Who Was Abraham Enloe?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 7, 2021

Scripture Reading: Obadiah 1:18

Who was Abraham Lincoln’s, father?  Abraham's mother, Nancy Hanks, came to North Carolina as a young girl with her mother and sister from Virginia.  They lived in Bostic, North Carolina near Puzzle Creek.  When financial problems plagued the family, Nancy’s mother bound her out as a servant to Abraham Enloe’s family. Abraham Enloe was a well-known figure in the community.  The master of the house took “advantage” of his servant girl and she became pregnant.

R U Woke? Part 2


Sermon notes by Jim Jester

October 31, 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:17-20

Biden has said, “The greatest threat to America is White Supremacy.” No, the greatest threat is Democrats in control of the nation. Their voting policies imply that black people are “dumb” and white people are “racist.” Many political and religious leaders consider racism and white supremacy “unforgivable sins.” They are considered “woke” (their slang term meaning “awake to racial problems”). Are you woke? Christian Identity is already “woke,” i.e., awake to the racial context of the Bible. We challenge all judeo-Christians, and the public in general, to accept the reality of God’s Word on this subject.

Does the Bible have anything to say about “wokism” or “Critical Race Theory?” Well, it has much to say concerning critical race facts (and that is the purpose of this series). Those who are promoting CRT are the usual suspects, i.e., those of the satanic seed-line. Their purpose is a purely political agenda; not that they care about the plight of other races. Their religion is Covid, and their “vaccine” is the sacrament of induction to their cult.

The History of We the People - Part 3


By Walter Giddings

October 24, 2021

Is the Framework of Our Nation a Covenant?

We meet to share Resources in order to change what will happen tomorrow.  Our desire to change what will happen tomorrow is the basis of our Unity.  In our previous lesson, The Birth of America, we asked a question:  How do we know what will work, and what will not work?  Answer? 

History!  History prevents We the People from making the same mistakes twice!  Are we witnessing repeated attempts to corrupt the history of We the People? Are corruptions intended to prevent our knowing what works and what does not work?  Do repeated attempts to corrupt History have “in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States”?

Racial Reconcialition in America

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 17, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 92:9

When Apartheid ended, it was decided to keep December 16th as a public holiday, but to infuse it with the purpose of fostering reconciliation and national unity.  It was established by the government in 1994.  Communist Nelson Mandela was part of the group of politicians that helped start the idea for the holiday. On December 16, 1995, the first celebration took place. The first meeting of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission also took place on December 16, 1995. In an address in 1995, Communist Archbishop Desmond Tutu described the holiday as serving the need of healing the wounds of Apartheid.

In America, the plot was harder to execute.

Faith as a Mustard Seed - Part 1

by Alan Breitenstein

October 10, 2021

Scripture Reading: Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6

In the last message titled Painting, the Holy Spirit led me to explain what our thoughts should be on and that we should include God in all that we do.  The Holy Spirit had me point out a couple of passages for this message.

Do we have faith the size of a mustard seed? Have we moved mountains?  This message is going to attempt to explain what mountain represents and sycamine tree represents and whether or not we are using our ability to have faith the size of a mustard seed.

R U Woke?

by Pastor Jim Jester

A series of expositional sermons on race from the Old Testament. The purpose is to challenge judeo-Christians to be racially aware.  Sermons from the book of Genesis will be in a number of parts.

Key Biblical References: A survey and sampling of the “R U Woke?" sermon series. This list is not comprehensive; only one reference per book in the Old Testament.

Supplemental Reading:  Children of God  A follow-up from the R U Woke series to identify the phrases the “sons of God” and “sons of men.”

Part 1The First Two Chapters in Genesis  In  this first part of the series: Critical Race Theory, Trinity, Gap Theory, the Second Account  Theory (the insertion of Adam) and other kinds of men. This is foundational to racial awareness in the Bible.

Part 2: Chapter Three of Genesis  This continues the study from Genesis, which introduces the insertion of Satan into the Garden of Eden.

Part 3Chapter Four of Genesis  A continuing expositional study of Genesis. Quote on idioms by Finck.

Part 4:  Chapters 5-9 of Genesis  This section of Genesis will be a “walk-thru” rather than a verse by verse exposition of the text. First mention of Covenant. “Curse of Ham” theory. Today’s news fits in with our racial study of Genesis.

Part 5:  Chapter 12 of Genesis  A review of the curse of Ham theory, thus setting the stage for this section of Genesis. The Abrahamic Covenant. Arranged marriages. Ruling with God. Israel’s enemies.

Part 6Chapter 34 of Genesis  Sometimes God uses the wrath of man to punish the wicked, such as with Dinah; and at other times, He steps in himself, as in the destruction of Sodom.

Part 7Chapter 38 of Genesis  Translation problems and missing information. Judah marries a Canaanite. Judah’s daughter-in-law, Tamar is left to fend for herself. In desperation, she uses her beauty to conceive progeny. History regarding Pharez and Zarah. Lessons of Judah’s history.

Part 8Exodus  The Israelites meet “Yahweh” the mighty warrior. The corporate nation. Division of race and the kingdom of God. The marriage covenant. A challenge to apostate churches.

