Christian Identity Basics - Part 6


by James N. Jester

May 5, 2019

Scripture Reading: Romans 1:16  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” – Rom. 1:16, ASV


Cardinal Robert Sarah is publishing the third of his book-length interviews with Nicolas Diat: The Day is Far Spent. An unflinching diagnosis, but one full of hope in the midst of the spiritual and moral crisis of the West.In a related story earlier this month:

As a bishop, it is my duty to warn the West’: An interview with Cardinal Sarah

Cardinal Robert Sarah is publishing the third of his book-length interviews with Nicolas Diat: The Day is Far Spent. An unflinching diagnosis, but one full of hope in the midst of the spiritual and moral crisis of the West.

In the first part of your book, you describe “a spiritual and religious collapse.” How does this collapse manifest itself? Does it only affect the West or are other regions of the world, such as Africa, also affected by it?

The spiritual crisis involves the entire world. But its source is in Europe. People in the West are guilty of rejecting God. They have not only rejected God. Friedrich Nietzsche, who may be considered the spokesman of the West, has claimed: “God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him…” We have murdered God. In view of God’s death among men, Nietzsche would replace him with a prophetic “Superman.”

The spiritual collapse thus has a very Western character. In particular, I would like to emphasize the rejection of fatherhood. Our contemporaries are convinced that, in order to be free, one must not depend on anybody. There is a tragic error in this. Western people are convinced that receiving is contrary to the dignity of human persons. But civilized man is fundamentally an heir, he receives a history, a culture, a language, a name, a family. This is what distinguishes him from the barbarian. To refuse to be inscribed within a network of dependence, heritage, and filiation condemns us to go back naked into the jungle of a competitive economy left to its own devices. Because he refuses to acknowledge himself as an heir, man is condemned to the hell of liberal globalization in which individual interests confront one another without any law to govern them besides profit at any price.

In this book, however, I want to suggest to Western people that the real cause of this refusal to claim their inheritance and this refusal of fatherhood is the rejection of God. From Him we receive our nature as man and woman. This is intolerable to modern minds. Gender ideology is a Luciferian refusal to receive a sexual nature from God. Thus some rebel against God and pointlessly mutilate themselves in order to change their sex. But in reality they do not fundamentally change anything of their structure as man or woman. The West refuses to receive, and will accept only what it constructs for itself. Transhumanism is the ultimate avatar of this movement. Because it is a gift from God, human nature itself becomes unbearable for western man.

The second and third parts of your book are about crisis in western societies… Among these problems, which seem to you to be the most important and what are the principal causes for the decline of the West?

First, I would like to explain why I, a son of Africa, allow myself to address the West. The Church is the guardian of civilization. I am convinced that western civilization is passing at present through a mortal crisis. It has reached the extreme of self-destructive hate. As during the fall of Rome, elites are only concerned to increase the luxury of their daily life and the peoples are being anesthetized by ever more vulgar entertainment. As a bishop, it is my duty to warn the West! The barbarians are already inside the city. The barbarians are all those who hate human nature, all those who trample upon the sense of the sacred, all those who do not value life, all those who rebel against God the Creator of man and nature. The West is blinded by science, technology, and the thirst for riches. The lure of riches, which liberalism spreads in hearts, has sedated the peoples. At the same time, the silent tragedy of abortion and euthanasia continue and pornography and gender ideology destroy children and adolescents. We are accustomed to barbarism. It doesn’t even surprise us anymore! I want to raise a cry of alarm, which is also a cry of love. I do so with a heart full of filial gratitude for the Western missionaries who died in my land of Africa and who communicated to me the precious gift of faith in Jesus Christ. I want to follow their lead and receive their inheritance!

How could I not emphasize the threat posed by Islamism?  Muslims despise the atheistic West. They take refuge in Islamism as a rejection of the consumer society that is offered to them as a religion. Can the West present them the Faith in a clear way? For that it will have to rediscover its Christian roots and identity. To the countries of the third world, the West is held out as a paradise because it is ruled by commercial liberalism. This encourages the flow of migrants, so tragic for the identity of peoples. A West that denies its faith, its history, its roots, and its identity is destined for contempt, for death, and disappearance. – Catholic Herald

Cardinal Sarah also cited the example of Poland, a Catholic country that has strict immigration policies, and said he had urged it not to sacrifice its Polish and Catholic identities "on the altar of a technocratic and stateless Europe."

