The Sin of Greed

by Pastor Don Elmore

January 6, 2013

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs 6:16-19 “These six things doth the LORD hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

  1. A proud look
  2. A lying tongue
  3. And hands that shed innocent blood
  4. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
  5. Feet that are swift in running to mischief
  6. A false witness that speaketh lies
  7. And he that soweth discord among brethren.”

I think the book of Proverbs is a book that a new believer in our truth should read as early or as soon as he/she can.  It gives him/her insight on how he/she should live his life.  Do you think that our GOD still hates these seven actions?  Who sheds innocent blood?  The doctor in an aborticide office?  The baby in the womb is certainly innocent!

Who soweth discord among the brethren?   It is not discord among the stranger, but discord among the brethren!  But what sin covers most if not all of these abominations – that is what I will talk about this morning.

Pastor Downey gave me a new book last week that is entitled, Usury in Christendom; The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not by Michael Hoffman.  The sin that was and now is not….?  What sin is this?    Well, it could be one of the most grievous sins in our nation, in the world – USURY.

The New Hampshire Legislature has just legalized robbery. You know those Greedy Unethical Title Loan Businesses that prey on Low-Wage Earners, charging exorbitant interest rates because Low-Wage Earners don't have any other credit options?  Well, the New Hampshire Legislature just made it legal to be even more greedy and unethical.

It used to be that these businesses could not charge more than 36 percent interest per year (that's 3 percent per month), the highest interest rate on title loans allowed by federal law; that in and of itself is robbery in an economy that offers these same businesses a near-zero interest rate on Certificates of Deposit.

But now, the New Hampshire House has passed a law that allows businesses to offer short-term loans at 25 percent interest per month.  That is legalized robbery, and New Hampshire legislators appear to be quite proud of their selves for doing it; 25% a month; that’s 300% per year!

I drove to the closest Greedy Unethical Title Loan Business to my house:  it was a Check ‘n Go.  I walked in and there was one lady who was there who worked for the company.  She asked me what I wanted.  I said I wanted a sheet of the company’s rates.  She said that they do not publish a sheet and refuse to let anyone have one. 

I said I would like to copy them down.  She said that they also refuse to have anyone do that either.  I asked her, “Why.”  She replied that she had been working for Check ‘n Go for two years and did not know the answer as to why.

So, instead of having a transparency for you to see, I will have to give you what I remember from my visit.    They loaned up to $500 for a short time.  The yearly rate was from a low of about 465% to a high of about 562% per year.  The rates went up as the amount of your loan increased.  So for a loan of $100 for a month it cost about $40 usury.  All I can say, what a racket!   

Did you know why our Father called usury stealing and worthy of the death penalty?  How much money would you have if you invest $1 at 20% compounded monthly?

 For 70 years:  Over $1,000,000

 For 100 years:  over $143,000,000.

Supporters of this bill say it will give consumers more options; seriously?  What kind of options would that be?

The only person who would patronize a Greedy Unethical Title Loan Business would be Mr. Low-Wage Earner, who has no options other than to turn to a Greedy Unethical Title Loan Business to take out a short-term loan of, say $500, to make rent this month.

Or maybe to pay an overdue medical bill because his child had a life-threatening asthma attack a few months ago and he couldn't afford health insurance.  Next month, he will have to pay back $625 (25% interest) under the new law, instead of $515 (3% interest) by current law.  

So in one short month, the Greedy Unethical Title Loan Business makes an extra $110 from someone who couldn't even afford rent or health insurance.  And if Mr. Low-Wage Earner can't pay back the $625 at the end of the month?  He loses his car (collateral for the loan), and as a result, very likely loses his job and his apartment, too.

Who in their right mind thinks that this is a good option for anyone?  Apparently the New Hampshire Legislature does.

Let’s look at what happened to a small remnant of Israel in the days when about 1.5% of them returned to their land that was previously given them by promise of our God during their Babylonian Captivity. 

Nehemiah 5:6-7 “And I was very angry when I heard their cry and these words. Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. And I set a great assembly against them.”

