.
The maker of these tracts is Jack Chick, and he was an evangelical with questionable associates like John Todd and Alberto Rivera, who have ambiguous backgrounds. There are two hundred seventy different Chick Tracts. His company, Chick Publications, says it has sold over ¾ of a billion tracts, comic books, videos, books and posters designed to promote Evangelical Protestantism.
Here is who those tracts go to: Ethiopia, Mexico, Papua New New Guinea, Honduras, Philippeans. CHICK MISSION FUND: chick.com/information/mission-fund
So, who should WE preach to? Do we preach to all the people that the above missionary and others like it are targeting? No! Do we preach to the “tares.” No! Do we preach to all our genetic enemies who are all around us? No!
We are to preach to the House of Judah and the House of Israel only. The message that we are to preach is “The gospel of the kingdom” The two kingdoms will be joined into one and be remarried to God once again.
The two kingdoms have enough distractions. They have enough “baggage” to unravel. The biggest lie they must be separated from is who are the correct descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Is it the Jews or is it Israel?
(Charles Jennings on one his YouTube tapes preached this message and converted a person who came to our church for the first time last Sunday.)
The second lie that they must be freed from is who is the genetic enemy who has been attempting to destroy them for over 6,000 years?Many believe that Christians don’t even have a genetic enemy. The truth shall make you free.
But if you don’t believe that Christians have an eternal, permanent enemy, look at what the Jewish rabbi, Eliezer Berkovitz wrote:
“Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism.”
If that statement is true, and it is, then Judeo-Christianity is a fraud.
Ephesians 2:11a, 13:
11a) “Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh…”
13) “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nighby the blood of Christ.”
The pronouns“ye” is a substitute for the House of Israel, not the House of Judah, who were “far off”in dispersion but were made “near” by the blood of Christ.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.