Part 9:  Numbers  An observation from a Bishop. Nephilim, giants and strangers. Race mixing at Peor. Revenge of the Almighty. The kingdom is sure. Doctrine of Balaam.

Part 10:  Deuteronomy  My comments on the shootings. Historical news on the last Russian Tsar. Should we let the enemy have it all? An examination of the racial context of Deuteronomy.

Part 11:  Racial Context of Joshua / Judges  About Kaliningrad. Joshua’s address. The recurring cycles of history in Judges.

Part 12:  Ruth  The main lesson taught from the book of Ruth is that Jesus Christ is our “kinsman redeemer.” This book proves that Jesus Christ did not die for the whole world. Ruth, a non-Israelite  nationally, proved her Adamic racial heritage and spiritual capacity by the  choice she made, which landed her a position within the royal line of king  David.

Part 13:  Samuel / Kings  Whites are to rule, therefore our enemy wants to kill us. Other races may learn about the kingdom, and even worship the God of Israel, but they will not have the rulership.

Part 14I & II Chronicles Study of the Monarchy. The doctrine of repentance. Arrogance of the U.S.

Part 15:  Ezra - Nehemiah  Period of the Captivities. The corruption of people and languages.

Part 16: Esther The unusual book of Esther. What about Purim? Luther and the jews. What jews admit about judaism. Historical record of the Inter-testamental Period.

Part 17:  Isaiah News article on Russia. Exposition of Isaiah chapter 6. Does Isaiah have a prophecy for America? Series update: it has been a year since I started this study through the Bible on race.

Part 18:  The Psalms  An overview of the book of Psalms on the race issue, or different kinds of men. Comparing the righteous and the wicked — the sons of God and the sons of men.

Part 19The Song of Solomon  This sermon covers Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes regarding their racial intimations. The difference between sons of men and sons of God.

Part 20:  Jeremiah/Lamentations Racially relevant Scriptures from Jeremiah; bad figs. The throne of Britain.

Part 21:  Ezekiel  The personification of Jerusalem and its comparison to America. News items: Amnesty for Illegals & The Satanic Temple. The parable of Dry Bones and its spiritual application.

Part 22:  Daniel  The Chaldeans recognize the race issue. Two kingdoms. The handwriting on the wall. A short article from the League of the South.

Part 23:  A brief look at the racial context of the 12 minor prophets. This completes the series.

R U Woke? Part 1

The First Two Chapters in Genesis

Sermon notes by Jim Jester

October 3, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 8:1-6


Genesis is a book of beginnings. Its title comes from the Greek word meaning “origins,” “birth,” or “existence.” We should note that if you drop the last letters “sis” you have the word “gene” or “genes” (if you drop “is”). Surely, everyone recognizes this word.

Genesis, the first book found in the Bible, is key to everything else contained in the Bible. All Christians regardless of their theological persuasion or personal beliefs should remember this principle. Not to understand this key book is to misunderstand the intent and meaning of the whole Bible.

The Book of Genesis is highly symbolic; therefore, the subject of creation should not be approached from a scientific perspective. We should not read these chapters as chronological, astronomical, geological, or biological statements, but as spiritual, moral, or racial concepts. The Book therefore, is the account of God’s Covenant Creation for it begins a new era with Adam’s insertion into a world of chaos.

Will You Run with the Horses?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 2, 2021

During this time there was a terrific revival of religion.  The reform that the ruler of the land launched cleaned up the country and made the truth of God known and the worship of God popular.  Who could fail to be pleased that the Scripture was once again known and preached?

The most popular preacher of this time was a man of prominence.  When you saw him at the head of the flourishing religious establishment, you could not help feeling better.  His enthusiasms were electric.  When he stretched out his arm in blessing, everyone, from the least to the greatest, knew that they were included.  Everyone loved to hear him preach.  He was positive, affirmative, and confident.  He had the ability to draw out the best from everything.  He was able to search the Scriptures and find texts that made the darkest days bright.  But his messages were far from being accurate.

Hero or Villain or Both?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 1, 2021

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:7

When God’s people failed to follow the laws of their God, God raised up a couple of the countries nearby to invade the land and take the people of Israel into exile.  First, the Syrians took the Israelite tribes east of the Jordan River and then the Assyrians invaded the rest of the House of Israel and the House of Judah and then later the nation of Babylon invaded Jerusalem and took the remaining captives of the House of Judah to Babylon.  Before the exile, false prophets had claimed that what Jeremiah prophesied was untrue and that the exile would only last for two years.  Jeremiah warned that the exile would last for 68 more years. 

“Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children. Then find spouses for your children so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! And work for the peace and prosperity of Babylon where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:5-7 NLT).

This sermon will begin with a short question: Who wrote the two paragraphs, which contained the above verse (Jeremiah 29:7), which will be given shortly in this sermon, which was taken from the author’s small booklet?  Everyone here will recognize the author’s name when it is given.  Was he a preacher, a teacher or just an ordinary believer?  Maybe he wasn’t a Christian at all.  Maybe he was an atheist or an agnostic or a skinhead.  Some say that he was a hero; many say that he was a villain.  Some say that he was both.