The Destructive Spirit of a Hypocrite

by Pastor Brian Jones

March 31, 2013

Pastor Brian gives us a good synopsis of the symptoms that cause our nation to suffer and some biblical solutions to correct it.

Available in audio only.  Scriptures discussed: 

  • Matthew 23:13-17  ... Jesus speaks to hypocrites.  Hypocrites destroy neighbors
  • Matthew 6:24 ... No man can serve 2 masters.  The message in a church is more important than money
  • Matthew 23:25, 29 ... Christ denounces hypocrites
  • Matthew 24 ... Don't let man deceive you!  Judeo-Christians are deceived.  They will hate you and kill you
  • Luke 6:32-33 ... We need to understand why they hate us
  • Matthew 23:34 ... Prophets and wisemen will be killed
  • Job 20:5 ... God will humble hypocrites
  • I Corinthians 5:6 ... a little leaven will leaveneth the whole loaf
  • II Cor 3:6 ... Keep the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law
  • Romans 16:17 ... We're not to cause divisions
  • II Thessolonians 2:10 ... You must embrace the truth and change
  • Hebrews 8:18 ... It is impossible for God to lie.  If you disobey, He will punish; if you obey, He will bless you
  • II Thessolonians 2:15-16 ... There is hope!  We have grace with God!
  • Matthew 5:23-24 ... If you have anything against a brother, resolve it before communion
  • Matthew 26:26-29 ... Communion.  We'll have communion with Jesus in the Kingdom
  • Ephesians 5: 1-11 ... Have childlike faith.  Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness