Price Cut

A visual is worth a billion words


A student explains a 100 Million Dollar Budget Cut from the Federal budget.

Trust me, you have to watch this one.  I promise you'll end up smarter in just a minute and thirty-eight seconds.

Recently the President announced (and made a big deal over it) that over the next 90-days he is going to work to cut 100-Million dollars of spending out of the Federal Budget.

A college student explains.  { VERY well done! } Comprehend the reality of a 100 million dollar cut.


By Pastor Don Elmore

February 6, 2011

What man conceived, engineered, and carried out the WORLD’S LARGEST WATERWORKS PROJECT UNTIL THE TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)? I will give the answer later in this message.

Genesis covers 2500 years of history; the next four books; Exodus, Leviticus, Number and Deuteronomy covers 2 generations; one that failed to enter the promised land (except for Caleb and Joshua) and the 2nd generation the one that did enter.

One of the most disturbing differences is the amount of time that Israel spent in the land of Egypt. About 85% of the commentaries on this and articles say that Israel spent at least 400 years in Egypt; but if one carefully counts the years that the Bible says—it is a different number. With the many errors in our Bibles, one has to look beyond just one or a few verses to consider if it is true. Notice the difference between the Septuagint and the Kings James Version of Exodus 12:40.

Galatians 3:17; And this I say, that the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ (the anointed—the covenant people of God), the law, which was FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS AFTER, cannot annul that it should make the promise of no effect.

A Kingdom Commentary on Romans

by Dr. Everett Ramsey

ROMANS 10:5-8


Paul is directly dealing with the problem of the Jew... .only a remnant within the Judahites (house of Judah) were elected and responded to the gospel. Others within the house of Judah and the non-Israelite proselytes they were among simply did not have the faith to believe in Christ, because the Holy Spirit had not planted that faith in their hearts...

The faith is referred to as the law of God written on the heart:…

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my law into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them, And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 10:16-17 — KJV.

When was this law of faith to be written in the heart of the elect?

By What Authority?

By Pastor Mark Downey

February 27, 2011

Back in the 1980’s, every Friday night I would attend a tax protestors meeting in the basement of friends of mine and it got so popular, through word of mouth, that we were getting around 20 or more people at every meeting.  We had wonderful discussions, mapping out strategies to defeat the IRS.  I remember one of the key salvos in letters of response, was the question ‘by what authority’ do they compel Americans to comply with their codes, because there usually wasn’t any.  I learned what ‘colorable law’ meant.  It’s the conduct or action of somebody having governmental authority that is not within the law.  Police issuing traffic tickets are probably the most common example of ‘colorable law’, because we have the right of mobility.  Just because cars were invented, does that mean we gave somebody the authority to punish us for traveling without a permission card (license), that you have to pay for?  People pay taxes to a corporation that has nothing to do with America, land of the free.

House Social Secretary

Jeremy Bernard To Be Named First Male White House Social Secretary

The Huffington Post

First Posted: 02/25/11 01:20 PM Updated: 02/25/11 02:59 PM

Jeremy Bernard, currently the chief of staff to the U.S. Ambassador to France, will be named White House Social Secretary -- the third person to have the job during President Obama's tenure and the very first male to ever hold the position.

The Washington Post reports Bernard and his former partner Rufus Gifford (Bernard is openly gay) were some of the first supporters of Obama in California. Jonathan Capehart writes, "They raised a ton of money for him through their company, B&G Associates. Gifford went on to become finance director of the Democratic National Committee. Bernard was the White House liaison at the National Endowment for the Humanities before dashing off to his Paris post in November."

Bernard was preceded by Desiree Rogers and Julianna Smoot. At the beginning of the month, the New York Times speculated that a man would be next in line for the job, however Bernard wasn't named.

Below is the White House's statement:

Boehner Supports Israel

Republican leader pledges US Israel support

By Jennifer Lipman

February 18, 2011

One of the most powerful members of the Republican opposition has vowed that the United States will stand by Israel.

John Boehner, who became Speaker of the House of Representatives after the Republican Party won a majority at the mid-term elections last November, made the promise during a meeting with the Israeli ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Prophecy
David C. Pack, Publisher/Editor in Chief
The Real Truth Magazine

March 5, 2010

Why are earthquakes and volcanic activity on the rise? The Bible speaks of “earthquakes in various places” at the end of the age. 
Has that time arrived?

Throughout history, God has used earthquakes in many ways for various reasons. The Bible shows that God used earthquakes in history to show His presence, His deliverance, His wrath and His power. God will also use earthquakes yet in the future to announce Christ’s Return, accompany prophetic events, and reshape the earth’s surface.

In Matthew 24, Christ told His disciples of the signs that would precede His Second Coming. In verse 7, He stated, “and there shall be…earthquakes, in diverse places.”

This meant earthquakes would take place in various places—scattered throughout the world—and would increase in frequency as the time of His Return drew near Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:11.

Had earthquakes been as prolific throughout history as they are today, then they would not indicate that the end of the age was near. They are much more common now than at any other time in history.

For 6,000 years, since the Garden of Eden, a rebellious humanity has rejected the Creator’s instructions. He has patiently allowed this for His own great purpose.

However, this is all about to change.

God is about to involve Himself in the affairs of this world in a way that He has never done before. Earthquakes will play a significant role in what is about to occur.

Beware of Wolves, Part 4

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14


  Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher 
February 25, 2011 

Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Part Four

by Robert McCurry

Wolves will not spare the flock

The Apostle Paul said that wolves in sheep's clothing are "grievous wolves." The grievous wolf will always leave a trail of grief, sorrow, and heartache wherever it goes. Paul's description of the wolf "not sparing the flock" is most fitting. Turmoil, strife, and trouble is the wolf's game and he gets increasingly more skilled at causing problems as time goes by. Wolves thrive on troubles and problems; wolves fight over food, they fight their mates, they fight authority. A church wolf is never satisfied in a church that promotes peace and unity. His very nature calls for continual stormy conditions, and he answers the call with pleasure. Church wolves in sheep’s clothing love church business meetings.