What got Nehemiah very angry?  It was that they were exacting usury against their fellow Israelites.  No doubt they learned this while they were in Babylon.  What did the prophet of God do after he heard this?

Nehemiah 5:9-13 “Also I said, It is not good that ye do: ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God because of the reproach of the heathen our enemies?

I likewise, and my brethren, and my servants, might exact of them money and corn: I pray you, let us leave off this usury.

Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their oliveyards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that ye exact of them.

Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest. Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they should do according to this promise.

Also I shook my lap, and said, So God shake out every man from his house, and from his labour, that performeth not this promise, even thus be he shaken out, and emptied. And all the congregation said, Amen, and praised the LORD. And the people did according to this promise. ...”

Nehemiah strongly told his brethren to stop the charging of usury immediately and restore to their brethren their lands and money that they had taken from them.  He then added that if they didn’t restore what they had taken from their brethren that God would deal with them.  The people agreed and did as Nehemiah asked. 

In Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, usurers are consigned to a flaming desert of sand within the seventh circle of hell.  Attitudes have since softened a bit.  Micro-creditors, who offer small loans to self-employed poor people, enjoy hallowed reputations.  I have a male class mate from High School who became president/CEO of a major local bank; he married a girl who was also in our graduating class.  His family became a very wealthy family:  multi-millionaires. 

But he later completely blindsided and divorced his first wife and remarried another; and his children sued him over the Greedy Unethical Titled Loan Business that they owned on the side but wanted their father to have no part in.  Would any of us what to be in their shoes on judgment day?

But lending to the poor is still considered distasteful whenever it is pricey, short-term and profitable.  In America, for example, many activists are quick to damn “payday” lenders, who may charge high fees for offering cash advances on a worker's next pay check.

Why this hostility?  To profit from lending to the poor, critics say, is to prey on the most vulnerable, at their most vulnerable moment.  Faced with desperate customers, loan sharks can charge well over the odds, even when the risk of default is slight.  The money they loan is often squandered on spurious consumption, critics say, rather than productive investments that would help the borrower repay his debts. Easy credit thus tempts people into a damaging spiral of indebtedness.  

And what has Christianity to say about this? 

“What we have today is a dead Christianity that has sold-out the Gospel and cut a lucrative deal with the capitalists, while impersonating living Christianity.  This is why Senator Bob Corker, A Tennessee Republican in the ‘buckle’ of the ‘Bible belt,’ was the leading defender in Congress of the $10 billion a year Shylock ‘payday loan’ industry that preys on working people with annualized interest rates of up to 400%!

This grave sin should be an alarm for the Church.   But the pulpits are mostly silent….  [I never heard a sermon on this evil in the church that I grew up in.] The people in the pews live in enforced ignorance of the statutes and judgments of God concerning the corrosive Capitalist avarice that rots a society from the bottom up, as ours is being rotted.  The most ‘conservative’ so-called ‘Christian’ states in the union, such as Alabama and Tennessee, are among the most stalwart protectors of usury” Usury in Christendom, Michael Hoffman, page 277.

Is Hoffman correct? 

Has anyone here ever heard of Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum?  She changed her name to Ayn Rand and she is the known as the Goddess of Usury.  She was born in Russia and was the teacher and mentor to Alan Greenspan, former head of the Federal Reserve Bank.  What shocked me was to learn that Ron Paul and Paul Ryan and what didn’t shock me was that Alan Greenspan and Glenn Beck all highly praise Ayn Rand.  From the Scripture in Nehemiah 5 (which is listed above), we learn that every property-owner is God’s tenant and owes charity to the poor.  Ayn Rand promotes the option of depraved indifference to the poor. 

What is also surprising is that Ayn Rand is the guiding light to many who claim the mantle of the “Christian Right.”  There are many preachers of Churchianity and many Right wing “Constitutionalists” who don’t know or don’t care that Christian conservatives view Ayn Rand as an evil force, the personification of the terminal usurer.  They, the Christian conservatives, view her as being the promoter of the most degenerate extreme of darkness from the bottomless pit.  It was Ayn Rand who declared that “Whoever claims the right to redistribute the wealth produced by others is claiming the right to treat human beings as Chattel.”

