October 2021

R U Woke? Part 2



Sermon notes by Jim Jester

October 31, 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:17-20

Biden has said, “The greatest threat to America is White Supremacy.” No, the greatest threat is Democrats in control of the nation. Their voting policies imply that black people are “dumb” and white people are “racist.” Many political and religious leaders consider racism and white supremacy “unforgivable sins.” They are considered “woke” (their slang term meaning “awake to racial problems”). Are you woke? Christian Identity is already “woke,” i.e., awake to the racial context of the Bible. We challenge all judeo-Christians, and the public in general, to accept the reality of God’s Word on this subject.

Does the Bible have anything to say about “wokism” or “Critical Race Theory?” Well, it has much to say concerning critical race facts (and that is the purpose of this series). Those who are promoting CRT are the usual suspects, i.e., those of the satanic seed-line. Their purpose is a purely political agenda; not that they care about the plight of other races. Their religion is Covid, and their “vaccine” is the sacrament of induction to their cult.