Unitarian Universalist Church

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 19, 2021

Scripture Reading John 12:32:

“And I, [Jesus, the Son of God] if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”

Universalism has evolved beyond the traditional topics of salvation and future punishment, and now covers many other theological issues and topics.  Universalism began during the early days of Christianity and has fostered as a heresy ever since.  It received a big boost in Europe in 1569 when Transylvanian King John Sigismund issued an edict establishing religious freedom. The Edict of Torda expanded the limits of religious freedom far beyond the standard of 16th-century Europe.  The decree did not put a complete end to discrimination, because official status was granted only to the Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvinist clergymen; but Unitarian, Orthodox, Armenian, Jewish, and Muslim believers could also freely practice their religions.  Although neither the Calvinist nor Unitarian side was declared the winner of the debate at this session, John Sigismund accepted Unitarian ideas, which made him the only Unitarian monarch in history.

The History of We the People - Part 2


by Walter Giddings

September 12, 2021

We begin with The 2nd 13th Amendment to The Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 1.  Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 

Section 2.  Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.  ratified December 6, 1865. 

What form of Slavery is institutionalized, and sanctioned by this Amendment?  What form of Slavery does this Amendment fail to forbid?  The form of Slavery this Amendment fails to forbid is The form of Slavery that is against The Law of the Land to forbid!  What is the only form of Slavery that is against our Law to forbid?! Who  is willing to volunteer to be a slave?  Do I have any volunteers for slavery?  We do not have much time left. I wish to recruit all of you for slavery!

A Great Salvation

Sermon notes of James Jester

September 5, 2021

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 19:1-6

This message serves as a conclusion to the series, Psalms for Turbulent Times.

The First Epistle of Peter, A Living Hope

Peter’s opening greeting lets us know who he is writing to:

“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” (I Pet. 1:1-2)

The “strangers” here are those of the former northern house of Israel:

“The strangers scattered” — literally, “sojourners of the dispersion”; only in John 7:35 and James 1:1, in New Testament, and Psalm 147:2, “the outcasts of Israel” in the Septuagint; the designation peculiarly given to the Jews [Judeans] in their dispersed state throughout the world ever since the Babylonian captivity. These he, as the apostle of the circumcision, primarily addresses, but not in the limited temporal sense only; he regards their temporal condition as a shadow of their spiritual calling to be strangers and pilgrims on earth, looking for the heavenly Jerusalem as their home. (JFB commentary)

The History of We the People - Part 1


by Walter Giddings

August 29, 2021

Changing What Will Happen Tomorrow!

Greetings Kindred, Fellow Sheep, and Neighbors.  We are on a first name basis here.  My name is walter.  I am delighted to be with you.  Your presence here indicates your interest in changing what will happen tomorrow.  Our interest in changing what will happen tomorrow is unifying.  It is the basis of our Unity.  Every one of our Families forming our Neighborhoods has a vested interest in avoiding what does not work.  Every Family that forms our Neighborhoods has a vested interest in doing what does work!

The Head of each Family Household has a Dominion.  Each Head of House is a judge in his own court.  It is The Original Family CourtThe Magna Carta, or Great Charter, signed by King John, 1215, at sword point, provided no Englishman could be denied His Own Court!  What works for one may not work for another.  Each family’s assignment, in changing what will happen tomorrow, will be unique to that family.  For The Truth of what I say this Basic Maxim of English Law pleads my Cause:  a Man’s House is his Castle; even The King must knock to enter.

The History of We the People

by Walter Giddings

Part 1 BIRTH OF AMERICA; WAS AMERICA REALLY BORN IN REBELLION? Our interest in changing what will happen tomorrow is unifyng; it is the basis of our unity.unity.

Part 2:  JESUS LOVES VOLUNTEERS Who wants to volunteer to be a slave?

Part 3: AMERICAN COVENANT  Is the Framework of Our Nation a Covenant? Were The Articles of Confederation 1778 a Deed of Covenant?

