Exclusiveness Part 5

Most Christians believe what the Muslims and Jews say that all humans come from Adam and Eve.  They all conclude that there is only one race and interracial marriage should not be forbidden. Why do Christian Identity students disagree with this belief?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 31, 2016

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28

The Democratic National Convention started on Monday. What a day that was. It should be called the Anti-Christ National Convention or the Jewish National Convention.

  • Monday was Jewish day. The big speaker was first lady, Michelle Obama.
  • Tuesday was family and friends day. The big speaker was husband, Bill.
  • Wednesday was black support day. The big speaker was President Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro.
  • Thursday was Hillary day. The big speaker was herself.

Jews were very prominent at the Convention. Look at what happened on Monday: