A couple of Friday nights ago (11/10/2023), I turned on the television to watch the game-show network and the show “Split-Second” was on.It was in the middle of the game, and the first question that was asked was the following. It was asked to the three contestants. Who is the father of the following people?
Shem, Ham, Japheth
Cain and Abel
The three contestants only answered one of the questions. One contestant answered that Abraham was the father of Isaac. That was the correct answer, but the game show then supplied the answers to the other two questions that were not answered. The answers they gave to the two remaining questions were that Noah was the father of Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Adam was the father of Cain and Abel.
I thought to myself, how would I have answered that question, “Who was the father of Cain and Abel?”
Very few people outside of Australia; and mostly only the older generation within, know that the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, had every intention of leaving the people of this land to the “tender mercies” of the barbaric Japanese Military in World War II.