Part 4:  THE REBELLION OF WE THE PEOPLE Did the unanimous ratification of The Constitution complete the formation of the “more perfect Union”?

Part 5:  ENEMIES  If “Perpetual Union” is the American Covenant, have We the People become covenant breakers and become an enemy of God?

Part 6:  SECESSION  Does secession break The American Covenant of Perpetual Union?

Part 7ENEMIES AGAIN! Pastor Dan Gayman once asked:  Did the Constitution fail us or did we fail the Constitution?  This message discusses the events of the Boston Tea Party and the subsequent actions of King George and the British Parliament to lie about and criminalize dissenters and compares that to what is happening to America today under the Biden regime.

Part 8:  ENEMIES AGAIN! PART 2 As secessions of the confederate states multiplied around the Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the Congress of the Republic lost its quorum and the Republic ceased to function!

Grafted into Israel?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 21, 2021

Scripture Reading Romans 11:17, 18:

17) “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakes of the root and fatness of the olive tree:

18) Boast not against the branches.  But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.”

These two verses are a portion of the mystery of God that is mentioned, seven verses later, that pertains to the grafting of the branch of the wild olive tree into the good olive tree:

Romans 11:25“For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles [nations] be come in.”

There are five important questions that need to be answered correctly in order to understand the mystery of the verses in Romans chapter 11. 


by Alan Breitenstein

August 15, 2021

Scripture Reading Isaiah 45:5-9

I have been wondering for some time why there seems to be absolutes only in math and little science. Why 2 people can take the same material and come up with differing opinions. Such as 2 doctors reading the same MRI, CATSCAN, or X-rays and come up with different opinions or why there are differing views as to Scripture verses. What keeps people from seeing the same views? Why do people fall for a fallacy as there being more than 2 genders and  cannot view that all races are not alike? How do we determine who is right and what determines to be right? Why do people hold on to a view or even a tradition that seems to others as being ridiculous or a lie? The Lord God guided me in finding answers to all these questions and more in this search.

I found an article searching for what the minds of the world had to say on the question of where our thoughts come from. 

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 14


Jim Jester

August 8, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 9:1-16

“Psalm 9 and 10 are really one Psalm. In several ancient manuscripts and versions, they appear as a single composition. The acrostic structure, though incomplete, points to the same fact. Here we have a mixture of literary types: hymn, thanksgiving, and lament, dealing with both national and domestic [individual] enemies.” – Layman’s Bible Commentary, p. 36

This Psalm, that we know as Psalms 9 & 10, goes quite well with Psalm 137, which we are also covering.

1. Thanksgiving (Ps. 9:1-4)

2. Hymn of Praise (Ps. 9:5-16)

3. Judgment upon the Nations (Ps. 9:17-20)

4. Lament (Ps. 10:1-4)

5. David’s Prayer (Ps. 10:12-18)

Cult of Baal

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 1, 2021

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 2:21-25

What do these verses mean?  What is Jeremiah saying to the kingdom of Judah?  Is it important to know today? 

God often pictures Israel as being planted as a noble vine or a goodly tree; a right seed.  Jeremiah then asks a disturbing question.  How did Israel change from a noble vine into a degenerate plant of a strange [or alien, or foreigner or adulterous] vine? 

Could Jeremiah, if he were alive today, ask the same question?  Is the House of Judah and the House of Israel turned into a degenerate plant of a strange vine or is it still a noble vine?   Is the kingdom likened to a well cultivated vine that has grown into a wild plant?  Is the kingdom likened to a filthy object that no amount of washing with soap can cleanse?  Is the kingdom likened to a woman who has left her husband for other men?  Is the kingdom likened to a person who has lusted after other strange women, like a camel in heat lusts for a mate?  Is the kingdom likened to the eagerness of a thirsty traveler who walks the desert searching for water till the sandals drop off his feet?  Could the same thing be said of the Israelite nations of today?  Are they being turned into a degenerate vine?