"She is free to tell Europe that everyone was created by God to be placed in a specific place, with its culture, traditions, and history," he told the paper. "This current desire to globalize the world by suppressing nations, specificities, is pure madness."

Well, we would agree with this. The black Cardinal is only telling the truth. DO YOU THINK HE WILL BE CALLED A ‘WHITE SUPREMACIST?’

The Catholic Church is not the original Christian church.

To the Sermon

In our last lesson, we saw a brief sketch of history surrounding Paul; and quite a few quotes from prominent church fathers and historians proving that the Apostle Paul traveled into Europe, including the Britannic Isles.

Picking up where we left off, I want to continue some of this history with a quote from Sheldon Emry’s book, Paul and Joseph of Arimathea:

Rome Declares War on Christianity

A quote from Chapter 10 of The Drama of the Lost Disciples shows how rapidly Christianity was accepted in northern Europe. On page 89: "The Holy Crusade had spread so rapidly from Avalon to beyond the seas that Rome was so disturbed it could no longer ignore the challenge to its own pagan policies and imperial security. In the year A.D. 42 Claudius, Emperor of the Romans, issued the fateful decree to destroy Christian Britain, man, woman, and child, and its great institutions and burn its libraries. To this purpose Claudius equipped the largest and most efficient army ever sent by Rome to conquer a foe and led by its most able generals." This Claudian Edict was only ten years after the death of Christ, and yet Christianity was growing so fast in England and Gaul that Rome moved against them militarily. On a further page, describing a battle: "On these fields the Cross of Christ was unfurled as given to Arviragus by St. Joseph, so 'all nations should see’ for the first time in military history. This, alone, proclaimed what the British were fighting for: defense of their new faith, Christianity, the Gospel of Jesus, with the freedom it gave to all who believed in Him. Caractacus is given official credit as being the first general to lead a Christian army in battle in defense of the faith." This was in about 50 A.D. The Cross of Christ flew above British soldiers within twenty years of the death of Christ. How little we know of the valiant history of our ancestors or of the history of Christianity!

The First Christian Nation

In spite of almost continuous Roman harassment and war, the Word continued to spread to the farthest reaches of the British Isles. Ancient British and Roman history records that in A.D. 137 Timotheus, the son of Pudens and Claudia of 2 Timothy 4:21, traveled from Rome to Britain to baptize the British King, Lucius, into the Christian Faith. This same King Lucius in A.D. 156, at the National Council at Winchester (the present location of Winchester Cathedral), proclaimed Christianity as the National Faith of Britain. In case some might think this act of Timotheus might redound to Roman glory, rather than British, it should be pointed out that Timotheus’ mother, Claudia, was a British Princess of the royal blood and King Lucius was actually her grandnephew! She was in Rome as one of the royal hostages taken in the Roman wars. The house Paul preached in while in Rome was hers, and it was known as "The British House." Now, a small church stands on the original site, a few blocks from the grand palaces of the Pope where world rulers pay homage. A plaque on the church identifies the site as that of the first church in Rome. Millions of Christians have passed within a few blocks of it to gaze at the Roman Pope in all his pomp and glory. They do not know that the first church in Rome was a British church and served as a refuge and stopping place for the Apostles on their way to the Isle of Destiny.

This Grandnephew of Claudia, King Lucius, established the three famous Archbishoprics at London, York, and Caerlon. In A.D. 79, he built the historic St. Peter on Cornhill. During his reign, he caused coins to be minted with the Christian cross on one side. His protection and furtherance of the teaching of the Christian Faith in England, during his long reign from A.D. 134 to 201, caused the Venerable Bede to write in A.D. 740, "The Britons preserved the faith, which they had nationally received under King Lucius, uncorrupted and entire, and continued in peace and tranquility until the time of the Emperor Diocletian." That reference, of course, is to Diocletian of Rome who launched the Roman legions against England in A.D. 300 in Pagan Rome’s final attempt to destroy Christian missions at their source, England.

