June 2024

Gideon's Son


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 30, 2024

Scripture Reading: Judges 8:34

God told Gideon to send home 22,000 men from his army of 32,000 (Judges 7:1-3). And if reducing Gideon's army by two-thirds was not enough, our King then reduced the army further. He took it down to 300 men. From 32,000 to 300!  That is more than a 99% decrease!

The rest of Judges, chapter seven, details how Gideon’s army defeated the Midianites. First, Gideon received confirmation that Israel would be victorious. Then, his 300 soldiers went up against Midian with torches and empty jars, not with ordinary weapons. They broke the jars and held aloft the torches when Gideon blew the trumpet, creating such a confusion that the Midianites fought against one another. God delivered Midian into the hands of Israel, yet Israel won not because of its superior battle prowess but because the LORD made the Midianites use their swords against their own comrades—they killed themselves. Salvation of Israel from its enemies is of the LORD alone.

Is Genocide the Final Solution?

By Pastor Dan Gayman

According to pop culture and everything we read and hear today, everyone is born a racist. Racism has been systemic in America since our beginning. Columbus and the Pilgrims were White, as were the Puritans and even the successive waves of immigrants from Europe and Scandinavia. Each of these White ethnic groups brought with them their White superiority, or a least so says the new wave of Communists grasping for power in the Untied States today.

The Far Left in the United States insists that systemic racism can be remedied only by removing our “Whiteness.” America has been racist since its origins and is embedded in every aspect of our culture and in every institution. Racism, they say, is even engrained into our DNA. Consequently, Whites can fit into the new America (born this past January, 2021) by pledging to give entirely their Whiteness. What in the world does this entail? 

Thomas Massie Said What?

Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, one of the few Republicans who has been openly critical of AIPAC, has said that every Republican in Congress has an AIPAC babysitter. The congressman spoke with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for an episode of his podcast earlier this month, when he made the statement about the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has been coming under increasing scrutiny for its influence over United States elections.