Why do the Usury Laws Not Apply to Credit Cards?

Usury is the practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest at any rate. Personal and business loans are scrutinized for usury, but charge cards are exempt from usury laws on a national basis, and are only governed by state laws.  Where are most of the credit cards headquarters located? Delaware and South Dakota?  Why?

The 1978 Supreme Court decision, Marquette National Bank v. First of Omaha Service Corporation, decided that national banks such as Bank of America or Citibank may charge the highest interest rate allowed in the home state of that bank.  This interest rate is allowed to be charged to individual consumers no matter which state they live in.  

That means that credit card issuers that have a home base in states that have high usury or non-existent usury ceilings may charge those rates to customers everywhere.  Therefore, many of these national banks have their credit cards headquartered in states like Delaware or South Dakota, where the usury limit is very high.

Banks have sophisticated software and are able to track a customer's transactions.  Lack of activity or heavy usage points the credit card company to those customers who represent easy marks for an interest increase.  

Universal default is when a credit card company raises its rates on their consumer's card because that customer has been late on another company's card or payment.  The reasoning behind this is that the customer is not so credit worthy if he has been late on his payment to anyone.

So, let’s see.  The worse credit you have, the more you will pay!  That’s fair!  Fox Business reports that many credit card companies say that with the current weak economy and high unemployment rates, many people are unable to pay their credit card bills, leading to greater losses and, therefore, justifying higher interest rates.

Many of these companies received federal tax dollars for a bailout and are now charging the same taxpayers exorbitant interest rates. Unfortunately, with the history of government decisions on credit card interest, usury laws are almost non-existent.

Is this a sin?  Let us look at some quotes:

“For most of the first 1500 years of Christianity usury, the lending of money at interest, was unanimously condemned by the Fathers of the Early [false Roman Catholic] Church, and by popes, councils and saints, as a damnable sin equivalent to robbery and even murder.  Any interest on loans of money, not just ‘exorbitant’ interest, was defined de fide as a grave transgression against God and man….

Western civilization was profoundly disfigured by the exculpation of the charging of interest on debt.  The result has been a pursuit of usurious profit unconstrained by the Word of God, the dogma of His true Church, and the consensus patrum of fifteen centuries” Michael Hoffman.

Here is another:

“The end of democracy and defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of the lending institution and moneyed incorporations.  If the American people ever allow banks to issue their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation…, the banks and [bank owned] corporations which will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake homeless on the continent their fathers conquered” Thomas Jefferson.

No denomination of any of the Christian and so-called Christian Churches for over 1500 years ever accepted usury.  Why do they accept it now?

Exodus 22:25 “If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.”

Leviticus 25:35-36 “And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him:  yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him the money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.” 

 Deuteronomy 23:19-20 “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money,  usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury:  that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.”

The Old Testament authority, God’s law to Israel, condemns taking interest from the poor Israelite and/or from any Israelite who lives within the Israelite community.

Remember that even the false Catholic Church banned usury for many centuries.  Nor can Christian churches of today claim that usury is defined as the extortionate charging of interest:  usury is the charging of any interest.  So, there are many churches today that are losing their properties because of bankruptcies?  

Usury - all usury - is banned by Christian doctrine, as it is by Muslim doctrine. In the late Middle Ages the problem of financing the royal exchequer and setting up capitalist institutions in the face of the Christian ban on usury was resolved by allowing Jews to act as bankers.

They therefore came to be viewed as pariahs, just as cow hide tanners are pariahs in Hindu society.  It was in this way that the Jewish community was able to accrue vast wealth and thereby to bring down on its head the loathing of the Christians.  Hence Shylock. This enmity is still the underlying basis of modern anti-Edomitism.  

Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, agrees to loan Bassanio three thousand ducats for a term of three months.  Bassanio assures Shylock that Antonio will guarantee the loan, but Shylock is doubtful because Antonio’s wealth is currently invested in business ventures that may fail.  In the end, however, Shylock decides that Antonio’s guarantee of the loan will be sufficient assurance.

