War on Women

The Wake-up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher
March 5, 2016

War on Women

Putting women into harm’s way is not a victory for women’s rights, but an example of misguided ideology trumping good sense.  America’s leaders are trying to convince us that we cannot win our wars without our wives, mothers, and daughters on the front lines. They see that as a sign of the nation’s progressiveness.  The military is the most respected institution in America. It possesses some of the finest, most dedicated and self-sacrificing individuals the nation has produced. But woe be unto us if we fail to recognize how its effectiveness is being fatally undermined by a failure to beat back the virulent forces of feminization that enfeeble our modern society.

A Judicial Conundrum

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

February 28, 2016

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 8:4-6

Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah, And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord.” 

I mentioned recently, as well as being a common retort, that we live in exciting times (for both fearful and joyful people), but the pendulum also swings, for the rest of humanity, as a time of mediocrity and boredom.  What's the difference between excitement and boredom?  I think it's whether or not people judge things.  In other words, making a decision as to whether something is right or wrong.  Sometimes being a Christian can be extremely difficult.  Being a watchman on the wall can be like bamboo shoots growing through your fingernails.  It is painfully excruciating to watch what is happening to America; a generation without a moral compass.  Ancient Israel had guards who would stand upon the walls of Jerusalem and in the towers and look out upon the land.  What were they looking for?  Enemies!  They were guarding their city against opposing forces, invading aliens.  I've yet to see in the classifieds an ad in the 'employment opportunities' section that said: Need a blind, deaf and mute security guard i.e. sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil.  To hire such people would be counter-productive to say the least.  This is how God evaluated Israel's watchmen in the days of Isaiah the prophet, “Israel's watchmen are blind, all of them, they know nothing; all of them are mute dogs, they cannot bark; they dream, lie down, and love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain. Come, let me get some wine, let's guzzle some beer; and tomorrow will be like today, only far better!" Isaiah 56:10-12.  Do the presumptuous defenders of our faith and people understand what's happening today?  Unfortunately, they do not and we have reached a judicial conundrum.

Queen of Heaven

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 21, 2016

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 7:13-20

Last Sunday I had not even started on my message for this week.  I had one certain topic that I was considering, but when I saw an article in the newspaper, I was interested in what it said.  As I investigated, it got even more intriguing as I had never known about this situation at all.  I had no knowledge of this event that is one of the most celebrated events in the world.  It certainly opened my eyes and I hope that it opens yours if you have never heard about this subject.

As you read Jeremiah 7 you have to ask yourself this question:  What was it that provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger?  What were the descendants of the Kingdom of Judah doing that made Him so mad?  The children of God were worshipping the gods of the Canaanites, in particular the Queen of Heaven.

Who is the Queen of Heaven?  What peoples worshipped this Queen?  And if Israelites were guilty of this sin in their history, are they guilty of this sin today?  Do they worship the Queen of Heaven today?

The Assyrians did, the Babylonians did, the Canaanites did, the Syrians did, the Greeks did, and the Romans did; in fact, most of the world did and does today.  Let’s study some history!

The Christian Identity Vision


William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 2-6-2016 and 2-20-2016

with Bill Finck and Mark Downey

Subject:  The Christian Identity Vision

Pastor Downey joined William Finck for 2 Internet radio programs discussing an important imperative for Christian Identity: which is to maintain the integrity of our primary mission.

We are missionaries to the White race and none other to provide the racial message of the Bible and dispelling the frequently asked question “Can the other races be saved” and “what is their destiny.” Without the vision that God gives our race, we will perish in these last days, if we don't understand that biblical salvation that pertains only to whom Christ came for i.e. the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

These programs will equip the White Christian student of the Word with the proof of who and what will be destroyed. We identify the recipients of Salvation and destruction with a plethora of Scriptures. After listening to these programs, there will be no doubt that we must overcome every aspect of universalism and develop a mature racial consciousness in Christ; lest God, as the last sentence of the Old Testament warns, “come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). Christian Identity is the preservation of the White race through Christ, proclaiming the Good News that the destroyers will be destroyed. But without righteous theological objectives, the status quo will worsen. We present God's plan for His people and victory.

Maturing in Christ

Sermon Notes of Pastor Mark Downey

February 14, 2016

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 5:11-14

The progressive understanding of God's will is learning how to yield ourselves completely to God. Our actions determine our destiny.

Any White person can mature spiritually if they develop practical action steps and everyday habits. As we deal with things in life, we learn to use the Word of God as our standard of measure. As we see the vision of overcoming the adversary, we mature in Christ as we approach a closer proximity to the Kingdom. But we need the glue that connects our people; that bonding agent which is the shining light of glory.

Christianity's Crossroads Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 6, 2016

Scripture Reading: Obadiah 1:14

Today's scripture reading is the only reference to a crossroads that I could find that is located in the Bible.  It tells of the evil that the Edomites did when they cut off the Israelites that had escaped the destruction that they were facing in their captivity.  The Edomties stood in the crossroads and killed the escapees.   

The father of rock ‘n’ roll and king of the Delta Blues, Robert Johnson, met the devil and was able to play incredible new songs instantly without taking the time to write the lyrics or compose any music.The father of rock ‘n’ roll and king of the Delta Blues, Robert Johnson, met the devil who had taken the form of a huge black man at a crossroad. The devil took Johnson’s guitar, tuned it, and proceeded to play before handing the guitar back to Johnson. From that point on, Robert Johnson had mastery of the Blues and the guitar. He was able to play incredible new songs instantly without taking the time to write the lyrics or compose any music.

A memorial to Johnson reads: “Robert Johnson stands at the crossroads of American music, much as a popular folk legend has it, he once stood at a Mississippi crossroads and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for guitar-playing prowess.”

Christianity's Crossroads Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 24, 2016

Scripture Reading: Revelation 18:4

Who is told to “Come out of her” [mystery Babylon]?  It is “My [the God of Israel’s] people.”  There is a warning for the covenant people of God to come out of something that is “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” Revelation 18:2.

It says that “all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication….”  And that “all the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” Revelation 18:3.  So, God’s people can be in something that is world-wide, rich, powerful and wrong.  It is so wrong, that our God warns us “to come out of her.”  If we stay in, then we will partake of her sins and receive her plagues.

Christianity's Crossroads

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1: Is the Roman Catholic Church a true church or is it a false Christian Church?  What about the Protestants?  Have they changed in the last two hundred years?

Part 2: Do you know how Crossroads Church got its beginning about 20 years ago?  It is a fascinating story.  It is one of the fasting growing churches in the world.

Turn Off the Television

The Wake-up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher
January 25, 2016

Television, the Great Life-Waster
Television is one of the greatest life-wasters of the modern age. And, of course, the Internet is running to catch up, and may have caught up. You can be more selective on the Internet, but you can also select worse things with only the Judge of the universe watching. TV still reigns as the great life-waster.