A Christian Briton Becomes Roman Emperor

This war ended in 312 A.D. when the Noble Briton, Constantine, conquered Rome with an army from Christian Britain and Gaul. While marching from Gaul toward Rome, Constantine told his biographer, Eusebius, that he had seen in the sky a flaming cross with the words, "By this conquer." He, immediately, had crosses sewn on all the army battle standards (flags) and Rome fell to him under the sign of the Cross. A short time later, he issued the famous Milan decree, which gave imperial approval to the Christian religion, effectively ending the Christian persecutions until they were renewed under the Popes. Pagan Rome had set out to destroy Christian Briton, and was herself conquered and Christianity made her official religion. Yet, our religious seminaries teach our preachers that Britain was an island of painted savages before Rome brought the Gospel in 597 AD! (p. 11-13, end of quote)

Nowhere is there any record of native British people ever having bowed down to idols, no idols have ever been found in Britain that were not of Roman origin. ‘Not bowing to the gods of Rome’ was nothing new for the British Christians (usually called ‘Culdees’ – ‘servants of God’); the new innovation was the Roman gods in the first place. We wish this could be said of today’s judeo-Christians for they unknowingly pay homage to Baal via religious symbolism, most notably, Easter and Christmas.

Continuing with the quote from Sheldon Emry:

Inhabitants of Spain Were Israelites

We have seen that the Gospel was not only heard, but readily believed, in Western and Northern Europe. According to the long lost chapter of the Book of Acts, Paul and the Word received an enthusiastic welcome in Spain. This was not the cold hatred of the "Jews" for the Gospel, neither was it the curious indifference of the heathen. This was the welcome of Israelites! How do I know they were Israelites? Well, let's take a look at clues that are in every Geography book and every History and Social Studies book in America; where they witness at least in American schoolrooms, if not from the religious pulpits. Maps of Europe show Spain and Portugal on the "Iberian Peninsula." Any language teacher will tell you that "Iberia" means "land of the Hebrews." Also, the Spanish river Ebro is derived from Eber, the grandsire of the Hebrews. The river Guadalquiveir was originally Wadi-al-Hibri, which in Moorish means "the river of the Hebrews." The modern Spanish city of Cadiz was originally Gaderia, or "city of Gad." It was named when men of the tribes of Gad and Dan worked the mines in "Iberia" during the reign of King Solomon in Israel 1,000 years before Paul came to Spain!

There is an ancient tombstone in Sagunto, Spain with this epitaph in Hebrew: “This is the tomb of Adoniram, an officer of King Solomon, who came to collect tribute, and died the [illegible] day.” Spain, and probably France and Italy, were tributary to Solomon, paying taxes for military and political protection, but were not conquered people!

They Were Not “Jews”

Yes, the people who gathered on the hillsides to hear a man they believed was “sent from God," were descendants of the people of Israel. Their forefathers had left old Palestine long before the 597 B.C. Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the 721 B.C. Assyrian captivity of the Northern, or 10-tribed House of Israel. Since the first time the word "jew" is used in Scripture is in 2 Kings 16:6, and then referred only to the people living in the Southern, or Judah, Kingdom, it could never have been applied to these Israelites who had lived in Spain before, "jew" was applied to a part of Israel. Bible students also know the term "jew" was never applied to the Northern, or 10-tribed, Kingdom so there’s no reason to be surprised that there were Israelites in much of Europe who had never come under the title "jew." (p. 15-16, end of quote)

The Culdee Church

In the previous part of this series, I had brought up the Culdee (Celtic/Keltic) Church founded by Joseph of Arimathea in Britain.

The Britons played a much larger role in Christianity and the early Church than most people are aware. They have the historical claim to the first Church building above ground, as well as being the first people to proclaim themselves a Christian nation – both almost two centuries before Rome!

There are many records about Joseph of Arimathea travelling to Britain right after the crucifixion between 35 and 38 AD, bringing Mary the mother of Jesus with him, along with some of the other Apostles. When they got to Britain, King Caractacus granted them 12 hides of land at Glastonbury, enough to build a village and subsist on. Archaeologists have dug up the remains of their wickerwork buildings and Church meeting place; and there is a model of it at the London Museum.

At the time of Joseph, Britain was one of the most important centers of learning in Europe. The Druids had forty universities there and the aristocratic caste all over Europe would send their children to them to be instructed.  60,000 students could be staying at any one time and it took 20 years to complete the education entirely, although there were separate degrees that took 3, 6 and 9 years to complete. The students were not just concerned with becoming priests, but were also trained as lawyers, doctors, architects and philosophers.

