The Energy of Error

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 22, 2013

Scripture Reading: II Thes. 2:10-12

From the KJV we read about “strong delusion” and that was my original title for this message.  However, upon reviewing other translations, instead of the word ‘delusion’ was the word ‘error.’  The Ferrar Fenton read “the energy of error”; the Christogenea NT read, “an operation of error” and still others said, “a working of error,” “a deluding influence,” and “a misleading influence.”  I wondered how could there be such a disparity of terms and what are these verses really talking about.  It obviously has something to do with the contest between truth and lies.  Common sense here tells us that the best safeguard against error or more poignantly the delusion (the mental condition in which you believe something that is not true) is “the love of the truth.” 

Hero or Villain?

Pastor Don Elmore

December 15, 2013

Scripture Reading: Joshua 9:3-15

The ancient jews of this story in Joshua 9 tells of how they deceived our forefathers as they were fighting the war over the land of Palestine.  Our God had instructed Israel A rendering of an archetype of a villain as a late 19th-century jewish kill every father, mother and child in the area; to make no covenant with any of the people.  But when the Gibeonites [close-by tribe] heard of what Israel’s God had done for them, they decided that they would disguise themselves  as being a people from a far-away land who had come to serve Israel.  The jews deceived Israel and got them to make a covenant with them. This action saved the lives of the Gibeonites but brought much difficulties to the Israelites.

How many people do you know that don’t like what President Obama/Sorento has done?  How about Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?  How about Vernon Jordan, or….how about Nelson Mandela?  They all support or supported Communist’s ideals and strategies.  What’s up?

Nelson Mandela had something in common with Martin Luther King, Jr.  To the Israeli he was a hero and is called a “mensch” or “great man” because he helped to overthrow “racism.”  The leaders of Israeli lauded Mandela while overseeing the deportation and imprisonment of Israeli black immigrants, saying Mandela “led the fight against racism.”

The Adoption of Adaption

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 8, 2013

Scripture Reading:  Romans 9:3-5

Christianity today is plagued with tens of thousands of denominations, because Christians have lost the meaning of biblical adoption and have adapted to other religions of the world.  Apostasy means a ‘falling away’ and abandoning previously held beliefs.  Nothing could be more reinventing than the hyphenated “judeo-Christianity” and cause for another writ of divorcement from God.  At one time, blacks and other dark people knew their place in White society; and White Christian Americans understood their place in God’s scheme of things; His law and order for a civilized society.  They were the ‘heirs of the promise’ with a divine destiny.

Ron Albers

by Pastor Don Elmore

Funeral Service of Ron Albers

November 15, 2013

Ron Albers was a friend of mine; a very good friend.  I loved him and I love his family; his wife, Joyce, and his 8 sons and daughters.  We bought beef from him on a regular basis.  The last time Ron and Joyce brought the beef down it was in the back part of their van; Ron helped unload the beef and we distributed it to our members from our garage.  Then we went to church.

I can tell you about Ron by what we believed.  We talked about what we studied and learned.  There are very, very few men who understood the Bible as well as he did.  The sacrifices that he and Joyce made for their beliefs will remain with me for the rest of my life. 

Ron and I  both had the same father.  It goes back a long way; but we both had Jacob/Israel, Isaac and Abraham as our fathers.  Abraham was God’s friend.  He cut in half a heifer, a she-goat and a ram, all three years old, along with a pigeon and a turtledove and made a path-way that Almighty God Himself, walked through by Himself.  Abraham was in “a deep sleep” when God cut the covenant.  So, it was an unconditional, everlasting covenant that God made with Abraham.

God Bless America?

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14

The Biggest Error of the Protestant Reformers

By Jim Jester

Sometimes I get into conversation with well-meaning people concerned about the dreadful condition of the church and our country. I may say things like, “God is a God of judgment” or, “Jesus did not die for everybody” or, “God hates certain things, or even certain people.” Some will come back with a Bible verse taken out of context and say, “Don’t be so negative” or, “You are so divisive” or, “We are not to judge.” This was the case recently with a Sunday school teacher; so, I wrote back:

Electricity does not flow unless there is a negative and a positive. We need both; so I will be positive now. As a young Christian I was Arminian in my theological persuasion, I rejected all five points of Calvin (T.U.L.I.P.). But as time went on I became more of a Calvinist than an Arminian because God is sovereign – He chooses, not us. We only choose to serve Him. We cannot have it both ways, as I once believed, that God was for me and I chose to accept Jesus; therefore His vote and my vote made a majority.

I had always wanted unity in the church, but this conflict in doctrine has been struggled over by greater minds than mine. Men like Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and Arminius were not able to unite the Christian world. Since Luther posted his Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church, the debate has continued for centuries. I knew that according to Genesis 3:15 there would always be conflict in the world, but why not have unity and peace in the church?

Come Out of Her, My People

by Pastor Mark Downey

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18:4

This is perhaps one of the most profound utterances in John's Revelation. It contains the racial message of Christian Identity that the White race i.e. Israel is God's people. We always have been and always will be His people. But, we are commanded to come out of her, which is alluding to Mystery Babylon in chapters 17 and 18. Mystery Babylon represents the culmination of filthy state sanctioned religious, political and economic systems of death.

What is it that we should come out of? To the Christian Identity community it is removing oneself from the traditions of man which manifests itself in jewish fables found in the catholic church and subsequent judaized churches. It's the doctrines of little men inculcating fear of non-existent gods and deities in the minds of the children of God (violating the first commandment i.e. Exodus 20:3) and making His people think that they must kill those who disagree with them (violating the sixth commandment i.e. Exodus 20:13), thinking self-righteously that they doeth service to God (John 16:2).

Sandy Hook Unity: The Plot Thickens

by Pastor Don Elmore

December 1, 2013

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 20:1-3

Sandy Hook is nothing more than a big….no not a big, but a massive hoax—a false flag.  Just like all the others:  Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; The Lusitania; 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon; Aurora Movie Theater shooting; Boston Marathon bombing; JFK assassination; Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting….it doesn’t hold up when you investigate it.

Miracles of Plymouth

by Pastor Don Elmore

November 17, 2013

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 41:8-10

It was over twenty years ago while I was teaching high school math; when one of my math students asked me a question.  It was during lunch time and we were both in my math room munching on the lunch they we brought from home.  She asked:  “Have you read Peter Marshall’s book, “The Light and the Glory.” I knew a Peter and Catherine Marshall; Peter was the Senate Chaplain and his wife was a best-selling author.  But this was co-authored by their son.  I answered, “No.  I was not aware of the book.  What is it about?”  She answered:  “Well, we are using this book in Sunday School class.  It tells about the Pilgrims and how God performed all the miracles for them.”

That piqued my interest.  I hadn’t heard of “all these miracles” that God performed for the Pilgrims in the early days of our nation.  So, after I went home I bought the book.  I read it and was fascinated. 

That fall we had our Thanksgiving meal at our house.  I mean the church’s first Thanksgiving meal; which is, of course, around two weeks before the real Thanksgiving Day celebrated by our nation.  We started celebrating it because why noted a lack of the correct motives in celebrating it with family and friends.  It wasn’t supposed to be a social event and a sports day, but a religious service.  God was to be thanked for His kindness and goodness towards us in giving us a good harvest.

Pastors Facing Government Sanctions

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14