Before the time of Shakespeare’s Shylock there was no paper money.  The accepted token of exchange was precious metal minted into coins by the Church and the Crown.  Because there was only a limited amount of gold and silver available, the economic life of the nation had a certain regularity.

An even greater restriction existed throughout Christendom.  This was a prohibition against usury, or charging interest.  The Church held it to be a grave sin and the code was upheld by the civil powers.  There were harsh penalties for those who broke the law.

The regulation of usury was to prevent the separation of money from reality.  Money is not a good, it is a measure.  It is fraud to pretend otherwise, and constitutes theft.  Usury is making money from lending money, it is making money from another; this is exactly what is happening today on a colossal scale.

So, how did it change in the history of our people?  When did you get institutions that charge interest/usury on loans?

Several important things arose from the prohibition of usury in medieval Christendom.  Jews, who had taken to wandering around Europe in the Middle Ages (thus, the name “wandering Jew” for a certain flower plant), began to specialize in money-lending and other practices which were forbidden to Christians.

Exploited Christians, both peasants and aristocracy, found themselves being bled dry by usurers, which is why there were sporadic uprisings, imprisonments and expulsion of Jews throughout Europe.  It is one reason why King Edward I expelled these perfidious people from England in 1290. 

In medieval times the national treasure was held by the king.  Usury, the lending of money at interest, was in the hands of the Jews. Monarchs therefore were prime targets.  One of the first to go was King Charles 1 of England, in 1649, whose head plus permission for the Jews to re-enter England, was the price for financial aid to Oliver Cromwell.   Remember the Pilgrims came to America in the year 1620!

In 1693, subsequent to the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the estimated revenue was not equal to estimated expenditure.  It was the bankers and Jews of Amsterdam who financed the invasion by William of Orange.  The year 1692 had bequeathed a large deficit, partly due to the involvement of England in William of Orange's continental wars, and it seemed probable that the charge for 1693 would exceed by about five hundred thousand pounds the charge for 1692.

Thus it took no more than two generations after the return of the Jews to create a "National Debt".  Taxation, both direct and indirect, had been carried to an unprecedented point. 

At the time there were old men living who remembered when there were NO banks in the City of London.  But a new mode of paying and receiving money had come into fashion among the merchants of the capital.

This new branch of business naturally fell into the hands of the goldsmiths who had vaults in which great masses of bullion could lie secure. It was at the shops of the goldsmiths of Lombard Street that all payment in coin was made.  Other traders gave and received nothing but paper.

This great change did not take place without much opposition.  These usurers it was said played hazard with what had been earned by the industry and hoarded by the thrift of other men.  Some predicted ruin to the monarchy. Some predicted ruin to liberty.  

Here they said is an instrument of tyranny more formidable than any recent government that they had been under.  The whole wealth of the nation will be in the hands of the bank.  The power of the purse, the one great security, will be transferred from the House of Commons to the Governor and Directors of the new Company.

The bill went through the House of Commons and although the House of Lords asserted it was intended to enrich usurers at the expense of the nobility, the Bank of England came into being and was founded in 1694. 

By the 1700s the British Government's debt to the Bank of England was £140,000,000.  Fifty years after the Bank of England was chartered Amschel Moses Bauer (later Rothschild) opened a counting house and, financing himself on money belonging to Prince William, began to loan money to governments instead of people.  It is getting very close to the time of the separation of America from Britain—the Revolutionary War.                        

Gold coins, jewels and other valuables were deposited with people who held strongboxes.  This was usually with goldsmiths and money-lenders that more often than not, were one and the same.  These loan-sharks realized that, without much chance of being found out, they could charge people for looking after their deposits and then use those deposits – which did not belong to them – to make loans to other people at interests.  They soon became rich and powerful.

Gold coins are heavy and awkward to carry around so the custom arose whereby the money-lenders would issue credit notes to depositors who began to take these notes between themselves in commercial transaction.  Paper money had come into existence. 