The Druids of Britain are suspected to be former Essenes who had escaped from Jerusalem. They lived a monastic life but were allowed to marry. They did not pray to Saints, did not dedicate churches to the Virgin or Saints and they did not use the Roman Service rituals. There were many similarities between the Druids and the Levitical priests of Israel: church property and priesthood was passed on to the son. The Druids, followed laws similar to that of Moses; and referred to their awaiting Messiah of the future as ‘Yesu.’ With a name like that (identical), it is no surprise that they accepted Yahshua/Jesu as their promised Messiah.

There are no conflicts recorded anywhere between the Druids and the Christians, in fact the first three Arch-Bishops of the Celtic Church were all Arch-Flamens of the Druidic order, as their fathers had been before them. To be a Druid was a hereditary position, the same as a Levitical priest or a Brahmin. This hereditary title to priesthood was still being followed by the British Church up until the twelfth century, long after the Church at Rome had become corrupted by ‘democracy’ and ‘equality.’ The Druids became the Culdees (later the term ‘Christians’ took over).

Other notable converts to the new faith from Britain are written about by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:21,

Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren.”

Prince Linus was the son of King Caractacus of Britain, Princess Claudia was the daughter of Caractacus and Pudens was a Roman officer based in Britain. Pudens’ house in Rome became the first Church meeting place there and Prince Linus was appointed by St. Paul as the first Bishop of Rome. These early converts were all highly placed people, Druids and Kings were right at the top of Pre-Christian Celtic society.

Pudens and Claudia’s grandson, King Lucius, established Christianity as the national faith of the British people in 156 AD.

Those who were particularly blessed were sent out into Europe to convert their fellow Whites. These became known as ‘Wandering Scholars’ and were the first missionaries. Ireland too had a great depository of knowledge around this time and many teachers were sent from there also. None of these missionaries took an army with them, or tried to force their religion on anyone. The first Churches in Gaul were all founded by these Wandering Scholars from Britain and Ireland.

It was not until just before the emperor Diocletian died, that the persecutions against the European Christians ended. Constantine the Great was then crowned King in Britain and he formed an army from the British people, who had all been Christian for 150 years, and marched on Rome to declare a new empire and a new capital – Constantinople.

All this time, up until the Norman Invasion (1066 AD), no Christian Englishman had ever invaded another country with the view of altering its religious beliefs. However, he had seen his own homeland destroyed many times by successive waves of foreign White Pagans; and now was seeing it destroyed by people who claimed to share the same faith as the Brits. Before this, the only Christians to travel to other countries and try to convert them were the wandering scholars, who would arrive at the King’s court in the same way as Joseph of Arimathea did, to explain their mission to the King and request permission to live in peace and achieve that goal. Moreover, they never would have dreamt of trying to convert Arabs, Negroes or Chinamen.

Paul’s Epistle to the Romans

In our opening Scripture, Paul states: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” – Rom. 1:16, ASV

This is the Apostle’s first mention of anything of a racial nature. He also mentions this phrase “jew first, also to the Greek” twice in the next chapter. In chapter three he asks:

What advantage then hath the Jew? or what is the profit of circumcision? Much every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.” – Rom. 3:1-2, ASV

Jewish advantage? And he says, “much in every way”? It seems Paul is still hanging on to some of his Pharisee training. Paul was not perfect any more than Peter who wanted to cut off the ear of the Roman soldier or had denied Jesus three times.

Paul’s epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians were all written before his jail stay in Caesarea; thus, his clarity on the jews has not come to full understanding as yet. It is not until his later epistles starting with Philippians that he completely understands the difference between the jews and Israel.

They (jews) were entrusted with the oracles (Scriptures) of God? Let’s see if this is true. The first time the word “Jew” is used in Scripture is 2 Kings 16:6. This is over 1,000 years after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived. The Israelites were in Egypt for 215 years and came out centuries before jews were ever mentioned. After coming out of Egypt, Moses met God and received the Ten Commandments. Joshua led the chosen people into the Promised Land. The books of Judges, Ruth, First and Second Samuel and First Kings were written before the word “Jew” ever shows up in the Bible. Look at how much history and Scripture was written before the word “Jew” shows up and try to convince yourself that the oracles of God were given to the jews. The whole idea is ridiculous. Those who say this are mistaken. Paul’s error in equating jew with Israelite is evident. His error continues in Christianity today. This error must be shaken off.

