Five Kernals of Corn

By Norma Q. Hare

Of The General Society of Mayflower Descendants

It was a good, gray day on November 15, 1620.  The “Mayflower” rode at anchor near the shore, while a group of eager men set sail out in a small boat to explore the desolate, barren land in which they’d come.  One of the first things they discovered near the beach was a deserted cornfield where the dry, broken stalks rustled in the sharp wind.   Nearby they saw several strange mounds.  Upon digging into one, they were amazed to find odd-looking yellow, red and blue Indian corn.  They took some with them to use for seed when they planted their crops in the spring.  They couldn’t know then how important that corn would prove to be in the colony’s future.

R U Woke? Part 17


by Jim Jester

November 13, 2022



My comment: have you noticed that everything in America that is righteous is being abolished? America has forgotten her father, Abraham. This is a key Scripture regarding race.

It is generally understood that the ten tribes of Israel entered Assyrian captivity in various stages, culminating in a three-year siege (began 723 BC) with the capital city of Samaria and its fall in 720 BC. Likewise, that Judah’s Babylonian captivity was completed by 585 BC. The prophecies of the prophets came in Israel’s history. The prophets did not always predict the future; in fact they seldom did. But the prophet was a spokesperson for God (a preacher). The writings of the prophets were directed to God’s people during one of the lowest spiritual and moral times of their history.

And so it is today with America and the west.