A new form of usury developed as the swindling money-lenders [do you remember what our Savior did to these people in the Bible] realized the immoral benefits that could be obtained from such a situation.  It became apparent to these thieves that they could go one step further than dishonestly using other people’s money for financial advantage at no cost to themselves.  They could invent money from absolutely nothing

They could issue credit notes with nothing to back them up and put them into circulation as interest-bearing debts.  No one would be any the wiser.  They calculated that they could safely issue notes for up to ten times more than the gold deposits they held, because the depositors would never asks for their deposits back all at the same time.

The principle of modern banking was thus established to invent money from nothing, put it into circulation as “running cash notes” that have to be paid back with real wealth that is produced for our labor, sit back and become unbelievable wealthy and powerful men:  hidden rulers of nations.

In England this deceitful system was officially sanctioned in 1694.  The usurper of the throne, William of Orange, had overthrown the legitimate King James II with the financial backing and plotting of powerful Jewish financiers in Amsterdam.  In return he gave the sovereignty of England to a group of financiers by means of a Charter allowing them to call themselves the Bank of England. 

The Charter made no mention of issuing the nation’s money but within minutes of signing the new Bank officials were discussing the form of their “running cash notes”.   The same system was adopted in every country by a process of Masonic revolution and manipulation.

Socialist theorists  have never attacked the essential mechanism of capitalism.  Although the injustices of the capitalist system have been attacked in volume after volume, and rightly so, they have never even hinted at the usury upon which the whole system is built and from which all the other injustices stem.

Perhaps this is because so many Communist leaders are Jewish.  Most of the Russian Revolutionists of 1917 were actually Jews from the lower east side of New York City.  Two hundred and seventy-five of them were conveyed to Russia aboard the SS Christiana, led by Trotsky and financed by Kuhns, Loebs, Schiffs and Warburgs.  This cozy circle of Jews and Freemasons financed both sides of the Great War.

Marx and Engels, two more Jews, wrote the Communist Manifesto on behalf of a secret society called themselves, “The League of Just Men.”  This secret society was an arm of the Illuminati, whose power and influence was the catalyst of the French Revolution.  One of the founding members of the Illuminati was the House of Rothschild, the Jewish banking house which practically invented supra-nationalism for personal profit.

Nowadays banking has become extremely sophisticated but the hidden and usurious mechanism behind it remains the same.  After a big enquiry, hushed up as much as possible, the Bank of England was nationised in 1946.  In theory control of the Bank of England should then have passed from a group of private individuals to the British Government, but this is still not the case.  Nationalization only added a thin veneer of respectability. 

The British Treasury, in conjunction with the Bank of England’s adviser to the Government, determines how much paper money and coin will be issued each year.  This has to accord with the wealth of the nation for that year.  But because banknotes and coins only account for a tiny percentage of financial transactions, it makes no difference to the bankers at all.  Most financial transactions are carried out with abstract figures on a computer screen that no relationship to real wealth.  Everything has to be paid for at interest though – even when it doesn’t exist!

The government still has to pay interest on old and new loans from the Bank.  Only a few years ago it was announced that the interest debt on a loan taken during the Napoleonic War had just been paid off!  This is where much of our tax money goes.

The Constitution of the United States declares in Article VI that “All debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.”  

And, Article 1, Section 10: “No State shall…emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts….”

If our Constitution forbids any of its States from emitting Bills of Credit, then why does it permit the Federal Reserve Bank (foreign bankers) from emitting Bills of Credit?  Is Credit Money?  No.  Credit is NOT Money.  Credit Money is called “Bills of Credit” which is a destroyer of nations.  Our modern “money” comes into existence from loans that are made.  With the loans we must pay usury.  Where does that usury come from?  The same way the original “dollar” came into existence, by a loan.

gold certificate      gold certificate


silver certificate    silver certificate


Federal Reserve note    Federal Reserve note


The top bill is a $10 dollar “Gold Certificate” which means it could be exchanged for 232.22 grains of pure gold; the middle dollar is a “Silver Certificate” which means it could be exchanged for 371.25 grains of silver.  The bottom “dollar” is a “Federal Reserve Note” and can be exchanged for what it is worth; no grains of gold and no grains of silver--nothing.

