The End of the Age
by Bill Perry
December 8, 2024
Scripture Reading from The Apocrypha: 2 Esdras 6:7-9
We are in this world (society), but we are not of this world (Society).
We, the White family of the world, the children of our Father God Yahweh, were not created for this social system, of which we have been unwittingly seduced into accepting. This is not our society. This is not our world. We do not belong in this existence, which we have blindly and ignorantly come to consider; 'The World', 'This Society', or 'This Social System'. By the prepositions of 'The', 'This' or any other similar words, we are mentally conditioned to believe we are in this physical position and subject to this current system of social control. Such are the results of our separation from Yahweh and his divorce of us. We walked in sinful heathenism from the 8th century B.C. until Christendom completely engulfed our European nations near 1200 AD. That is when all of Scandinavia finally accepted the Truth and became Christian. All the White Nations became followers of Christ: “Christians”