White Genocide

by Pastor Mark Downey

Genocide is a contrived jewish word concocted for the purpose of generating sympathy for a fictional holocaust.  The same kind of psychology of victimhood is being poised against the rank and file of White Nationalism, undermining the warrior spirit of our race.

Part 1: 'The Ultimate Curse':  The cultural intricacies involved in racial warfare contrasting secular humanism to Christian Identity and showing how reverse psychology causes our race to behave in such a way that brings God's judgment against us, the ultimate curse.

Part 2: "No Silver Bullet":  The greatest enemy bringing us to the edge of extinction is not what you might think.  The truth is that the greatest threat to our survival is a self inflicted Suicide of Israelite Nations.

Christian Identity: What Is It?

by Pastor Mark Downey

"For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth."Deuteronomy 7:6

As the word identity implies, it is the condition of being the same as something described or asserted. Christian Identity establishes who the true Israel is today according to the Holy Bible and world history. There is more than adequate and convincing proof that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples are the racial descendents of the tribes of Israel.

It becomes readily apparent that there has been a case of mistaken identity when associating Jews with the claim of being the "chosen people". The Jew has an identity, but it is that of a thief who has stolen the history and nomenclature of the really true Hebrews and Semites. For the sake of understanding it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the terms Israel, Judah and Jewry, because of the careless, thoughtless and often purposely deceptive usage by both religious and political leaders.

The time has come when the hidden Israel nation is being revealed to those having eyes to see and ears to hear. It is being positively identified. Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days and that is the White Race.

Where Have the Mainstream Denominations Gone?

by Pastor Don Elmore

Have you noticed what the names of the new churches that have sprung up in our midst in the last 20 years?  Vineyard, Cornerstone, Crossroads, Crystal Cathedral, Community Church etc.  There is no mention of Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Puritan, Congregational, Church of Christ, or other Protestant churches.  What has happened? 

The Protestant nation is over.  The new congregations are following the handbook of establishing churches (?) that have no affiliation with the old Protestant faith.  It used to be that when you were a Lutheran, that you believed the teachings of Martin Luther.  Martin taught the predestination of God.  But most Lutherans no longer teach this doctrine as well as others that they once believed.

The same is true with the Presbyterian Church, Baptist, and a whole host of other Protestant churches.  They no longer teach what their older churches taught.  They erred greatly when they bought into the lie of signing up for the 501c3.

Women On $20

Sermon Notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 19, 2015

Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:1-6

It was almost 100 years ago, in the year 1920 that women got the right to vote in the United States.  To celebrate this “wonderful achievement” a group of feminists are advocating that it is time to put a woman on the $20 dollar bill.  They are advocating the $20 bill because of the year 2020.  They want a women to be on the twenty dollar bill in the year 2020. 

It's Dangerous to be Right Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

April 12, 2015

Scripture Reading: Matthew  13:18-23

The parable of the sower is our text for the last part of this series, which points to the vivid contrast between the plethora of grain lost and the glory of the seed found during the great harvest.  For the last 20 centuries Christian men and women have been inspired by God to proclaim the Kingdom.  Throughout this age of the Christian church, which is coming to an end because of the Kingdom Age replacing it, dangerous believers have spoken what God gave them to speak, always in line with the Word, challenging comfortable definitions of who or what is acceptable, defining biblically who can lead and who should shut up.  Jesus Himself was a threat to the established authorities because He dared to do things on the Sabbath, breaking down the law set in concrete, but in reality had become the traditions of man, practiced by Pharisaical insiders to the detriment unclean outsiders, Israelites.  Christ broke down that “wall of partition” (Eph. 2:14) between the old order of Levitical priests, which became corrupt, and the new order of Melchisedec; simply put, all of Israel were now the temple of God in their bodies (the body of Christ) and the Holy of Holies was the head (brain) of the church, Jesus Christ.   We would take on the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16).  The Word of God has been proclaimed to the world and simultaneously the wicked jews and their bribed pulpit prostitutes have snatched away that which was sown in the hearts of our race i.e. the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:10).  The harvest is the end of the age (Mt. 13:39), when it will no longer be dangerous to be right.  The racial message of Christian Identity shall prevail. 

It's Dangerous to be Right Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 22, 2015

Scripture Reading:  Mt. 6:30-34

The psychology of identity denial is a preemption to Holocaust denial for those who deny Christ.  In other words, it never ceases to amaze me how far the enemy can push the envelope, to expand upon the insignificance of trivia, in lieu of the most important truths to turn this world around.  It is not only the polar opposites of racial integrity vs. mongrelization, but a juxtaposition of priorities.  What did Jesus say the priority was?  What is the first thing we should seek?  Is it the proper spelling and pronunciation of a smorgasbord of sacred names?  Is it deciding who or what is ultimately culpable for individual and national sins?  Is it how wet or dry we baptize?  Do any of these things have anything to do with our following Jesus' commands that will establish whether or not we are a Christian and whether it is possible or impossible for the Christian who obeys the command to save their nation?  Jesus said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness” Mt. 6:33.  What exactly is the Kingdom?  It is basically four things: people, land, laws and a king.  One thing we know for sure is that “The Kingdom from Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force” Mt. 11:12.  I mention the Holocaust, because of the enormity of its propaganda and the influence it's had upon winning the hearts and minds of people.  When in fact, it is the greatest hoax of the 20th century compared to the very real slaughter of ten times the “6 million” and the astounding thing about it is that the perpetrators were jewish and the victims were White Christians.  I speak, of course, of the Bolshevik red terror upon Russia.  Let me quote the celebrated Pulitzer recipient and Russian dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks.  But, without Jews there never would have been Bolshevism.  For a Jew nothing is more insulting that the truth.  The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered 66 million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”  