The next stage of development for international finance is to get rid of cash altogether.  Then the token accountability of the bankers will disappear along with the cash.  Their intention is that everyone will have to use credit/debit cards or even a chip for every type of commercial transaction.

I am not paid in cash.  I am not paid by check. My employer sends to my bank numbers which it credits my checking account.  In fact, it is estimated that 97% of the money in America is electronic, not actual cash. 

Electronic technology, when used this way, and when it is not merely widespread but compulsory, will give them complete control of every man, woman and child in the world.  If you cannot buy or sell – food, petrol, clothes – without a card/chip you are completely at their mercy.  If you lose the card/chip or it doesn’t work for some reason you will suffer until issued with a replacement.  If you make a protest against some particular injustice they could invalidate your card/chip.  The next time you go to the supermarket your card may not work.  You won’t officially exist!

Who benefits from such a scheme?  The politicians or the bankers?  To ask the question is to answer it.  The Bank of England is the real, but hidden, government for England and most of the world. 

The Government and the politicians are merely puppets controlled by the Bank – or, more accurately, the international banking families.  None of our cowardly politicians dare stand up to these hidden and unelected rulers of the world, so powerful have they become. 

Two American presidents, possibly three, were assassinated for attempting to do so.  It is far easier to them to submit to the system and enjoy a rich life that exposes the real tyrants:  tyrants who cause high taxes, unemployment, war, famine and misery for the rest of us.  But these despots of the New World Order forget that Truth is more powerful that they could ever become.  And Truth brings Justice!


What will the kingdom of God be like when God’s laws are in effect?  It certainly won’t be what we have today.  Do you think that there will be the usury-charging banks, financial institutions, credit cards, and quick loans available that we have today?  Not until they are completely gone will the covenant people, our people, finally be free!

The banking system as we know it, with its interest on an illusionary amount of money, would no longer be in existence.  We would revert back to the much fairer money system our GOD gave to Israel.  To all the covenant people of God; the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, and Slavic peoples, etc. no bank or other institution or brethren could lend them money with interest.  We will be finally be blessed by our GOD.

The three major religions that derive from our father Abraham are the Muslims, Jews and Christianity.  All three religions believed at one time that they are not to charge interest to their own people.  This is a major shock to most Christians, but for over ¾ of the history of Christianity, their churches forbid it too. 

The Muslims did too.  And most of them still believe it.  This is why the Rothschild’s put one of their interest charging banks in Libya while the rebels were fighting Gaddafi last year.  There are only three major nations left that don’t have an interest-charging bank.   Take a guess as to who they are?

The Jews believe it too.  Why did they become the interest-charging bankers in Christian lands?  They are allowed to charge interest to those who are not their people.  Who was it that Jesus Christ drove out of His Father’s Temple?

Deuteronomy 23:19, 20 “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury. Unto a stranger [foreigner] thou mayest lend upon usury, but  unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury, that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land to which thou goest, to possess it.”

The Hebrew word for usury or interest is #5391 in Strong’s Concordance.  What it means may shock a lot of Christians!  It means “To oppress with interest on a loan:--bite, lend upon usury…  To strike with a sting (as a serpent).”  The covenant people of God are being bitten by the serpent (and who is the serpent in the Scripture?). 

Our GOD has to be very angry at the situation we have gotten ourselves into once again.  Our Constitution forgot that every seven years there is to be a debt release!  All debts are cancelled.  Non-interest loans could be obtained, but they are all cancelled on the seventh year.

Deuteronomy 15:1-2 “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. And this is the manner of the release:  Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbor shall release it:  he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD’s release.” 

Our people would live most of their lives DEBT-FREE.  We wouldn’t be slaves; we would be the masters. 

Deuteronomy 28:12-13 “The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand:  and thou shall lend unto many nations, and THOU SHALL NOT BORROW. And the LORD shall make thee the HEAD, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them.”

There should be a law that no one can sing, God Bless America until we eliminate the Federal Reserve Banking System and all the many institutions that loan us usury-loans—we are not blessed until we gain our freedom!

Get out of interest-bearing loans as fast as you can and be healed of the serpent’s bite!

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.