The book of Romans has been described as the supreme masterpiece of Paul’s writings. Paul is trying to reach the Gentiles (Greeks), the lost sheep of Israel; therefore, much of Romans has a universal flavor. But this universal aspect has far overrun the intent of our Father. The Bible begins dealing with the entire world in Genesis chapter one. By Genesis 5, God has narrowed his concern to the race of Adam. The twelfth chapter begins with Abraham. Then comes Isaac, then Jacob’s family of twelve sons is completed by chapter 35. These sons became the twelve tribes of Israel with whom God deals throughout the rest of Scripture. It is not a Book which deals universally and equally with the “human race.” It is a racial Book with a very narrow application as we learn from Romans chapter 8. Here the Apostle Paul is concerned for those “who are called according to His purpose” (v. 28).

Sons of God

If we stand back to get an overview of the first half of Romans (chp. 4-8), we see that Paul’s main purpose is to identify the sons of God.

  • Faith – example of Abraham (chap. 4)
  • Peace with God – “justified by faith” (chap. 5)
  • Obedience – “slave to righteousness” (chap. 6)
  • Recognition of original Sin – “newness of the Spirit” (chap. 7)
  • Led by the Spirit – “walk according to the Spirit” (chap. 8)

All of these are identifying marks of the sons of God. In summary, Paul says we can know who is a son of God by his faith, his peace and his daily conduct of life.

In the last half of chapter 8, he tells us who the sons of God are: those foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified. These God’s Elect shall never be separated from the love of God. The ‘elect’ is a very narrow application of Scripture – a far distance from the universal application so prevalent today in our humanistic world.

Paul is not finished with his racial pursuit. In chapter 9, he says:

For I myself was wishing to be accursed from Christ for my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites; to whom belong the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of God, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom is the Christ according to flesh, He being God over all, blessed forever. Amen.” – Rom. 9:3-5, MKJV

There is a lot of Old Testament in this statement, is there not. The Judeo theologians dismiss the O. T. as something unnecessary since Christ came; but here we see: glory (honor), covenants (agreements, wills), the Law, service (worship), promises (announcements), fathers, and the flesh (or race) – all mentioned here in the New Testament. The facts contained here are explicit:

  1. Paul and his racial kinsman are Israelites!
  2. To the Israelites (not “everyone”) belong the Adoption, the Glory, the Covenants, the Law, the temple services and the promises.
  3. The Patriarchs are Israelites.
  4. Jesus, the Christ, is racially (“according to the flesh”) an Israelite.

This is not a 21st century bigot saying these things. This is not Hitler saying these things. The Apostle Paul said these things; and in chapters 9-11 of his epistle, he contrasts the Israelites of Judea to the Edomite “Jews” of Judea. It is very clear what belongs to Israelites. This does not include everyone on the planet. Whether we like it or not, or consider it ‘fair’ or not, God granted these things to Israelites. Knowing this, it is clear that Paul should have said earlier, “To the Israelite first,” not “To the Jew first.”

‘Accursed from Christ’ does not refer to Jesus, but rather, the anointed people (simply translated “the Anointed” in the CNT). Paul had the same sentiment as Moses:

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God [the Anointed], than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ [the Anointed] greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.” – Heb. 11:24-26

‘According to the flesh’ refers to the blood relationship with Israelites. Paul did not refer to Israel as those who believed or professed faith in Jesus or reckoned them a “spiritual Israel,” he counted his brethren literally, the Anointed, according to the flesh (or race).

“If Paul accounts Israel according to the flesh, writing this over 25 years after the passion of the Christ, then there is no such thing as a “spiritual” Israel, and we must continue to account Israel according to the flesh today!” – William Finck, Christogenea Commentary on Romans, p. 176

For those who still believe Jesus was a jew, Paul’s words should dispel that idea forever. Racially, Jesus was of the stock of Judah – Israelite, not a racially polluted jew as we see:

For they are not all Israel, that are of Israel” – Rom. 9:6

Is this just double talk from Paul, or is our understanding faulty? Paul means precisely what Jesus meant when he told the jews, “I know that ye are Abraham’s seed” (Jn. 8:37), but later says, “If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham” (Jn. 8:39). The jews rejected the Anointed and they still reject all of the Anointed today.