Another Isaac

by Pastor Don Elmore

March 29, 2015

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:1-4


Sometimes I go back and look at the old New Covenant Messengers and read articles that were written years ago.  I did so last Saturday morning and immediately found three articles.  I turned right to them.  It was three articles written by our own Dan and Cory.  It is in NCM #26.

The third article, written by Cory, was very interesting.  It told of the origin of Valentine’s Day.  Valentine was the Roman Catholic priest who defied the Emperor’s order to ban marriages; and as a result married many couples.  The Roman Catholic Church merged the worship of Lupercalia and the death of the priest Valentine.  Lupercalia was the she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus when they were orphaned.  The two boys grew up and are credited with the founding of Rome.

In her second article, Cory said the following about why they were home schooling:

“As I said, that was seven or eight years ago and now our oldest [Hannah] is doing sixth and seventh grade work, our second daughter [Katie] is in third grade, our third daughter [Rebecca] is in second grade and we’re going to be starting kindergarten with our fourth daughter [Emily] in the fall  Not to leave any one out, God has also given us a son [Abel] who will be two this month.”

That means that the NCM that I was reading was about 18 years old!  My, how time flies.

But the first article that I saw was the article written by Dan titled:  “Listen!  When A Dumb Man Speaks.”  It was an article that dealt with a favorite portion of scripture for Dan:  Luke, Chapter One.  I thought, “What a fine article.  It needs to be done again so our people don’t forget what happened.”

The Addressee

Do you know who Luke wrote the book of Luke to; and not just this book but his next:  the book of Acts?  Theophilus.  Who was he?  All we know for sure is that he was a man “instructed” in the life of Christ.   That is all.

I liked how Dan started out his article:  “Several times in the Bible, God used strange or unusual events to precede the delivery of an important truth or prophecy.”  Dan gave examples of what happened in several Bible stories:  the talking mule; the hungry lions that did not eat Daniel; and the fish that swallowed Jonah.  These events certainly set the stage for what was coming.  But what Dan was alleging was the strange or unusual event that preceded the birth of our Savior.  It was the birth of another Isaac!

It's Dangerous to be Right Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 8, 2015

Scripure Reading: Daniel 4:28-33

Last Sunday, after I gave Part 1 and we had our usual questions and comments, Pastor Elmore said, “I think God is making them [meaning the antichrist adversaries] say and do stupid things.”  I got to thinking about how really profound that is, after all, they think of themselves as being smarter than God.  The talmud states, “God must submit to the decisions of a majority vote of the rabbis” - BT Bava Metzia 59b.  In Baba Mezia 59b, a rabbi debates God and wins by trickery; God then admits the rabbi won the debate.  And did you know that God studies the rabbinical sayings of the talmud three times a day?  It says so in their talmud (Avodah Zarah 3B).  With jews being a combination of mongrel blood and professional perjurers (in other words, lie for filthy lucre as a religious practice), is it any wonder that the stupidity they exhibit is above and beyond normal standards of sanity.  They are so damn crazy that some people take them seriously; like they're God's chosen people.  But, from the three witnesses I have cited, jews regard God as some kind of subservient pet that is at their beck and call; God, to the jew, is a dog that responds to the ringing of Pavlov's bell.  But, does our Bible tell us, “God is not mocked”? 

It's Dangerous to be Right Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 1, 2015

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:11-12

If you're an Identity Christian old enough to remember the “right wing extremist” musician Carl Klang, he had a song called, 'It's Dangerous To Be Right, When The Government Is Wrong.”  If you're really old, you probably remember who Carl got his title from; Voltaire is reputed to have said, “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.”  Some versions say “established men.”  Any viewpoint that questions, contradicts or opposes the views maintained and propagated by those who have established themselves as the ruling power are perceived as a threat to their authority and if left unchecked, the prevailing belief of society will replace it with something else.  Sometimes this process takes centuries and other times, the established law and order takes drastic measures to silence the opposition in short order.  Many times it turns into all out war.  In more recent times, armed conflicts are contrived, what is called a false flag operation.  Orwell observed that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”  Those who are so bold to expose corruption, blow the whistle to turn our attention to the evil doers.  History has enough examples of rulers taking extreme measures by killing people with persuasive new ideas or rekindling old ideas that have a ring of goodness to them or just make common sense.  Just ask Galileo.