January 2010

Deception on Identifying Israel, Part Two

By Jim Jester

Complete series available in book format:  Will the Real Israel Please Stand Up?

In Part 1 of this series I proved who the imposters were who claimed to be Israel from their own words and the Bible. I now want to set them aside and give you more history of the real Israel (not the counterfeit one or the “spiritual” one). My source for the historical information is “The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Found” by Steven M. Collins, 1995; now out of print. He stressed the importance of this subject in the Introduction to his book.

Since the Bible is adamant that the ten tribes of Israel would survive, be multiplied, and be identifiable nations in the latter days, those Christians who assert that the ten tribes of Israel “died out” or “cannot be located in the modern world” unwittingly call God a liar.

How to Detect a False Church

By Jim Jester

1.  First of all, if a so-called Church organization is a 501 c 3, tax exempt corporation, it is not a true church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a part of the State Church and is a corporation only, and comes under the authority of the State, not Jesus Christ. Write it off as unworthy of your support and continue in your search.