Jesus knew the problem with jews; they are mixed breeds. On one side of their ancestry, they were of Abraham; and Jesus admitted this. But on the other side of their mixed race, Jesus traced them right back to satan. Paul sees the same problem, race-mixed people claiming to be Israelites. Paul warns us: not all who are descended from Israel are true Israelites.

Nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, ‘In Isaac shall your Seed be called.’” (Rom. 9:7).

This is just as Jesus knew it. Furthermore, Paul quotes from Genesis 21:12, “…in Isaac shall your Seed be called.” Isn’t he saying that Isaac is a purer source? Paul adds,

Not the children of the flesh are children of God; but the children of the promise are counted for the Seed.” – Rom. 9:8, MKJV

Paul is doing his best to make himself clear. He must have gotten his message across in Greek, but the English translation needs help. We could say that “it is not necessarily the children of the flesh who are children of God” for they might be racially mixed, and children who are of mixed blood are excluded from the promises. The promises belong to those “who are Israelites” (v. 4), not to the racially impure. Doesn’t God demand purity in many ways? Is it likely that He would condone mixing of the pure Adamic blood in the Israelites with anyone else on Earth?

The term ‘children of the flesh,’ used to compare Ishmael and Isaac, is a reference to all the descendants of Abraham as a whole; but the term ‘children of the promise’ narrows the scope of the Gospel to those for whom it was specifically meant and promised, i.e., the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob/Israel. Paul is not “spiritualizing” the Gospel, but is describing a specific people. Paul uses Ishmael as an example, explaining that even he was excluded, since the promises were intended for Isaac. If Ishmael were excluded, we cannot imagine that anyone else can be included, because Abraham himself desired to keep Ishmael, and was grieved when he was compelled to send him away. This has never changed – the Gospel does not include everyone.

Paul goes on to say that God has the sovereign right to have mercy on whom He desires. He illustrates this by the potter’s right over the clay. The potter can make a vessel for good use or for bad use. In fact, Paul says the potter has the right to make “from the same lump” vessels that are good and vessels that are bad. Isn’t this a graphic illustration of those who came from Israel as good vessels; yet some of that ‘lump’ are bad because of race mixing? “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated” (Rom. 9:13). It is true that the Almighty God of Scripture is a Racist and a Hater.

In this verse, Paul contrasts the twins with the quote from the prophet Malachi (1:3), “I hated Esau.” The statement that God hates Esau is found in both Testaments of the Bible. If a statement is repeated in both sections, it must be important to our theology. Yet, most of churchianity ignores the racial impact of this statement.

A Remnant

Paul then explains that though God is willing to demonstrate His wrath and make His power known by destroying all evil (as in the flood), what if He endures with patience the bad vessels that are made to be destroyed, for the purpose of revealing the riches of His glory to the good vessels which He prepared for glory. Because we do not know and accept our exalted position in God’s plan for the kingdom, He delays the destruction, which will bring righteousness to the Earth. Until we stop believing the lie of humanism and universalism and until we accept our role as the sons of God, He must with much patience put up with the evil, which is natural to those of corrupt flesh whom He will destroy.

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, Even us, whom he hath called…” – Rom. 9:22-24.

What a lofty position Israel has with the Father! We have always been the object of His concern, compassion and grace. And all this, because in His plan we have been prepared for this glorious kingdom from the beginning in Adam. What Christians desperately need is not the repetition of John 3:16, but a thorough understanding and appreciation for Romans 9:23.

Who are the vessels of mercy that Paul refers to that are to receive the riches of His glory (v. 23)? Even us, whom He hath called, not of the Jews [Judeans of Edomite descent] only, but also of the Gentiles [nations of Israelite descent]” (v. 24). Here this means all pure Israelites of Adam.

