It’s Official: The American Church Is Apostate

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

“I’ve [Pastor Chuck Baldwin have] known for many years that the Church in America has fallen to the lowest spiritual state of its entire existence. I’ve tried to warn Christians in both this column and my public speaking to the dismal state of today’s churches. Faithful readers are very much aware of those warnings.

But now, studied research confirms all I have warned about over the past several decades, and it’s actually worse than I thought: The American Church is not just derelict; it is apostate.

FGCP Church Discussion on Communion

Does the Scripture Sanction the Sacraments? by Pastor Jim Jester

April 10, 2022

The question before us as a church is, does the Bible demand that we observe the alleged sacraments of the historic Christian faith?

Holy Communion by Pastor Don Elmore

There are different ways and different formulas that every church uses.  Which one is correct or are several correct?  Which ones are wrong?  They all can’t be correct.  Maybe none are correct. What are we as a covenant church to believe and do?

Scriptural Events After the 1st Resurrection

Presented by Garry Maddux

April 3, 2021

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:3-8

My name is Garry, I am honored to be able to share today. The title of my message is Scriptural Events After the 1st Resurrection. I have enjoyed studying future events in the bible since I was in high school. I believe God has given us special areas to study. Some like bible history, some like current events as related to the Bible, some like mysteries of the bible. My passion is the future prophecy relating to the tribulation and future Kingdom here on the earth. So today, I will share a little about myself,  happenings shortly after the 1st resurrection, and experiences later in the Kingdom. 

Stranger Danger

Notes of Pastor Matthew Dyer

March 27, 2021

Scrripture Reading Genesis 15:13

This is going to be more of a Bible word study than a sermon this morning, but I think the subject matter is very important, because if one reads the Old Testament and doesn’t understand this word we are going to talk about this morning, one can get rather confused, and also see what seem to be contradictions in the scriptures.

The word we are going to look at this morning is going to be the word Stranger, or what has been translated as Stranger in English from the Hebrew in the Old Testament. I think maybe a good title for this message would be Stranger Danger, like the Neighborhood Watch program’s slogan. Because if one does not understand what the Hebrew word is being used when Stranger is translated in to English in the Old Testament, this person is in for some dangerous theological errors.


by Walter Giddings

March 20, 2022

Scripture Reading John 6:55 My flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed.”

How many believe the above quotation is from The Scriptures?  The quotation is from The Scriptures.  It is incomplete.

The first word “for” got left off.  “For” translates the Koine Greek word gar G1063 from the New Testament, a primary particle, assigning a reason. 

How could someone’s flesh being food, and blood being drink, be an assignable reason for anything?!Cannibal is a compound word composed of Cain and Baal.  Does that tell us something? Baal worship?