January 2021

Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 2


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 24, 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7


Calvinism, Arminianism or Christian Identity – which one is correct? Or are they all wrong? Calvinism and Arminianism would both deny that a person who was elected by Almighty God could be a Baal worshipper – he would either be a non-elect or an individual who had fallen from grace. The Calvinists would say that the person was a “non-elect”. The Arminian would say that the Israelites didn’t choose God. They both would state that the majority of Israelites in the Old Testament were “unsaved” or “lost”.

Is Martin Luther King Day Christian?

By Jim Jester

The national holiday honoring the civil rights activist, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (not the name at his birth), is a national disgrace. It is the only holiday that bears the name of a man who had nothing to do with the founding of America. This alone could qualify it as a racist holiday. Most Americans will respond that we have Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays honored. But the fact is, these names have been dropped from the calendar in lieu of the generic “Presidents Day.” Those not born in America or immigrants coming in could rightly ask, “Which presidents?” Dead presidents, living presidents, presidents of debating societies? To be fair and equal, MLK Day should actually be called Civil Rights Day. Instead, the Negro, Mr. King, is honored simply because of his race, not because of his character. This is hypocritical, because I recall that he spoke about a person being judged by his character, not by the color of his skin. American’s should ask, is this holiday a Christian observance worthy of honor and was Mr. King a Christian?

It's the Betrayal, Stupid


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

April 23, 2017

Scripure Reading:  Luke 21:15-19

The assassination of the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, and a betrayal by an entrusted friend.Et tu, Brute?” from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Just seconds before the assassination of the Roman emperor and being stabbed to death, Caesar sees one of the young Senators with knife in hand and exclaims “you also?” Imagine the last words out of your mouth is the surprising question to someone you thought was a loyal friend, but instead your executioner. To live by the sword is to die by the sword has become a common refrain for pacifism, but Jesus' admonition to Peter lobbing off the ear of the high priest's SWAT team member was not anti-sword; it was protecting Peter from being arrested himself, even though Peter was just trying to protect his Master. After Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the cops moved in to make the arrest. In hindsight, Peter should have aimed his sword at Judas, but this was a perfect moment of predestination as Jesus told him, “Am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?" John 18:11. The metaphor of a cup often signifies a measure of divine affliction, possibly derived from the custom of some nations putting someone to death with a cup of poison. Jesus had come to die as a sacrifice for sin and betrayal was a necessary ingredient to teach us many lessons which we'll explore today.