Little Known History - Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 27, 2024

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 24:7

It is amazing how many things we were not told in our high school American History classes. We were being a little bit indoctrinated rather than educated. It has gradually, throughout the years, been more of an indoctrination rather than an education. I think that it was accomplished partly in high school but at the university it was a lot worse. I even had a Communist professor at one of the universities that I attended.

Irish slavery in America and the West Indies spanned for over 180 years. It occurred both before and during black slavery in the British colonies. In the 1600s, Irish slavery was paramount as England captured over one million Irish inhabitants and carted them off as slaves or indentured servants to help populate the new territories of Great Britain. And in addition, President Thomas Jefferson sent two of his newly created armed forces (Navy and Marines) to help end white slavery. But there is something very strange about this event. There is nothing of this episode in the American high school history books.

Abortion is Murder

By Pastor Don Elmore

New Covenant Messenger Newsletter October 2024

Abortion is the murder of the innocent. Who is the murderer (planned parenthood, the abortionist, the mother)?  And who is the victim (the unborn baby)? Abortion was for many centuries illegal in most countries, including the United States. It didn’t become legal nationally until 1973. Since then, over 70,000,000 babies have been murdered. The majority of them have been blacks, followed by whites, then Hispanics. Both political parties have on their platforms that abortion is acceptable. They differ on how long the baby has been in the womb before the abortion is allowed to be performed: 

What is Really Going On?

By Bill Perry

October 20, 2024

Scripture Reading: Rev. 20:2-3

Who is behind the Great Reset and what is it? This sermon will open the door to what is happening now.

Isn't it obvious?

There is a small population of united, focused, and motivated creatures that are linked by blood relationship, and use the claim of racial and religious bond; to self-declare a position of Elitist.

They claim mental superiority, and dominant authority over all other peoples.

They have wormed, (slithered) their way into worldwide positions of authority, and control in every aspect of human endeavor. 

They have achieved this position of global dominance through their exclusive use of the power of money, which they call 'money magick.'


by Brian Jones

October 13, 2024

Scripture Reading: Galatians 4:6

The importance of loving and forgiving one another (it is not everyone on the earth). The lack of this has destroyed or harmed many Christian Identity churches in the past.

Available in audio only.

The Biggest Error of Christian America

by Rev. James Jester

We often hear in the media and talk radio the cry to “support Israel,” meaning support the state of Israel and the Jews in general. We also hear the ads for “The Fellowship of Christians and Jews” soliciting the public for donations. This “support Israel” position gets most of its backing from Christians and churches, for they primarily teach the “chosen people” myth. It is crazy how our politicians have no problem sending money to any Jewish cause in the world; in fact the tiny state of Israel gets more foreign aid from the U.S.

Imprecatory Prayer

by Pastor Everett Ramsey

October 6, 2024

Psalm 35

The following message was given by Pastor Ramsey to the fellowship of God's Covenant People on his recent visit to our church.  

The stories of imprecatory prayers that were given in previous years. It is a great offensive weapon.

Available in audio only. 

Walk in the Light

By Rev. James Jester

September 29, 2024


A study in First John. What is sin?


I grew up in a typical Christian family during the 1960’s. My two brothers and sister and I were sent to Vacation Bible School, and our family attended the Cokesbury Methodist church. Years later, after my father was converted, we went to a different church (that’s another story).

I distinctly remember sitting in church, listening to the preacher, but not really understanding anything since I was so young. He occasionally used a word that I had never heard before, and I wondered just what it was. Was it something good or something bad? Then the next thing I heard from the preacher was a thundering, “God hates sin!” I suddenly knew that sin was something bad, something awful, and something that offended God. That event impressed the young boy for the rest of his life.

Hosea One

By Pastor Don Elmore

New Covenant Messenger, September 2024

Hosea 1:1  "The word of the LORD that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel."

Hosea, is instructed by the LORD, to take a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms. He was to have three children and their names would be representative of three things that would happen to the house of Israel. The house of Judah was excluded from these prophecies. They would experience a different scenario.

Are Jewish People Who Believe in Jesus Still Jewish?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 22, 2024

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 13:30

Who are the “wheat” and who are the “tares?” This parable says that both (wheat and the tares) have different fathers with the same mother; they are two different seed lines. And they have a drastic, different destiny.So, the identification of the “wheat” and “tares” is especially important in the theological interpretation of these verses of this parable.

But this Messianic web site, says nothing about this parable in their article, “Are Jewish People Who Believe in Jesus Still Jewish?” They don’t mention this lesson at all. They assume that all people are equal in the eyes of God in our times.

The purpose of this sermon is to dissect what this article presents and to investigate whether any Jews can be saved. It will also examine doctrines that many so-called “Christians” now believe and show where they cause contradictions in what the Bible says.