2 Kings 19


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 17, 2023

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 20:4

God gives His covenant nation, Israel, the rules for war in this chapter. He says in verse one that when you go out to battle against your enemies, and see their weapons of war and their soldiers, don’t be afraid of the armament or them.  For when you are close to battle, the priest (of Israel) shall approach and speak unto the covenant people (Israel) and say unto them (Israel) that they should not let their (Israel) hearts be full of fear or be terrified against your (Israel’s) enemy. For the LORD your (Israel’s) God will fight for you (Israel).

Let’s investigate the Bible for a story of one of Israel’s battles against an enemy. It was a battle in which they were so overwhelmed that the King of Judah (southern Kingdom of Israel) had no good option to do except one. It was a very dark moment, one of the lowest in the history of God’s kingdom on earth. The kingdom was about to be destroyed forever.

Little Known Facts about Jews

With Jews We Lose

Pastor Jim Jester

December 10, 2023

Scripture Reading: John 8:31-32

First I should discuss and define the term “ethno-religious” as it pertains to jews.   Ethno, of course, is from ethnic, signifying that there is a genetic (or racial) aspect to the religion that one follows. I made up the term; only to find later that it is not a new term. The concept certainly is not new, and is demonstrated throughout the history of the world: When we think of western culture, we think Caucasian and Christian; when we think of the East, we think of the Orientals and Buddhism; when we think of the Middle East, we find quite a racial mix (mostly cousins of Abraham) among Muslims and Jews. So, it becomes obvious that there is a connection between race and religion; although there are many racial cross-overs into other religions. It is not always simply a matter of “belief,” it is something deeper. Could genetics be involved? I think so: for just a casual observation of the various nations and societies seems to support this conclusion.

The purpose of this list of little-known facts is to draw attention to the public of the very serious national threat from the anti-Christ Jews of our day — in fact, all of history if the truth be known. This list will educate the readers about evils they could never even imagine from the most prominent ethno-religious sect in the world, the Jews. Christian Identity likewise, is an ethno-religion, because our faith and our race are tied together by the covenant God made with Abraham. It is as simple as that. Those called “Jews” today have no connection as such, but they are an ethno-religious society which they defend vehemently.

Who Was the Father of Cain? Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 3, 2023

Scripture Reading I John 3:12

A couple of Friday nights ago (11/10/2023), I turned on the television to watch the game-show network and the show “Split-Second” was on.It was in the middle of the game, and the first question that was asked was the following. It was asked to the three contestants.  Who is the father of the following people?

  • Isaac
  • Shem, Ham, Japheth
  • Cain and Abel

The three contestants only answered one of the questions. One contestant answered that Abraham was the father of Isaac. That was the correct answer, but the game show then supplied the answers to the other two questions that were not answered. The answers they gave to the two remaining questions were that Noah was the father of Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Adam was the father of Cain and Abel.

I thought to myself, how would I have answered that question, “Who was the father of Cain and Abel?”

Captivity Names - Part 2

By Walter Giddings

November 26, 2023

Scripture Reading: Genesis 34:20-23

We began our 1st Lesson on Captivity Names with this question:  where in our Bibles do we find the histories of our People Israel in Captivity?  In that lesson we began with Daniel 1, and reviewed the history of the four Hebrew children, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.  All four Hebrews were better known in the Chaldean language of Babylon as Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  The King found the four Hebrew sons “ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in his realm”. The Scriptures put us in remembrance that Daniel’s request of the King, concerning the dream he could not remember, prevented the slaughter of all the palace advisors who failed to help the King recall his awesome dream and interpret it!  (Daniel 1:17).  How did the four Hebrew sons become “ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in his realm”? 

A Parable of Zacchaeus

The Gospel According to Zacchaeus

by Pastor Jim Jester

November 19, 2023



This sermon will be a little different for me. I do not consider myself a story teller. But Jesus told stories: we call them Parables, and He used them to illustrate something or teach a lesson.

Someone has said that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. At first glance of my subtitle, one might wonder if there is such a book as the Gospel According to Zacchaeus. Perhaps among the lost books of the Bible? No, there isn’t! But if there were, the narrative would probably go something like the following.

A parable may or may not be true.  But in the case of Zacchaeus, I believe it is true. Now, what I’m about to tell you is pure speculation, but not without historical evidence from the Gospels.

Captivity Names

by Walter Giddings

Part 1:  When parents name their children, what act are they performing?  When mother and father name “the fruit of the womb”, are they performing the deeds of Dominion?  (Micah 4:8).  Is the 1st Covenant God made with us The Dominion Covenant he made with Adam?  In Christ Jesus will we get that Dominion back which Adam lost in the Great Transgression?

Part 2:  Do the Canaanites know that intermarriage is unlawful marriage and devours sheep?  How many sheep understand this?!  Stray sheep fall.  If God in the Person of The Holy Spirit did not intervene and reveal the Truth of His Word to us, would Adam be extinct?

Who Was the Father of Cain?

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Why do the Kenites, Canaanites and Jews, if their ancient father was Adam, have no chance of salvation, but are guaranteed a place in hell?  Remember the law of “kind after kind”.

Part 2:  If Adam fathered Cain, why would their descendants not have been destroyed in the flood of Noah? If the serpent didn't have a seed with Eve, then there is no physical enemy of God.  Then who are the Jews?

Loving Your Neighbor: Listening

By: Garry Maddux

November 12, 2023

Scripture Reading: Acts 17:11 (KJV) These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

How much time do you personally spend daily on your phone? How can you love your neighbor if you are filled with the world’s ideas? How much time do you spend daily listening to subjects related to God?

We learn to love our neighbor by listening to God and godly men.

Who Was the Father of Cain? Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 5, 2023

Scripture Reading: John 10:26:

If the Jews are not one of Jesus’ sheep, then what does today's scripture reading mean? Doesn’t that mean that they have another different father than the Sheep have?  Didn’t Jesus tell them that: “I [Jesus] speak that which I [Jesus] have seen with My Father; and ye [Jews, verse 31] do that which ye [Jews] have seen with your father.”  John 8:38

The Jews have a different father than Jesus had!  What father is that?

Captivity Names - Part 1

by Walter Giddings

October 29, 2023

Scripture Study: Daniel 1 

Where in our Bibles do we find the histories of Israel in Captivity?

In a previous lesson “Captivity Captive” we were led to realize Israel is always in Captivity!  Israel, the Only People in Scripture that are called a Flock of Sheep, are always in Captivity!  (Matthew 7:15).  We are in Captivity, in due course, to The Good Shepherd of the Sheep, Jesus Christ the Righteous.  And we are in Captivity, out of due course, to The Great I Am God of Israel’s Enemies, Wolves in sheep’s clothing!