Recent Articles and Sermons

Pagan Christianity Part 1


by Pastor Mark Downey

June 2, 2013

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:6-11

I received a copy of this book in the mail from our Australian friend, Hank Roelofs of Christian Identity Ministries.  Evidently, it is causing some controversy over there and here as an idea that is either loved or hated; and he had an uncomfortable feeling about it and asked if I would review it.  While the book purports to support 1st century Christianity (and guess what? So do I, but not the way they do), Hank said it seemed to have the odor of rebellion (citing Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Numbers 16, which we will look at later on).  He suspects a rather effective disruption to Christian thought through the wedge of ‘divide and conquer,’ but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.  I think I can point the fickle finger of fate to these authors who have written a book paved with good intentions and where that road leads to. 

The most important thing I could ascertain from this book is that it was void of the same thing it was chastising i.e. the modern church and that is identifying the people for whom the Bible was written and what their responsibilities are. 

Pagan Christianity

by Pastor Mark Downey

This is a review of a book about the pagan influence upon the Christian church. 

Part 1: A so-called organic church movement to destroy conventional church worship and practices is countered by a Christian Identity perspective with historical and biblical facts.

Part 2:  This book review refutes the spiritual anarchy to eliminate church buildings; i.e. the hallowed ground reserved for White-only congregations, sermons and pastors, dress codes.  A commentary of Numbers 16 as it pertains to the authors of 'Pagan Christianity'.

The Grandson of Esau


by Pastor Don Elmore

May 26, 2013

Scripture Reading: Genesis 26:34-35

While reading some of the New Covenant Messengers of the past, I became interested in the bible study notes that were written by my friend, Steve B. of Knoxville, Tennessee.  I used his study, published 15 years ago, for many of the facts brought in this message.

It was a bible study that dealt with Amalek. Who was he?  Genesis, chapter 36 gives us the answer.  This chapter is all about the genealogy of Esau.   It tells of the early family tree of Esau.   Esau had four wives; three of them are mentioned in Genesis 36. 

Esau married at first two Canaanite women (Adah and Aholibamah) and later, after being rebuked by his father and mother, he then married two Ishmaelite women.

Isaac had instructed his twin brother NOT to marry any Canaanite women (Genesis 28:6b).  He then journeyed to Syria to find himself a wife from his mother’s family.  Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father so he went and married a daughter of Ishmael.   

Sandy Hook Hoax

By Pastor Don Elmore

Sandy Hook is like Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, etc. they are all false flag government probes to make the thoughts of Americans to be the same as the pro-government positions on Wars and gun control.  Sandy Hook Elementary School is a hoax.  Like the Solomon Building, #7, that came down in less than 7 seconds; it had to be a demolition; Sandy Hook has had many conflicting stories and outright lies.  The government will never tell the complete whole story; nor will the national and local media.

Virginia Christian Israelite

Virginia Christian Israelite

Each Sunday, our church, The Fellowship of God’s Covenant People, has a time devoted to prayer: individual requests and a special time for anointing by the elders. How long does it last? An indefinite time. Usually it lasts about 15 minutes; but sometimes it may go on for a half an hour. And that is not long in the history of the remnant church. In fact, it is embarrassing short.

Last week, I received the letter below from Larry Ernst, the editor of the Virginia Christian Israelite. I have never met him, but we have corresponded by mail several times. He has even encouraged the publishing of The New Covenant Messenger and sent some offerings from time to time. I consider him my friend.

O Stranger, Where Art Thou? Part 2

