
by Walter Giddings

Part 1:  Is the God of Israel the ultimate Covenant keeper?! Has He ever failed to keep His Covenant with American Israel? Did God fail to keep His Covenant with The Pilgrims of Plymouth Plantation, when they turned to Him?

Part 2: Does the God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel ever fail to keep His covenant with the seed of our Fathers? The answer is No. So, God is not the failure in Covenant keeping.

Part 3:  Is it true that those who hate the truth call the truth hate? How did the eldership of the Pilgrims prepare part of their body to plant a congregation in New England?

Part 4:  We speak of the Covenant breakers because their existence illustrates half the cycle of apostasy and repentance. Can repentance occur minus a return to "the everlasting covenant"? When we abandon the meetinghouse, do we, by definition, become covenant breakers?

Part 5:  Are our families, friends, and neighbors our second greatest enemy? Are family and friends our first mission field? Are family and friends the first to persecute us?