October 2010

Morris Seligman Dees

By Pastor Don Elmore

Do you know of a man who has a perverted sexual history, who has been a hater of Christians, who has gotten Christian pastors fired from jobs, who has labeled many Christian churches as being “hate groups” (some who have been listed as being in the wrong city, some who don’t even exist, and many of the people and organizations that he has listed are mislabeled?) Many television and radio stations, as well as newspapers and magazines, just copy their internet version instead of finding out what is the truth. His organization, which he heads, last year put out their hate list to law enforcement and as it was beginning to be enforced, they had to back off, for it was so ludicrous. Here is part of their patriot hit list of forty:

Pumpkin Party


by Pastor Mark Downey

October 28, 2012 Revised

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 5:23-31

From Jer. 5:23 to the end of the chapter we read, "This people has a stubborn and rebellious heart. They do not say in their heart, 'let us now fear the Lord'. For wicked men are found among My people . They spread nets, they lay traps, they catch men… their houses are full of deceit… they have become great and rich. They are fat, they deal in false evidence… Shall I not punish these people? Declares the Lord… there is a shameful and horrible thing in the country! The preachers preach falsehood, and the priests trick with their hands, and My people love to have it so, what can be done viler than that?"

What can be viler than ministers who call themselves Christian, but whom God calls wicked men that spread nets and lay traps to catch men?  It sounds like Jeremiah is describing predators for profit.  It sounds like a church-sponsored Halloween with spider webs and bats.  Or maybe you’ve seen the banner in front of some banks that say ‘Hallo-wee-ones’; wee ones suggesting little children.  Aren’t these preachers and bankers thoughtful?  We’ll see just what they are thinking.