Then, as if Paul were writing to 21st century America, he quotes Hosea:

And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them. ‘You are not My people;’ there they shall be called sons of the living God.” – Rom. 9:26

If there is a verse in Scripture that fits the White Adamic Christians of America, it is this verse in Romans. In Bible colleges and churches all over this land, we are told that we are ‘Gentiles.’ And most have a total misunderstanding of what this means other than they are not jews (or not ‘Israel’ the state). In the place where it is said, “You are not My people,” we shall be called the sons of the living God.

Not many shall learn this, as Paul quotes the prophecy of Isaiah,

Isaiah also cries concerning Israel, “Though the number of the sons of Israel is as the sands of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.” – Rom. 9:27

It is this Remnant that has come to this knowledge of identity truth, which has shaken the lie that will be found trustworthy. Though we are unworthy, God has made us His sons and daughters. We must believe this – it is our faith, and our faith in this matter shall be counted to us as righteousness. The righteous shall inherit the kingdom.

It is disgusting to read commentaries and Bible notes where Christian scholars miss the racial point of Paul’s teachings and gloss over verses that do not fit with their philosophy. Those who have accepted the responsibility of teaching others shall be weighed in the balances for the errors they promote. Each has had his dose of jewish deceptions: equating jew with Israelite and the error of universalism.


Paul’s last major racial statement has often stirred much controversy:

And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, “There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is My covenant with them, when I have taken away their sins.” – Rom. 11:26-27

Some believe Israel refers to the IsraLIE state in the Middle East and that it will be restored in the end. I would suggest that God has concern for every Adamite whose spirit was with Him before the foundation of the world. These ‘born-from-above’ children of God shall not be lost. They shall be saved whether in this age or in the next age. They are His family and everyone shall be accounted for because, “they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. For the free gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Rom. 11:28-29).

In verse 32 of this chapter, Paul states, “For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.” Judeo-Christians love to quote verses that sound universal, but who is the ‘all’ that obtains ‘mercy?’ It is the same as the context bears out above – the all of Israel. And, notice is says “for the fathers’ sake” – that cannot mean all races! Paul is trying to reach the Greeks, who just happen to be the former lost tribes of Israel. When Paul sounds universal, it is because he is reaching out to his racial brethren. This is also what Paul illustrated with the parable of the wild olive tree and the cultivated olive tree in Romans 11:16-24. All of them are Israelites of the fathers and the Covenant. The “wild olive” (Israel of the nations/Gentiles) can only be grafted into the “cultivated olive” (Israel of Judea). Only like trees can be grafted.


We have seen that the words “Gentile” and “Jew” actually refer to the two houses of Israel: the northern kingdom separated by time (7 centuries) and geography (many nations) from the southern kingdom (Judea); and in no way can be honestly interpreted to mean “all races.”

We have seen that the book of Romans is speaking to Paul’s brethren, kinsman, and the seed of Isaac – all of the fallen Adam. Have you heard of the ‘Adam bomb?’ Adam ‘bombed out’ (he ‘goofed up’). The ‘weapon of mass destruction’ has come to be known as ‘original sin.’ However, Jesus Christ came to rectify the situation. He is the second Adam.

In the sovereign will of our God, salvation is an accomplished fact for the sons of God (the race ‘born from above’). Note that these two verses are nearly identical, i.e., they express two viewpoints:

1. God’s viewpoint as the divine Judge granting life: “Therefore as by the offence of one [Adam] judgment came upon all men [Adamites] to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one [Jesus] the free gift [decision of judgment] came upon all men [Adamites] unto [for] justification of life.” – Rom. 5:18

2. Man’s viewpoint as a grateful and obedient servant: “For as by one man’s disobedience [Adam] many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one [Jesus] shall many be made righteous.” – Rom. 5:19

The book of Romans simply confirms that Jesus Christ has redeemed the Covenant race of Adam.

“Anyone who reads this and disputes that the entire Adamic race is saved, must deny the words of Paul of Tarsus both here and in 1 Cor. 15:22 where he says, ‘Just as in Adam all die, then in that manner in Christ all shall be produced alive.’ …Salvation is indeed a racial phenomenon and Yahweh God is its Author, since eternal liffe for Adam was first promised … in Genesis 3:22.” – ibid, Finck, p. 90

If, as the Judeo churches claim, that the New Testament provides salvation for all races, then surely the apostle Paul would have made mention of it in this key book. Instead, there is no hint of it.

…to be continued